Part 31

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"Come back safely" Sending him off after our week long beautiful rest, it was time for him to go.

"Tch, you make it sound as if I'm going off to war. I'll be back soon" He was taking a handful of soldiers to inspect the area near the sea because it's very close to where we are located. Letting out a sigh, I slipped a small pouch in his pocket. "What is that?" He went to open it but I stopped him before saying "it's a norigae"

His face turned into a scowl before trying to hand it back to me. "You know these are only worn by women" We fought over it for a minute, him handing it to me and I, putting it back in his pocket.

"I Know I know, that's why I put it in a pouch because I knew you wouldn't like the idea of it. It's a good luck charm and I figured you need it more than me"

"Just wear it for my sake hm? I'll feel a lot more reassured." Finally giving up at the end, he let me do whatever I wanted. "You just need to trust this general's skills"

Once they left, I was stuck as the third wheeler with Hyerin and Prince Yul. Whenever I tried to hang out with her, his highness was always trailing behind us like a lost pet. Then there was Miss Minah who I couldn't help but feel uncomfortable around. Ever since Yohan left, she has been openly showing her dislike towards me.

When Hyerin left to go on her little date with her husband, she put Miss Minah in charge of protecting me, no matter how many times I refused. So here I am, stuck with her in silence, as I continued drawing a portrait. A while passed before I heard her let out an annoyed sigh.

"I know we both don't like each other but atleast put some effort into hiding it" Putting the ink down at last, I crossed my arms waiting for her to speak up.

"You know who I am so you must also know why I'm in distress" Gripping onto her sword, she looked down at me with hatred.

"Miss Minahssi, I don't understand why you are mad at me when I'm his rightful wife. I did not have an affair with him or become his mistress when he was with you. I respect the fact that you were his lover before but that doesn't mean you are still supposed to own that title"

Before she could interrupt, I kept going, finally letting out the things I wanted to say to her.

"You left him with a note that said to wait for you but you didn't even wait for his reply back then. You just blindly assumed that he would be ready to accept you whenever you returned, but unfortunately, everyone moves on one day. Patience runs out and the heart grows tired, and sometimes, the once strong flames of love die down over time."

The once strong gaze in her eyes seemed to have faltered as I saw a broken girl in front of me for the first time. "I never chose to leave him and you know that." Directing her anger onto me, I let her do so, as I continued to draw on the paper delicately.

"Atleast I would've felt less bitter if he had chosen someone.....better." Well that hurt my pride. "I've known him for most of my life and know everything about him-"

"Then I'll just have to spend the rest of my life getting to know him then, and vice versa."
She was quiet for a moment before I heard her footsteps, indicating that she was leaving. "I consider myself to be very competitive and will do whatever it takes to bring victory onto my side. I hope you keep that in mind, Han Goeun" Her words came off as a warning to me, and I'm sure she wanted me to interpret it in that way.

I was slowly starting to get ticked off by her attitude towards me, when I've been trying my best to approach this situation with maturity. Sighing, I looked at the ring in my hand, worry taking over me for some reason. Come back soon...Yohan

3rd person pov:

"Your highness! Your royal highness!!" Prince Yul's eunuch came rushing in unannounced into Prince Yul's room, which was very unlike him. With a shaky voice, he said "General Kim and his soldiers got attacked by the Japanese troops at dawn, one of them came running back with severe injuries."

Worry filled Prince Yul's heart as he heard the horrible news of them being in danger. "So what's the situation so far, how much backup do they need?"

"I-I cannot say. The man said that there's no one to lead them at the moment" Prince Yul sprung up in horror hearing those words come out of the Eunuch's mouth. His closest friend, the most capable man by his side, couldn't have possibly...

"Notify all of our men, we are heading out this instant" Bowing down to the ground, the poor man tried to stop him, yelling out a cry of plea. "You mustn't your highness! Your safety comes first and you should not ever get injured. Please reconsider!"

"Move this instant or your head will be the first one gone. Do you dare to disobey me?!"

Cowering in fear, he let go of him hesitantly. Everything seemed to pass as a blur as a handful of guards were placed at the residence before the rest left with his highness. Hyerin was quite shaken up at the sudden tragedy but hurried off to find Goeun, knowing that she would not take the news well. Her personal bodyguard on the other hand, was on the verge to leave all her duties and rush off to go help and fight.

"We should've known that the Japanese were waiting for the right time to attack. We are so close to the border near the sea..." Her mind was everywhere as she ran behind Hyerin, as she worried for Yohan's safety.


1st person pov:

"Where's your General ?" My heart sped up looking at the young soldier who had came back alone, as they bandaged up his arm.

Once he didn't reply back, I started hyperventilating, panic rising in me at an alarming rate. "Where's my husband? Why are you so quiet?!"

"I-I don't know either. One minute we were all sleeping soundly and the next minute, they raided our camp with three times the amount of soldiers. Our general was nowhere to be seen, we were left to fend on our own" His body shaking, he held his head with his hand, and the royal medic looked at me with disapproval. "He needs rest right now, I suggest you leave for the time being."

I got kicked out mercilessly, leaving me in shock and in denial. "W-what am I supposed to do now? Where am I supposed to go?" Tears welled up in my eyes as I looked around me as if expecting to find an answer somewhere, anywhere.

"Goeun!" I felt someone pull me in their embrace but I couldn't care less as everything was muffled out, the only thought of the attack circling around my head.

I came back to my senses as someone shook my body, pulling me back into reality, a pair of brown eyes were staring into mine in rage and disgust. "What is crying going to do in this situation. Will it bring him back? Will it?!" Minah squeezed my shoulders tightly as I was now alert, ready to listen to her.

"I'm going out there to fight and find him, you can stay here crying or playing around with that brush of yours. This is exactly why you are useless, place my words deep inside that head of yours." Shoving me aside, she walked off in the other direction, taking out her sword with a new lit determination in her eyes.

"What in the world is wrong with her?!" Hyerin stood by my side after regaining from the shock. What she said was harsh, but it's all completely true. "Hyerin, can you watch this residence on your own for a while?" Looking over at my closest friend and sister, I squeezed her hands tightly.

"No. It's too dangerous out there, you are not going to follow her"

Looking over at the royal medic, I knew what I had to do. "But staying here will be torture for me Hyerin. I'll be back soon" Patting her little baby bump, I walked into the room in front of us with a new plan formed in my head.

"I will need you to tell me the location of the camp you had. And I will need you to come with me to the market." They stood confused trying to understand what I was trying to do or atleast wondering what I can do as I'm just a lady.

"We need to get as much supplies, bandages, and medicines as possible to help the injured. So please, I need your full cooperation on this"

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