Part 12

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3 months later

3 months passed by and everyone had things to accomplish, whether it was plans on getting married or attending someone's birthday. Everyone was busy, but my time felt like it was slowed down to a stop. Nothing felt exciting anymore, the same routine every single day. I became robotic due to mother's constant nagging and just stayed in my room majority of the time.

The only times I was happy was when Hyerin sent me a letter during her busy schedules. She kept me up to date on what was happening around the palace. She said they caught the people that tried to harm his highness a few weeks ago. Her ceremony was also around the corner and our family was invited. Mother suddenly began to treat me better hearing that I was friends with the crown princess.

The general never wrote back to me nor did he visit me in the span of 3 months. Being the stubborn self that I am, I didn't attempt to write back to him either. The first month, I waited for his letters everyday, because that was the only thing I looked forward to. The second month, the realization that I was forgotten seeped in. And now the third month, I finally accepted the sad reality. But being the pathetic fool that I am, I still miss him.

"Lady Goeun, would you like to go shopping for a new dress? We could go look at the fabrics store and then get one custom made for you" Areum looked through my closet and reorganized them so that I had lighter dresses to wear. This year's summer was pretty tiring, with the heat rising to an all time high and the blazing sun shining over the buildings, making everything hot to touch. I should get a few more dresses and some face veils too.

With that thought, I sprung up and startled poor Areum along the way. "Let's go then!"

Areum cheered loudly and ushered me to sit down so she can fix my hair. I played around with the long strands of my hair and then put on a thin face veil before standing up.

Once we went outside, I walked through the markets and looked at all the fabrics they had displayed. Picking out the light purple fabric and the white one, I handed the money before carrying on to the next place.

"I want the bottom of the sleeves to have small but delicate flowers embedded on them and the sleeves to be long and flowy. And could you make the purple fabric the inner dress and the white would be the outer. Then with the remaining purple fabric, could you make a pretty belt with it?"

I drew a light sketch before handing it to the lady that makes my dresses.

"ah- yes, I'll finish it in a few days and have it delivered to your residence" She bowed before taking the fabrics from Areum's hands.

Areum and I then went to eat some delicious snacks before coming back home. Confusion washed over me seeing Lady Byeol, her husband and her son sitting with Mother and Father. They all had bright smiles on their faces which obviously meant bad news for me.

"Areum, let's sneak in through the back door. I refuse to hear whatever they are talking about" I hid behind Areum and was slowly retreating when mother's hawk-like eyes caught sight of me. Dang it

"Ah, there's my lovely daughter. She had some outside errands to run and came home a bit late." she gave me that one stare and I trudged over to them in defeat before greeting them.

I sat down and tea was served to me like usual. "Let's get straight to the point then, since we are all present. I would like the both of our families to join as one and have come to ask for your daughter's hand in marriage."

I totally expected this since I saw the son here as well. He flashed his flirty smile before eyeing me up and down. I felt disgusted by his stare but no one seemed to notice that.

Their son was known to be a player amongst all the ladies. Everyone knew who he was because of all the women he had flirted with, but his mother was the only clueless one. Or I guess she just pretended to not know about her son's doings.

He wasn't too shabby looking, but he wasn't my type. His personality was as foul as a bucket of animal manure.

Before mother had the chance to speak, I raised my chin up and spouted out whatever that came to my mind. "I'm sorry to say this, but my heart already belongs to another."

"Yes, her heart belongs to- wait what?" mother turned around swiftly, just processing my words.

They all stared at me in shock while I blinked my eyes innocently. Her hands trembling under the table, she gave me a what nonsense are you saying look. I don't even know what was spewing out of my mouth anymore either.

"My lover is a bit far away right now so we are writing through letters. Once he is done with his work, he promised to come here right away so we can begin our marriage preparations." I flashed them my most brightest smile and watched as the chaos unfolded in front of me.

"And kind sir, would you please stop staring at a taken woman's body like that. It is very undignified and rude." I covered my chest area and gave him a glare. Flustered, he coughed and gulped down his tea.

Mother stared at me horrified and Father was busy trying to calm her down. At this rate, she looks like she will faint. Lady Byeol and her family left quickly and I was nice enough to even walk them out of the door.

As I sat back down, mother gave me a sinister smile. "So you have finally lost your mind haven't you? How dare you lie with that innocent face of yours. You wench!" She tried to grab something from the table to throw at me, but my quick reflexes had left her with nothing. I grabbed all the teacups and brought it to my side. I'll protect you my babies

"Who is the man that you have been talking to behind our backs? What family is he from?" Father eyed me suspiciously and I let out a nervous giggle.

"You couldn't have possibly met someone before the selection so.." mother's eyes widened before she smacked my arm.

"You weren't allowed to be with other men during the selection, so what in the world happened?!!"

"I can't reveal his name but he's from a really good family"

"If you can't bring that man to me in under a month, I will agree to the marriage proposal that Lady Byeol's family offered. No exceptions." Mother made it crystal clear that she wasn't lying and father silently nodded next to her.

I looked over at Areum and she was silently waving at me, telling me with her eyes how much trouble I was in.

Oh boy, what have I gotten myself into

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