Part 10

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Chapter 10: 3rd person POV

"Here are all the letters, your highness. We will all leave it up to your judgement. Whatever decision you make, we will accept whole heartedly." Court Lady Choi handed the papers to Prince Yul before making her way out of his study room.

He scanned through the names and once he found the one he was looking for, he eagerly opened it, as if he was receiving a present. Her beautiful writing was neat and no mistakes could be seen.

Lee Hyerin

Greetings Jong Yulssi, when I heard the question that you provided for us, I think I immediately thought of an answer for you. As the crown prince of this nation, you probably feel like there's a heavy burden on your shoulders. You are always expected to have an answer for the peoples' problems. In order to help your people and make them happy, I believe that you should achieve that happiness first. Once you get a taste of how it feels to be happy, you will want to share it with the rest of the world. Doing your duty as the crown prince would not feel like an unbearable job to you, but instead, be a privilege to help those in need with your own hands. How do you attain happiness, you say? It must sound really selfish for me to write this, but having the right people by your side. If I ever become the crown princess, I promised myself that I would not make his highness suffer all alone. I would carry your burdens with you by your side and try to make the best decisions for the people. That way, your people would be happy, but you also, would share that happiness with them.

Jong Yul put the paper down before letting out a soft sigh. "I knew it was her from the beginning. I don't think I want to read the rest anymore"

"That won't be fair for the others then. At least pretend to read them before choosing." A voice came from the door and Prince Yul looked up before holding his chest jokingly. "Atleast make your footsteps known before coming in. I think I got a heart attack"

General Kim Yo han stood at the door with a mischievous glint in his eyes. "I even coughed a few times but you were too smitten by a certain letter." As he made his way over to sit down, Yul rubbed his neck embarrassingly before opening the rest of the letters.

"Here's Lady Goeun's letter.. She was also really interesting to talk to." Yul suddenly turned quiet as he read the words she had carefully wrote. "First make them "my" people..." "She is very poetic but realistic at the same time. A rare gem compared to most ladies."He reread her letter again before clapping enthusiastically.

"She is worthy of being my friend. Should I introduce her to you? You two would make a great match" He eyed his best friend sitting across from him while wiggling his eyebrows playfully.

"There's no need. We've already met" General yo han let out a small smile but it vanished faster than it had appeared. "But you already know I can't do-"

"I know I know but are you seriously going to throw away your whole life waiting for her?" Yul shook his head disapprovingly before looking up at his friend's stoic face.

"You've waited enough. It's been years Yo han. It's time to forget" Yo han felt a lump in his throat but he immediately regained his composure realizing how vulnerable he was being.

"I have news on the man who we let free intentionally. He had not been revealing anything so far but my men has noticed a strange movement by him a few nights ago. He made a visit to Minister Pyo's residence and has been untraceable since then. What do you suggest we do? Shall I investigate further?"

Something flashed in Yul's eyes as minister Pyo's name was mentioned. Goeun's letter suddenly came to mind.. "Look through those that supposedly work by your side and pull out the thorns that is in the way of your success."

"I want full reports on this by the end of the week. Make sure to put a tail on the minister, his people, and try to find the man that went into hiding. That is all."

General Kim bowed his head before making his way out of the room.

With newfound determination in his eyes, Prince yul grabbed Hyerin's letter before going out to find Court Lady Choi.

My life has been way too bitter, I think it's time to add a little bit of sweetness to it.

He smiled at Lady Choi before handing the letter in her hands. "Now, you have your crown princess. Make sure to announce it first thing tomorrow."

That done. Now to go see father and mother. Yul rubbed his temples before making his way to his majesty's room.

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