Chapter- 31 flashback

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Note: This is the flash back when Sanvi saved Sanjay and when his love started for her. I am writing it in authors POV for clear understanding of both Sanvi and Sanjay's versions.

Author's POV

Sanvi is waiting for someone at city outskirts. It was dark as there are lights, only dim streetlights can be seen. There was no one on the road she was little scared but she continued to wait for him after all it's her need to meet him.

After standing for a long time her legs are getting sore. She looked around to sit, there was a garage like room not far away which has so many damaged cars so she walked to the garage, there is no one so she dicided to sit there until the other party arrive.

She sat there waiting and saw a car is coming her way she thought it was him but that car passed her driving fastly.

Suddenly a truck hit that car and it was destroyed like a hell. she stood up tensely to go and see the person who was in the car But the truck driver got off and dragged the person from the car and hit him on the head with an iron rod. He was loosing so much blood if this continuous within few minutes he will die.

That truck driver called someone and about five minutes later a car came and a group of three people got off from the car. One is a young man wearing a black suit and another one is a middle aged man and a police officer also there with them.

So it is a murder, how someone can kill a person and a police officer who meant to save the people is supporting them to kill a person, she felt ridiculous.

She wants to save that person. She remembered her life looking at the man but little she did know that if she go there to save him they will kill her with him So she waited for them to go.

She clicked some pictures of them, the faces were not very clear but she clicked the overview of the situation. After confirming he is no more, they left. She quickly clicked picture of their car and the truck and noted the vehicle numbers.

After they left, she rushed towards him. Sanjay is laying there unconiciously, his face is full of blood and the light is dim. She patted his cheeks,
"hey please wake up", she cried.

She checked his pulse and there was no pulse, his heart was not beating.

"Oh what can I do", she panicked first then calmed down.
I am doctor and I can save him, I belive in my self, she thought and started doing CPR. After stuggling for some time his pulse returned but he needs oxygen so she provided him oxygen through her mouth by blowing oxygen to reach his lungs.

He woke up with a cough.
"Thank god", she took a sigh of relief but she also knows that he was not out of danger. She have to take him to the hospital as soon as possible but How? She thought... at the same time her phone rang.

She picked up the call and said, "please come to next alley, someone is dying here", she said hurriedly in the phone.

Sanjay opened his eyes only to see panicking Sanvi. She is wearing a white dress with a red scarf on her neck. Her big watery eyes are full of tears. She is holding his hand tightly.

He looked at her blankly, he is half conscious and he doesn't understand is it real or he is imagining things.

Sure enough a car came and a person in black wearing a mask got off from the car. She asked him to drive to the hospital but he refused and said "it is a murder case and I don't want to involve".

"Please take us to the hospital, please, its life and death situation. If we will not take him to the hospital in 20 minutes he will die please help me", she begged on her knees joining her hands.

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