Chapter Five

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Mia's POV

I got to school a little early the next morning. I didn't really have a purpose to be there that early, I mainly just wanted to try and find Nikki to talk to her. She usually got to school earlier than everyone else. I checked basically everywhere. The classes, the office, the cafeteria, the yard. Then it hit me. Since she just had a show she probably would have a lot of girls on her and she'd want to avoid them. I went to the library and found her in her normal spot. She had a book in her hand reading intently.

She was dressed a little differently. She had on black ripped jeans, a white band tee covered with a red flannel, and a pair of vans on. The sun was shining through the window and her dark hair was being lit up. Her tan skin seeming more of a golden shade of brown then it already was. She looked good.

I walked behind her and tapped her on the shoulder. She jumped a little and took out the airpods I didn't realize she was wearing. "Oh hey Mia." She spoke. Her voice sounded a little rougher than usual. Like she had been crying the night before for hours.

"Hey Nikki. Nice show last night. I didn't know that you sounded so good." She chuckled. "Thanks. We've been playing at that spot for a little over a year now. It's pretty nice." She closed her book and set it on the table. "Was there something you wanted to talk about?" She asked.

I looked down. "Yeah actually. Are you okay? Did something happen recently that you haven't talked about?" She sighed. She looked like she was debating on telling me. "Yeah. My girlfriend and I broke up." I figured that was it. Everyone did. She got up and went to the window. I stood beside her. "May I ask what happened?"

She looked out at the trees before answering. "It happened Thursday night. Before the football game." Oh shit. That means it happened right before I went off on her. "Katie had seemed like she was pulling away, but I didn't think anything of it. Then I got a message from someone I didn't recognize. It was a picture of Katie making out with a guy." She began to choke. Her eyes got glossy and it seemed as though she was trying not to cry. "I texted her asking her about it. That's when she told me she didn't love me anymore and that it wasn't going to work out between us anyways. She blocked me on everything before I could even say anything else."

She looked at the sky and continued. "I don't know what happened or what I did wrong. I was there for her through everything. I had been trying my hardest to stay strong after she moved. Then it was all gone in the blink of an eye. There's so much I wish I could still say to her. To thank her. For everything we've been through, and also to ask her why, why she did all of this so suddenly." That's when the tears finally escaped. I began to rub her back in order to comfort her. "Is that why you sang that song last night?" I asked. She nodded. "It has a different meaning to it, but the lyrics were exactly how I feel."

She began to cry more. I pulled her into a hug and she rested her head on my shoulder. "I'm sorry. For everything that happened with her, and for everything I had said that night." She chuckled a little. "You already apologized you don't have to do it again." I sighed. "Yeah I know, but I didn't know that all happened before I did that to you." She looked me in the eyes. Her blue still a dull color.

"It's okay Mia. You're here for me now, that's all that matters." I smiled and she gave me a forced smile back. "I have another question." She laughed a bit. "Shoot." I reached up and cupped her cheek. "Why have you been forcing your smile and putting on a fake one." She looked surprised. "I didn't think you noticed that." She said as she stepped away rubbing the back of her neck. "Well I did. So tell me."

"I guess it's because I haven't been able to get through it all. That and I keep thinking the worst about myself because of all of this happening. I think 'why wasn't I good enough' ' did I do something wrong' 'is there something wrong with me to make her just suddenly decide I'm not what she wanted' I failed as being a good girlfriend. Katie was the only thing that kept me going for this long." I looked at her with a sad look in my eyes. Then anger swept over me.

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