Chapter Fourteen

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Nikki's POV

"Hey fuckface, how you doing?" Anne says as she sits right next to me.

I was in the library again before school starts trying to get some studying in before finals later this week.

"It's nice to see you too Anne. I missed you." I say as I close the book I was reading.

"Yeah yeah. I know I missed you too."

Anne's been out for a while since she caught the flu. It's been about a week since the last time I saw her. I tried to stop by her house but every time I did she would tell me, and I quote, "I look like I just came out of a swamp, go away."

"Sure seems like it." I said as I rolled my eyes.

"Whatever. You know this is how I show my love. Anyways, thank you for getting all the work and notes for me."

I smiled at her before putting away my own books and notes I had laying out. "No worries. What are bestfriends for?"

"Gossip." She said with a cheesy smile while she leaned across the table. "So tell me about you and Baxter."

I rolled my eyes as I zipped up my backpack. "What do you want to know?"

She gave me one of those 'seriously?' looks. "You know what I want to know. You said y'all sealed the deal finally. So when and where did that happen? Also what's happened since?"

I sighed. Anne has always wanted to be apart of everything in my life. No matter how big or small, she has to know everything. Which I don't mind one bit, her constant asking is what gets to me.

"Well two weeks ago, the planetarium parking lot, and things have been going super well surprisingly."

This time Anne rolled her eyes. "You never give me the full details I swear."

I laughed at her nosiness and impatience. "Don't worry, I'll fill you in later."

"Fill her in on what?" I heard a familiar voice ask before arms wrapped around me.

I looked up to see Mia standing above me. She gave me a quick kiss before sitting down next to me.

"On you." Anne said bluntly before sipping from the coffee she brought.

"Oh yes, because I'm such an interesting topic." Mia said as she laid her head on my shoulder.

I picked her up her chin with my pointer finger and leaned in close. "Yes you are." I said before I gave her a slow and passionate kiss.

"Ew couples." We heard Anne say before she got up. Mia and I laughed a little bit, joining her in the action.

"Don't hate just because you're afraid of commitment." I said as I punched her shoulder playfully.

"I'm not afraid. I would just rather hookup with many people rather than one." She countered.

"Spoken like a true douche." I fired back at her.

"Yeah yeah whatever. I'll see you in first, you two have fun, make sure to use protection." She waved to us before skipping off into the hallway.

Mia and I both laughed a little. "You're bestie is really something."

"Yeah I know. She's a lot most days. It's worse now since she's been gone for a bit. She's making sure to get everything she couldn't say or do out."

Mia wrapped her hands around neck and pulled me closer to her. "Is there something that you would like to do that you haven't been able to yet?"

I wrapped my hands around her waist and pulled her closer to me. "You know, now that I'm thinking about it, there is."

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