Chapter- 35 murderer

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Author's POV

Two weeks passed. Sanvi is still avoiding Sanjay. Sanjay is also playing along with her but observing every single detail of her. His men are following her every where she goes and guarding her.

During this two weeks there are two more members came from black cobra gang searching for previous man and to find about Sanvi's motive but Ashwin tied them in his basemet with previous man.
No one can reach Sanvi when Ashwin is guarding her however our innocent Sanvi doesn't know any of these things.

She is going to her father's (adopted father) house for New Year. When Varun and Sanvi moved out from hometown for work they promised Vasu to come home for every New Year. Sanjay's men followed Sanvi there too for her safety purpose.

'You are here, I missed you so much my angel", Varun hugged her as she entered home.

"Yeah brother, when did you came?", she asked him.

"Last night, I am always ahead of you my baby sister", he teased.

"Well, I am not baby anymore", she said playfully and they both laughed.

"I missed your laughter so much I am happy to see you both", Vasu said as he entered the living room.

"How are you father?", Sanvi hugged her father.

"Fine my babygirl", he replied patting her head.
'Go and fresh up I will prepare lunch for you guys", Vasu said and went to kitchen.

Sanvi went to her old room where she lived before. She quickly freshen up and went to kitchen to help her father. They ate lunch quietly.

Varun understood that Sanvi was upset so he decided to cheer her up.

"Shall we go for shopping", Varun suggested.

"you both go, I will take rest", Sanvi said.

"Come with us it will be fun", Vasu said with expecting gaze.

'But you are not looking at the people who really care for you. You are not alone Sanvi', she remembered Sanjay's words so She decided to stay happy with them as long as she was there.

"Ok, I will come with you but father you have to buy me clothes for New Year and brother you have to buy me whatever I ask", she said playfully.

"Ok, as long as our angel is happy, we will buy you anything", they both said happily.

She is feeling much better after talking with them. They went to shopping mall. Varun and Sanvi bought so many clothes for their father.

"Sanvi, you said I have to buy clothes for you but what you are doing",  Vasu exclaimed.

"You are wearig the clothes which we bought last year, you didn't even bought single shirt in this one year. That's why we are buying father", Varun said.
"we know if we don't buy you clothes, you will wear these old clothes for years", Sanvi continued.

After buying clothes they got out from shopping mall. "We will go for grocery shopping", Sanvi said.

"Ok", they agreed.

They went super market and bought so many groceries.
"Shall we eat outside", Sanvi suggested. She wants to live with them happily as Sanjay said.

They went to a local restaurant near shopping mall. They ate while cracking jokes and laughing.


Sanjay received her photos. She is laughing in all the photos but it is not reaching her eyes just like before. But still she is happy, with that thought Sanjay smiled looking at picture.

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