Part 33

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About 6 of us stood in a circle as I opened up the map I had brought with the royal physician.

"Our best guess is that they probably confined him in the boat for now and will keep him close to the borders of their land. They know that they caught someone in a higher rank and would think that we will instantly agree to their terms." She pointed at the sea between our land and theirs, and the sea separating us.

"So how would we cross over without being caught?" One of the men questioned Minah as if she was asking for a death wish.

"There's a boat a bit farther from here that takes you to their land illegally. Don't ask me how I know." She eyed all of us as we suspiciously looked at her. "If I can get across, then I'll be able to track them down and save him." She sounded very sure of herself as she explained the plan carefully.

Prince Yul furrowed his eyebrows before shaking his head. "This plan has too many holes and risks. We can't just trust you to solely save him when you can get killed too."

"Exactly, I'm willing to die for him if this plan goes under." She looked over at me as she said this, as if challenging me.

"How many people do you want to take? Or let me rephrase that. How many people are willing to go?" Most of them stood silently and Prince Yul gave me a stern look as if telling me to not speak up.

"Then what's our backup plan if this doesn't work?"

"Or... what Miss Mayumi said can be the backup plan. Our real plan can be to negotiate with them first. Mayumi can be the interpreter and that way, we can ask for more time and add in our terms as well" His highness's plan sounded more solid so we all agreed with that first.

The man that had gotten caught became our link to communicating with the other side.


"What can I do to help?" The morning after, I stopped Prince Yul right before they were about to depart again.

"Take care of the people here and yourself. You're doing more than enough. And please, check up on Hyerin today. I'm worried that she is all on her own"

"Okay, you all stay safe and bring back good news for us soon. What will I say to Hyerin if you get hurt?" Nodding his head, they set out, promising that they would be back by tonight.

Today, we cleaned up some of the mess before rebuilding some of the tents for sleeping. The royal medic left to the market for more things and I checked up on Hyerin in the meantime.

I wish I could take more soldiers to the residence but since they are injured, some can't walk back here and need absolute rest. I'm holding up strong for everyone at the moment and I don't want them to feel even worse than they already are. The last thing I want is for them to think of me as a burden.

Eating a few pieces of bread, I sat alone at the camp, waiting for them to come back soon. I wonder if they fed him something.. He already has too many scars, please don't hurt him anymore.

When they came back, they informed me that they succeeded in negotiation thanks to Miss Minah. They came up with the terms and wrote the scroll down. Now all it needs is his majesty's approval...

I expected them to sound happier when delivering this news but something felt off, leaving me in confusion. Later that night, I overheard them talking among themselves, worry evident in their tones.

"They didn't even want to talk with us, why would you lie like that? They obviously took the General to fish out all the strategies he has in plan for the upcoming battles and then kill him. The treaty is just a fake cover up. They knew we would never sign it"

Covering my mouth from gasping, the tears wouldn't stop flowing down as my heart ached as if it was getting ripped out.

"Do you think it was easy for me to lie?! I could never be able to tell Lady Goeun that her husband is likely being tortured or even dead at this very moment. My best friend is over there in the enemy's hands probably willing to die for his nation without spilling a thing. And here I am, useless. Unable to persuade my father or the enemies" Prince Yul's voice faltered and I could tell he broke down as well, leaving me feeling numb.

"That's it. We are going with my plan now, whether you like it or not. I'm going to bring him back here and then you can handle the rest of the problems, whether it's going to battle or persuading his majesty." Minah's voice sounded fierce as always, which I was thankful for at the moment. We need someone like her to hold up the team when it's falling apart.

When Minah stepped out, she realized that someone was eavesdropping on their conversation. "Perfect, I'm glad you heard it. I don't need to repeat myself twice." Grabbing my wrist, she dragged me inside the woods before letting go.

"If I bring him back and we are both alive, then let me be with him now. I deserve that much don't I?"

I stared into her eyes before another single tear streamed down my face. An unexpected laugh came out of me as I stared at her in both disbelief and sadness. "Are you trying to make a deal with me? Haven't I suffered enough?"

"You think I haven't suffered all those years without him? I'm dying inside thinking that he might already be dead in that boat."

Her eyes turned glossy and I laughed more in irony. Who would've thought that we would have such a twisted fate with one another. "You know.. unnie, I really hate you" wiping away the tears, I turned away only for her to pull me back with her hand on her knife.

"The feelings are mutual. So once I succeed, do all of us a favor and leave"

How did Yohan like such a person like you...or is she just like this towards me? For some reason, the fire accident from before slipped in my brain at this very moment.

"Were you the one who started that fire?" Her glint seemed to have changed as she smiled rather scarily at me. "I knew you weren't in there when I did what I did. I had my reasons.."

I slapped her hard in the face from the pent up anger, resentment, sadness, and fear that I've been bottling up. "I've had enough of this, stop treating me like a rag doll because I too, can be as scary and disgusting like you."

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