Part 28

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The silent treatment continued between us for five days now, where we both ignored each other's presence. I didn't send him off to work, we ate at separate times and we slept separately. I could tell everyone was worried about this sudden change of mood but I think it's better that we take time away from each other to sort out our thoughts.

Some guards came this morning saying that someone from the palace was waiting for me to come over today. It's probably Hyerin or Prince Yul.

Arriving shortly, I got escorted to the study room, where Prince Yul was writing away. "Your highness asked for my presence?" Bowing, I walked over before sitting down, obviously confused on why he asked for me.

Exchanging greetings and all those "how are you" "how's your family", he finally got to business. "Yohan told me about what's happening. I'm truly sorry, I didn't know Miss Mayumi was in fact her"

Furrowing my brows, I tried hard to understand him. "Her having a job here doesn't bother me Prince Yul. From what I've heard, she's excellent at swordery and martial arts. Isn't that the type of person you are looking for Hyerin?"

"Yes, but I also wanted your opinion before deciding to keep her. I've only met her a few times before in the past so I didn't really remember her face." Putting his brush down, he looked at me with pity, the thing I hated the most.

"I hope you can be understanding about this situation Goeun. I know it's not fair for you and I know Yohan is probably very stunned right now. He hasn't seen her for years, the lo- relationship they had was very strong. She was there for him when his mother passed, so it's hard to move on quickly."

Biting the inside of my cheek, I refrained from saying things that could hurt all of us. "So are you saying I should step away because the rightful owner came back?"

I could see the panic in his eyes as he struggled to find the right words to say. "N-No! I was just trying to tell you to not give up on him so early. Stand your ground and don't bring yourself down like that. The Lady Goeun I know is confident of herself and that is precisely why Yohan took interest in you."

I took that advice in half heartedly before nodding. "Is there anything else you called me here for?"

"Ah, yes. I was going on a small trip down south with Hyerin and we are to stay there for about a month or so. I was thinking if you wanted to go as well, it would help you relieve some stress." Actually considering it, the idea didn't seem bad, I could use a distraction.

"Then I'll gladly accept the offer. When are we leaving?"

His face brightened up, poor guy, he was probably waiting for the rejection to hit him. "It's in a few days so I suggest you start packing." Writing some more things down, he closed up the paper before handing it to me. "And could you please send this to the generals room. I really need this to be delivered to him fast" he really has the balls to ask me that, huh

Smiling, I took the scroll from his hands before giving him a stern look "And please tell this general of yours that problems that happen in the house, stays in it. Have a nice day Prince Yul"

Now walking to the Generals place, I got stopped by his guards right out front. "I'm General Kim's wife, so you don't have to inform him that I'm here"

I went inside only to be stopped by hushed voices coming from his room. Leaning closer, I tried to hear what was going on. "So you have a child?" That was definitely Yohan's voice and I can probably guess who he was talking to.

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