Part 22

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"The man you know is my biological father, so don't jump to wild conclusions just yet" The idea that he was maybe adopted flew out of my head instantly.

"My father was forced into an arranged marriage with my mother, which isn't anything new. Love gradually formed in their relationship and after a few years, I was born."

I listened as he hesitated to continue, wiping his hands on his lap every few seconds. "My poor mother, she fell ill once I turned eight years old." Knowing where this was now heading, my heart ached as he continued with pain evident in his eyes. As if he was back in that time again, reliving those memories.

"She slowly got worse, her muscles giving up on her as she laid bedridden for the next few years. Her beautiful complexion turning pale and her lips losing color, I regret the fact that I can't remember her well sometimes. If I had known she would pass away so early, maybe I wouldn't have gone out to play and would've sat by her side. "

"At just twelve years old, I lost my safe haven, my protector, my selfless and warmhearted mother" As he drank his second bottle of wine, I held his arm, urging him to stop. "Let's leave it for another time, hm?"

He shook his head before releasing my hand, and started to laugh bitterly, wiping away the tears that were clouding his eyes. "One year had barely passed when that father of mine married another woman"

That would explains all the times they treated each other coldly and why he doesn't come home often. I believe I'm pretty good at comforting people but in this situation, I didn't know whether to insult his father or his step mother, or just not mention anything at all.

"No child should ever go through that, carrying such a heavy burden on their small shoulders"
"Despite that, you grew up to be a fine man. Many people regard you as one of the best protectors of the land, a loyal man who takes his job seriously.." trying to distract him from the topic, I slowly began taking away the wine that he was chugging down, seeing how he was starting to get tipsy.

"Maybe your father couldn't bear the loneliness any longer and also wanted you to have a motherly figure in your life again. Although it didn't work out, he probably had a good intention when he made that decision. You did say they loved each other very much.."

"Bullshit" My eyes widened in surprise hearing him curse for the first time,

"Do you think I would marry someone else if something ever happened to you?"

" I don't think so, would you?"

"Then there's your answer" He laid down on the ground before gazing up at the sky above us. As I waddled my way next to him, in a hushed voice, I heard him say "Mother.....are you proud of me?"

"I think you need to speak louder than that. Your mother's soul is pretty high up, watching you from beside those stars" He brought his hand up, as if wanting to reach the sky, before saying in a louder voice "Mom, I miss you"
Both of our tears never came as the bittersweet moment passed along. Feeling a lump in my throat, I looked over at Yohan who had closed his eyes moments ago. His face was a little flushed from the aftereffects of the wine.

Looking up at the sky again, I made a silent promise to myself. I'll be his safe haven from now on mother, you can be rest assured and relax peacefully up there..


Autumn made its way into the world as the leaves on the trees became bright orange, mixed with the hue of yellow and red.

I brought in a few more workers to help run the house since me and Areum can't handle everything on our own. While they put up the lanterns for the harvest festival coming up, I was busy arranging some flowers for our trip later.

Yohan started to come home everyday after we moved so we have gotten a lot closer now. He trusts me and is comfortable with me, but I don't know if he likes me in a romantic way yet. I know for a fact that he already has me wrapped around his finger though.

"What are you thinking about so deeply?" Grabbing a flower from my hand, he placed it behind my ear as I looked up at him. "Nothing much..are you ready to go?"

I grabbed the flowers and he picked up the basket with clean towels next to me. "You're wearing something new today" he scanned my appearance and I smiled in appreciation. I had worn my new beige dress with matching shoes specifically for today's trip.

"I want to make a good first impression"

It took a while to reach our destination, the place we arrived at was a vast place with a few hills and trees. As I followed Yohan up one of the hills, I tried to not get my dress dirty and not fall backwards at the same time.

"Here we are" Yohan placed the basket down next to the stone that had the name Kim Yeona on it. I slowly made my way and placed the flowers down as Yohan wiped the dust off of the stone and brushed off the leaves.

"How have you been mother? I usually come alone but I think she will be accompanying me from here on out"

What a way to introduce someone. "My name is Goeun, mother. Although Yohan tied the knot with me, I think it would've been better if he married his paperwork instead." Smiling a little, I imagined what it would be like to see his mother in person.

"I've heard a lot about you from your son. Just like your name, you have a heart of gold, and you are as beautiful as the spring season. I heard you like these type of flowers, I'll make sure to bring many more next time"

I watched behind him as Yohan sat down and stayed silent for a while. I didn't dare disturb him during this time, but instead, closed my eyes out of respect.

"I think we should go now, it's getting late" standing up, he picked up our stuff before grabbing my hand, catching me off guard. I walked downhill with him, trying to control this tingly feeling inside of me.

"Do you want to do anything after this? I'm free for the rest of the day" Hearing that, I thought about it seriously since I don't want to waste this precious opportunity. "Hmm, let's take turns doing the things we want today. What would you like to do first?"

As he held up our intertwined hands, confusion took over me. "Do you want me to let go? You grabbed my hand first, it's not my fault" semi-glaring at him, I was going to let go but he kept a firm hold. "That's not what I meant. You know you're impatient sometimes, not letting me finish" I thought he was annoyed at me but I saw how he tried to cover up his smile.

I wonder where he's going to take me to?


"I noticed you don't wear any rings or bracelets. Do you worry that I don't have enough money?" Laughing at his silly assumption, I examined the jewelry in front of me. "I just never liked the feeling of something weighing on my hands. But I'll gladly make an exception if you get me something"

"Let me look at all the Garakjis that you have" (garakji means a ring that's only worn by married women)

The seller, probably in her mid thirties, took out the rings before explaining it to us. "Many women buy these rings based off the season so it matches their clothing and fashion style. The jade rings represent the autumn season, so that's what I mostly have right now."

Yohan picked one out and put it on my finger before asking "Why do you think people wear their rings on this specific finger?"

"It's because people say that the fourth finger has a vein that connects directly to our heart. Isn't that romantic?" Admiring the small beauty, I showed it off to him and he nodded with a pleased expression.

"Whatever you say.." as he placed a few coins in the woman's hands, she gave us a knowing smile. "Your husband treats you so well, and mine on the other hand, lazes around at home while I do all the work. You chose well young lady"

"I do have a good eye for things-" Yohan covered my mouth before bowing at the woman. "I hope you sell lots, good day"

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