Chapter-5 why?

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They are sitting together Sanjay is just watching them talking freely he cleared his throat to get their attention. Abhi introduced Sanjay to Sanvi

"We know each other right Mr.Sanjay", she asked him and he said "yes".

"How?", Asked abhi.

"I told you yesterday about a doctor Na she is Sanvi", Sanjay said indirectly hinting him that she is his angel.

Abhi chocked his coffee after hearing that.
"What happened", Sanvi asked handing him tissues.

"Nothing", Abhi said while cleaning his shirt.

"Ok guys, it's getting late I will make a move", Sanvi said and stood up to go. She left after saying good bye.

"Abhi, you know her why don't you tell me afterall I am searching for her from two years", Sanjay exclaimed.

"How would I know that she is that girl, as far as I know she never visited Mumbai" (That accident in which Sanvi rescued Sanjay is took place in Mumbai)

"Keep that aside, how do you know her why are you calling her Sana?" Sanjay asked Abhi.

"Sana is Chitra's best friend I know her from last One year. I have invited you so many times to meet Sana but you rejected... regret it now", Abhi mocked.

Chitra is Sanvi's best friend and Abhi's girl friend. Abhi and chitra are dating from one year.

Chitra is a designer. She is working as a fashion designer in GK clothing brand which is one of the famous companies. She has a very unique style of designing and she is planning to open her own studio. She is spicialized in gown desigining.

Abhi did invited Sanjay for Chitra birthday party and some of other gatherings which only that trio (chitra, Abhi, Sanvi) celebrated but Sanjay refused to go because there is an extra person that is Chitra's friend Sana.

He has good relationship with Chitra but he doedn't want to meet her friend however Sanjay is regretting it now. why I have rejected meeting her, he thought.

But he is relieved that Sanvi is Chitra's friend and Abhi also knows her. With their support he can meet Sanvi often.

"We can ask Chitra about Sanvi's childhood. Invite her for dinner Abhi, we will talk to her", Sanjay said.
That day after knowing her details Sanjay informed about her suspicious childhood to Abhi


Sanjay and Abhi waiting for Chitra in the restaurant, soon Chitra arrived. They are in private room of a restaurant which is owned by Sanjay.

Abhi explained all the situation to Chitra and Chitra felt happy for her friend. Afterall Sanjay is very good person, he is a gentleman. She always likes Sanjay and now Sanjay is in love with her bestfriend ofcourse she will be happy.

Sanjay asked her about Sanvi's childhood but she said, "we are friends from middle school at that time our age was 12 or 13. She joined our school when she was twelve".
"She never talked to anyone in school. She is an introvert".

"Once the other kids were bullying me she stood up for me then we became friends. At first she used to sit alone even when I approach her, she used to igonore me but with my hard work I broke her boundaries and earned her friendship".

"She is very reserved person she doesn't like to talk with strangers. Her personality is quite different but I never left her, she did the same".

"In the beginning she was not even talked to me but I changed her with my friendship. She is very kind and pure that's why I like her very much. Gradually she got used to me and we became best friends".

"Time changes every thing she changed a lot with time, now she is able to talk with others".

"After completing our schooling we moved to this city. We were lived in same hostel before now we are living in the same appartment".

"She never mentioned about her childhood or about her mother. I try to ask her about her mother but she said she passed away in an accident please don't bring this topic otherwise I will be upset".

Chitra said what she knows.
Abhi asked her about Sanvi going to mumbai but chitra said, "no, she never mentioned about mumbai".

Sanjay asked again, "two years back she went to mumbai right I think its April. didn't she go to mumbai in April, two years ago?"

Chitra said, 'No' "in April if I remember correctly, she said she is going to banglore for a medical camp for three days".

Sanjay understand that it is very complicated and he has to find out who she is?

They completed their dinner and Chitra said good bye to them and stood up to go. she walked to the door of the private room and stoped then turned back and said, "one more thing Sanjay, she is very sensitive to accidents that's why she doesn't even learn driving".

"Sanjay you are my favourite person since you are Abhi's friend and Sana is my best friend. You said you love her and searching for her from two
two years that's why I told you everything about her. Don't try to hurt her and take good care her in future also".

"You can take this as a request or a warning I don't care but I don't want you to hurt my friend that's it", having said that she left.

Sanjay doesn't take Chitra's words seriously afterall she is her bestfriend she doesn't want her friend to feel sad, he can understand her.

But what he have not understand is Sanvi's childhood... Why she is hiding so many things?
She not even shared with her best friend.

Why she has so many secrets? Why her past is a mystery that no one knows?



Hello beautiful people❤

Thanks for reading hope you like it💕

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Bye for now.. Take care💜

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