Chapter Twenty Eight

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Mia's POV

It's been a couple months since Nikki went back home. To say I miss her is an understatement. Those couple days that I spent with her were not enough time to make up for everything. We've stayed in contact since she left. Not a day goes by where we don't text or call throughout the day. Though the simple words I read over the screen, her face coming through a box, or her voice coming over my speakers, don't fill the need I have for her. 

I need her here with me. It's a little easy to manage. She's come back to town a couple times in these past months, but she hasn't been able to stay for too long. Each time she'll come to spend time with her family, and a little bit with me. I love when she comes to see me, but each time we have to say goodbye, it kills me. 

It's the middle of October, one of the busiest times during the year. Thankfully that has been able to keep my busy mind at bay. Not much time to dwell on the troubles when you have people coming in and out of the shop all day for multiple different things. 

With the mix between Damien's pumpkin flavored recipes for the baked goods and the coffee that him and I made together, people flood in here just to get some. We aren't the only coffee place here in town, but for some reason we are the favorite when it comes to holidays. 

"Damien we need a little more sugar. Do you know where some is?" I asked him from over my shoulder. 

He was busy taking an order from a group of teens at the front. "Yeah hun, there should be some in the back." 

I gave him a quick nod, even though he couldn't see me. I made my way back to one of the storage closets we had in the kitchen. On my way out I gave Jack a quick smile. He started to learn that I wasn't going to be interested in him. Once he saw me and Nikki together, he got the picture and let it go. He's still one of my really good friends. 

I filled all of the containers we had with some of the sugar. Once everything was in order again I placed the leftover sugar in one of the cabinets before getting back to what I was doing. Damien was still busy with the group and I could see some of the tables had filled in. Grabbing my apron, pen, and notebook, I made my way to the front. 

"Hey check on table 6. I'll get Misty to get the others." Damien told me as I started to walk off. 

"Are you sure? I can get some of the others too." 

"Yeah don't worry about it. Just do your thing." He told me. 

I just gave him a shrug and made my way to the table. I took out my pen and paper as I reached it. Never looking up. "How may I help you today?" 

"Hmm I was thinking about trying some of the muffins, but I can't decide on one. Do you think you could help?" 

I slowly looked up. Not believing the voice that I heard. When our eyes made contact it was like everything else stopped. Her bright blue eyes stared into mine with a little bit of an amused tint. I felt mine start to water. 

"N-nikki?" I stuttered. 

She chuckled a little before standing up. "Hey love." 

I ran into her arms, the tears starting to pour. "What are you doing here? You're not supposed to be back for another month." 

She wrapped her arms around me and pulled me in for a tight hug. "I couldn't stay away any longer. I needed to see you." 

I nuzzled my head further into her chest. "I missed you so much." 

She chuckled and she combed through my hair. "I missed you too. Now can I please get a kiss?" 

I laughed as I wiped my tears. I pulled back and grabbed her cheeks before pulling her into a passionate kiss. We heard whistles and cheers coming from the café, causing Nikki and I to smile into the kiss. 

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