Part 25

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The play was coming to a start as everyone took their seats, clapping their hands to the beat of the music. As I followed along, I had this sudden feeling that my hand felt too empty. Once I got a closer look, I realized the ring on my finger was gone. Did I drop it?

Looking around me, there was no sight of my precious gift, leaving me dumbstruck. I have to retrace my steps.. "I'll be right back" handing Hyerin my food, I left quietly, my eyes glued to the ground.

This is like looking for a needle in a haystack It was so crowded as I kept bumping into people, apologizing along the way. Finding the crafts shop again, I entered in a rush, startling the poor owner who was wiping the furniture.

"May I take a look around sir, I think I might have dropped my ring somewhere"

Nodding, he shooed me off and I looked around, desperately hoping to see it lying around here. "I swear this is why I don't wear jewelry. How can I lose it in just a few days time? Ridiculous.." Scolding myself, I halted to a stop stumbling upon a shiny object sticking out from under the shelf.

Finally... taking it out, I wiped it before wearing it again. "I should consider getting it resized or something.."

"Ahjussi, what happened to the things I ordered from you?" In came a woman as she strided her way over confidently, her face scrunched up in annoyance.

"The ship got delayed for another day so I can't hand out anything until tomorrow." The man dusted his hands off before staring at the woman in front of him. She looked very beautiful with her chestnut colored hair flowing down her back as she put her hands on her hips.

"I guess I have no choice but to come back tomorrow. But I'm moving today so it'll be a headache..." Looking around, she finally realized they weren't alone seeing me crouched up on the floor. Quickly standing up, I gave an awkward smile "I had to find my ring..."

"Oh no worries! I was just a little confused on why you were on the floor like that" she examined me for a quick second before smiling. "I see you're married already, you look quite young. Are you here for the festival today?"

"Yes, but it's a lot more livelier this year." Realizing that I might have been gone for too long, I fastened my steps. "It was a pleasure talking with you, may I ask for your name?" As I walked up to her, I realized our height difference as she was about 2-3 inches taller than me.

"Ah it's Mayumi, what about you?"

"It's Han go-" "Kim Goeun"

A voice startled both of us as I looked at the entrance of the shop. There stood Yohan, as he sighed in relief, catching his breath.

"Maybe I'll see you next time?" The lady nodded her head before going deeper into the store with the owner, probably to look around again. Walking over to Yohan, I showed him my ring proudly. "I finally found my ring, I didn't realize I dropped it a while ago"

"Yohan?" I grew concerned seeing him just standing there with an unreadable expression on his face. His hair looked disheveled as he took deep breaths to calm himself down. "What's wrong? Do you want me to go get water?"

He suddenly cupped my face gently leaving me flustered. His eyes held some sort of hesitation in them but my only focus was on the warmness radiating from his hands. My heart sped up thinking of what he was trying to do in our position right now. K-kiss..?

Closing my eyes in expectation, I waited for something to happen but what I didn't expect was a soft kiss being planted on my forehead. We stayed like that for a bit, not that I minded. I probably looked like a fool just standing there but I just couldn't seem to move my hands or feet at the moment.

"Don't disappear on me like that. You know how much I hate it.." He said it in such a hushed voice, no one else but me would have been able to hear it.

"I won't.....but don't we look so romantic right now?" I also whispered to him with a sly smile and he backed away almost instantly, leaving me sulking.

"Let's um head back now, Your friend was worrying about you being gone for too long" As we walked out into the busy market again, I kept regretting the fact that I ruined our moment with my remark. "Who was the woman you were conversing with back there?"

"She's apparently a customer there, we just introduced ourselves before you came in. Her name is pretty unique, Mayumi"

"That sounds like a Japanese name..." he said with his eyebrows furrowed. now that I think about it, it does.. but she had no problem speaking with me. "Anyways..I have a favor to ask you. Will you be able to get me a gate entry pass to the palace?"

"And what do you want to use it for?" Looking suspiciously at me, he waited for me to continue. "You know.., just in case if I need it" realizing that my reasoning is too weak, I quickly gave up on my request.

"Let's fasten our pace, the play will end soon and your food probably got eaten by your friend already"

"Call me Kim goeun~ again, and I'll walk faster" Teasing him lightly, I laughed out loud as he tugged me forward, ignoring my attempts at embarrassing him.

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