Chapter- 24 planning Outing

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When Sanvi went home she is amazed to see the scene infront of her. Its lively environment Chitra and Abhi are preparing food in open kitchen while Shreyan and Adhitya cutting vegetables, Vedha and Jyo are writing something in notepad. They are chatting and laughing only sanjay is missing from the gang.

"What’s going on here", Sanvi asked loudly taking all the attention.
Chitra is about to say something but stopped as they heard another voice saying, "am I late?"

Sanvi turned around to see Sanjay. Yes Sanjay also came. Sanvi glanced at Chitra asking her to explain.

"They are here to discuss about our outing", said Chitra. Sanvi looked at her confusedly.

"Don’t you remember, we planned an outing on this weekend and tomorrow is the weekend", Vedha reminded her.

Sanvi nodded, she does remember about outing but she forgot that tomorrow is the weekend.

"I will go and fresh up first", she said and went to her room. She glimpse at sanjay before going to her room.

"You are late man what are doing?", Shreyan whined on Sanjay.

"Due to traffic jam", Sanjay shrugged and started peeling onions with Shreyan.

"You know what Sanjay, I saw your car at our hospital when I am coming home", Vedha glanced at him meaningfully.

They all fixed their gazes on him for an explanation.
"I think it’s my driver who went to hospital", he said nervously.

"Is that so?", They all yelled unison.

"You know, I saw you too", Vedha smirked.
"You said you are going out for work", Abhi narrowed his eyes.

"Ok I surrender. I will explain, please lower your voices otherwise Sanvi will hear", Sanjay sighed in defeat.

Only if he knows she is already hearing. Sanvi freshen up in five minutes and came back but then she heard them interrogating Sanjay so she stand still to listen him.

"Explain", Jyo howled playfully.

"Yes I went to hospital, just to see her", he said.

"Then why didn’t you came in and meet her", Shreyan questioned.

"I came in but the reception said she is in operation theatre so I came out but before that I informed reception that don’t tell her about my visit", he replied.

"Because I don’t want to disturb her", he answered Abhi’s unasked question looking at his expression.

"Then why didn’t you pick her up? You also know that she doesn’t have a car", Chitra asked.
"I want to give her space, I don’t want to force her or annoy her so I just waited for her outside and followed her until here", he stated.

"You followed her?"

"Yeah, I followed her keeping a safe distance", Sanjay said.

They looked stunned. "Wow sister Sanvi is so lucky", Adhitya exclaimed excitedly.

"No, I am lucky to meet her', said Sanjay.

"I am impressed", Vedha said in astonishment.

"I want to date with a guy who thinks like you bro", Jyo said in amusement While Abhi and Shreyan exchanged gazes and said, "are you really our Sanjay? Our sanjay is cold hearted with women", they said playfully.

"Jokes apart Sanvi is great man, she melted your cold heart", Shreyan teased.

Tears rolled on Sanvi's eyes, she bit her lower lip to control her tears. These small gestures of him making her happy and proven that he really love her.
But am I worth for it? she questioned herself and the answer her subconscious given is No.

She returned her room and washed her face again then came back with a cheerful smile.

"Hey guys", I am back she said cheerfully. Sanjay looked at her, their eyes met for few seconds and then looked away.

Remaining people looked at them adorably, its not exaggeration to say that they look magnificent together. Sanvi is a beautiful woman. She has milky white soft skin, big watery eyes, sharp nose and pink lips she is height enough to reach his sholders while Sanjay is a handsome hunk, he has fine facial features, fit and build body with 6ft height.

Sanjay noticed an unknown emotion in her eyes but soon it disappeared. Her face is glowing and her smile is like heaven for him. Looking her smiling face his smile widened.

"What can I do to help you guys", Sanvi asked them.

"The meal is almost prepared, arrange plates on table my dear", Chitra said lovingly.

"Ok", she smiled and started arranging plates. Sanjay helped her.
Jyo brought water from fridge and arranged glasses.

"We will have meal first then discuss about outing", said Chitra.
They started eating while chatting but Sanvi is glancing at Sanjay constantly. He noticed her glancing but didn’t reacted outside however internally he is dancing.

After dinner Sanvi and Abhi done dishes while Chitra and Shreyan cleaned the table. Sanjay and Vedha cut fruits to eat after planning outing. They completed their works and settled on couch to plan.

"Guys, I made a plan for our two days outing. If you need any changes just tell me, we will change it".

"We will start tomorrow early in the morning. First of all we are going on a camping in the jungle where mountains located and we selected a nice place for camping. It will be peaceful.
We all are exhausted due to work tensions and busy schedule so will spend a day at mountains to relax. We are going to stay there at night in tents, it will be fun".

"The next day we are going to visit the beach after that relax a bit at resort and wrap the day with special dinner at resort", Abhi completed.
' If you have any problems then will change the plan", he continued.

They all sat there and listened quietly.
"It is a nice plan Abhi", said Shreyan.

"It will be fun to stay overnight on tents", Jyo exclaimed excitedly remaining all nodded in agreement.

"What are the things we have to pack", asked Sanvi innocently as she never went to outings.
"Just pack your clothes and mandatory things remaining things are already arranged by Ashwin and Yash", sanjay stated.

Sanvi looked at him questioningly.
"We made the plan together yesterday so after planning, I told Ashwin to arrange things", he said.

"Ok", she replied.

Abhi, Shreyan and Jyo left.
"Adhitya, come I will drop you at your dorm", Sanjay offered a ride for Adhitya. They all left after bidding good byes

Sanvi, Chitra and Vedha started packing excitedly. "I am wearing this dress tomorrow, no no it doesn’t fit for outing". "then wear this top".
"You pack  this top it suits you".
"I want to pack that red top". The three girls talking excitedly while packing.

Finally they packed their stuff and decided to wear same model tops which Vedha bought from states for them.

They couldn’t sleep due to excitement. They are laying on the bed at Chitra’s room and started chatting about their school days, college days and finally ended with outing.

"It’s already half past 1, sleep now. we have to wake up early tomorrow", Vedha said. They all nodded and slept there on one bed.
They used to it, when they just started there career they couldn’t afford a big apartment so they rented a sigle bed room flat. They used to sleep on one bed happily it helped their bond to get stronger.

The next morning sanjay called Sanvi to wake them up at 5 am.
"Thank you sanjay for calling", she thanked him.

Chitra also woke up with the ring sound of Sanvi’s phone.
"Vedha wake up its getting late", Sanvi gently patted Vedha.

"It's already morning, oh god I don’t want to wake up", Vedha cried.
Chitra and Sanvi laughed by her behaviour and Chitra kicked her then Vedha woke up.

They freshen up and got ready.


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