Chapter Fifteen

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Mia's POV

Mitch and I sat by the Christmas tree wrapping the last of the presents. Both of us had put it off for some time now, so as a result, my brother and I were hastily wrapping our parents gifts two nights before Christmas. I couldn't help but let my mind wander to Nikki.

The night with Nikki was amazing. Waking up the next morning was fun too. We got round two and three in before school. But that's not the point. Ever since it's all I can seem to think about. Don't get me wrong, sex isn't everything in a relationship, but her touching me is the best thing in the world. I want more than anything to be able to please her the way she did with me, but every time I tried she would say she didn't need anything and that she could wait.

Sadly, when we went back to school and the days that followed, we weren't able to see each other as much. With the studying on both parts, the final exams, and the practices for the two of us, it didn't leave much time for anything fun. We barely got to see each other. Either she would be busy with basketball or studying, like the nerd she is, when I was free, or I would be busy with dance and the projects I had procrastinated when she was.

It didn't help that ever since break started Nikki was busy with basketball. I would go and see the games she had, but the team would drag her off to a party or dinner to celebrate afterwards. She apologized a lot about that, but I wasn't mad at her. She needed this, it is her last year with all of them.

Nikki and I facetimed last night and came up with a plan to see each other. She told me that her and Anne's family would be spending time together on Christmas eve and the first half of Christmas, but after that she was free. So we decided to try and have her come over and spend Christmas with me too.

The only issue is the fact that I have to ask my parents.

Mitch and I finished with the presents as soon as my mom walked in the door.

"You two better make sure to pick everything up. I want this place spotless like it was before." She lectured us before she closed the front door.

She was carrying a bunch of bags for dinner tomorrow and Christmas day. We had a tradition to make pork chops on Christmas eve and kabobs on Christmas day. My parents were a little strange and didn't like traditional dinners so they made their own.

"Got it mom." Mitch answered before placing our newly wrapped presents under the tree.

"Mini come here, I need your help with the groceries." She called to me as soon as she reached the kitchen.

I gave Mitch and apologetic look for leaving him with the mess and he simply rolled his eyes. I followed my mom into the kitchen and saw her unloading the bags onto the counter.

"Hey mom, I actually wanted to talk to you about something." I told her as I grabbed some of the vegetables and put them in the fridge.

She turned and gave me a questioning look before folding the bags and putting them in their designated cabinet. "What is it sweetie?"

I grabbed some of the cans and put them in the pantry before meeting with her again. "I was wondering if Nikki could come over for Christmas dinner."

She gave me a little smirk before acting like she was thinking. Holding her chin in her hand and looking at the ceiling. "I don't know. Should I let my only daughter invite her girlfriend on the holiday where we're supposed to be with family?"

I groaned. "Mommmm. Don't be like that."

She laughed a little before placing a hand on my back. "Don't worry sweetie, yes she can come. She better bring us something though."

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