Chapter One

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"Mia wake up, you're going to be late for the first day!"

I groaned as I heard my mom yell from down stairs. I look to my alarm clock and see that its only 6:45. "Mom school doesn't start for another two hours! I think I'll be okay!" I yelled back. "Still get up and get ready! I made breakfast so get dressed and come eat!"

I rolled out of bed and looked around my room. It's still all too new for me. We moved here in the middle of the summer and I haven't changed a thing in my room. There were still boxes in the corner, just waiting to be opened. I wasn't happy at the fact that we had to move. It was sudden. I had plans to go out with friends and possibly get into a relationship this past summer. That was before I had gotten the news that we were moving to another state in the middle of nowhere. My dad had taken up a new job in one of the areas that he had wanted to live in his whole life. So being the good daughter I am, I agreed to packing up all my things and moving without a fuss.

I got out of bed and put on some basic clothes. Ripped jeans and a loose white off the shoulder top and paired it with my black converse. I went to the bathroom that was connected to my room and straightened my long blonde hair.

I'm not anything special. I'm what some would call the "basic" blonde girl. I stand at around 5'3, with blonde hair that goes down to the middle of my back, and green eyes. My body is probably the only thing that I like about myself. I have somewhat of an hourglass figure, and a decent sized chest and bum.

I walked down the stairs and met my family in the kitchen. My younger brother was shoving his food in his mouth and looking at something in his phone. I sat in my seat across from him when my mom joined us by putting down both my plate and hers.

"Where's dad?" I asked. "He went to work a little early this morning. He wanted to get a head start at the new office." I nodded and began eating my food. My family has always been really close. That's one reason I didn't mind moving as much. Even if I didn't manage to make any friends, I at least knew that my family would be there for me. Lame? I don't think so, I quite like it.

" You're still taking your brother with you to school right?" My mom asked breaking the short silence that was happening. He still didn't bother looking up from his phone, just continued to stuff his face. "Yeah I already said I would. Can't go back on my word now, especially since he is already about to miss the bus."

My brother is two years younger than me. He was born a little later in the year though so he's only a freshman while I'm a senior. At least its the first day in a new area for the both of us. We can learn the high school together.

A little while later my brother and I both hopped in the car and made our way to the school. I have to admit, I was a bit nervous. I didn't really know anything about this small town. I didn't know what to expect from the kids at the school. As we pulled up into the student parking lot I couldn't help but drool at the school. Even though the town was small they had a pretty new ,and might I add huge, school. The inside was nice too. You could tell that they were more modern but still had the little bit of traditional in them. There were lockers in the halls and standard one person desks in the classrooms. Thankfully my mom had already gone and gotten me my schedule and locker info before the year had started, so I was able to get down where I had to go. I still had to go to the office though to get shown around.

My brother and I walked into the office. There were the basic office ladies and then one student sitting in one of the chairs at the side. He looked a little young, maybe a sophomore or freshman. "Well aren't you a sight for sore eyes." He spoke while looking towards me. One of the office ladies spoke "Mr. Andrews, that's enough." He stood up and shook my brothers hand. "Hey I'm Dan, nice to meet you. I'll be showing you around today." My brother took his hand and introduced himself. "I'm Mitch. It's nice to meet you too." Dan waved to the office ladies and turned to me. "I'm looking forward to seeing you around." he said as he winked and left with my brother.

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