Chapter Twenty Four

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Mia's POV

"Miss is this one available?" An old lady asked as she pointed towards a painting of the beach.

"It is. Would you like to buy it?"

She looked at it a little longer. "Yes I would. How much is it?"


She looked at me like I had two heads. "That's it? For something like this?"

"Yes ma'am." I said with a nod.

She hummed. I got the painting off of the display and took her to the counter. "Will it be cash or credit?" I asked as I typed the info into the computer.

"Cash hun."

I gave her a small nod and wrapped the painting before placing it on the counter for her. She smiled and placed a stack of bills on the counter before taking the painting and leaving. I picked up the cash and counted it, noticing it was way more than needed.

"Ma'am, this is more than needed." I told her before she walked out.

"Keep it hun. You deserve more for the painting than priced."

I smiled at her. "Thank you."

"You're welcome dear. I'll see you later." She said with a small wave.

I waved at her and watched her walk away. That wasn't the first time I had someone talk about the price, but it was the first time that someone has payed more than listed. I walked to the back room and pulled out another painting that I had. Replacing the one that was just bought.

This part of the store is usually slow. Not as many people come back here as they do in the main room. Which is one of the reasons I was surprised to see Nikki here yesterday. When I saw her I had to do a double take. I watched as she walked around the room once before looking at the ones in the middle of the room. One then is when I decided to talk to her.

I was honestly surprised she let me be around her for as long as I was. When she left I couldn't help but feel the emptiness that I've been feeling for some time now. It pained me that she could barely look at me, let alone talk to me. I just hoped that she would give me another chance eventually.

"Mia! Come here!" I heard Damien yell from the front.


When I walked out I noticed that the café was at one of it's slower paces. "What's up?" I said as I reached him.

"Hey do you mind going to the restaurant down the road and grabbing some lunch? I'll keep an eye on things while you're gone."

"Of course. What do you want?"

Damien proceeded to tell me what he wanted, which I wrote down in my phone, before leaving the Café. There was a small Deli restaurant down the road that Damien and I loved to go to. We took turns getting lunch from their throughout the week. He'd watch the store if I went, and I'd do the same.

I decided to put on some music while I walked 10 minute walk to the Deli. It was a calm day. The sun was out, there was a slight breeze, and the tiniest bit of clouds. I'll have to remember to come out here a little while later and take another walk.

I got to the restaurant and ordered our food. As I was waiting I noticed a familiar head of black hair at one of the booths. I looked a little closer and realized that it was Nikki. She was sitting with a brunette that I couldn't quite make out from this angle. She looked happy. She was smiling and laughing about something. I watched as the brunette placed her hand on top of Nikki's, causing her to smile.

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