Chapter 47

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"What nonsense are you talking about!!!" Raikage's shout echoed inside the room.

That definitely made me feel nauseous. His shout were at least on Naruto's level for Goddamn sake. I held onto Kai's shoulder to pull myself together after hearing his loud and annoying shout.

"I see." Obito initiated after his nonsense. "Then, I pronounce the 4th Great Ninja War. The next time we see each other again will be in the battlefield." And then he escape using his Kamui together with Sasuke on his shoulder.

I better trail them to check if their fateful meeting will happen.

"War, he say? That old fart still alive eh?" Tsuchikage stated. Unbeknownst to their knowledge, that isn't Madara. "We should form an alliance by now, what do you say, fellow Kage's?" Tsunade muttered as they look onto her now. Their attention was fixated onto something.

Protect the world.

They aren't aware of the real thing behind the Project Tsukiyomi but they're aware of the bad and shit consequences if that Genjutsu casted.

After beating and breaking the silence around us, they all agreed. All of the Kage send their guards to notify their manpower about the incoming war.

I, on the other hand. "Tsunade-sama, I ask your permission to let me find Naruto and the gangs, right now. I sense their presence at 4 o' clock." I asked politely. Kai already left to notify the ANBU's and the other Jonins.

"I see, you better leave right now. I hope Naruto wouldn't do something stupid. They're the last target before that ass proceeded to cast that damn Jutsu." Tsunade sama retorted with anger. Well, Naruto already made stupid action by bowing his head in front of Raikage.

And there I disappear and made my way to the bridge and found them immediately.

Dang! They already engage themselves to battle! What a bunch of cruel sucks ass. They weren't thinking! I turned my gaze on Karin who's now in pain. This is due to Sasuke's stab. So, everything still going according to the plot. What a drag.

Sakura had done her foolishness that's why everyone's here to back her useless plan up.

I stand on the tower, not too far from the bridge. There I can see everything that is happening now. Both Sasuke and Naruto's having their fist battle and I wonder when will Obito come to me.

"Bro, I've been waiting for you to appear." I mumbled as soon as I felt his Kamui beside me.

He chuckled at my statement. "You're really a mystery, kid." He stated with amusement. He said that as if I'm a movie or entertainment to him. what an impudent man!

"Are you that happy to see your fellow Uchiha like that? you of all people know how hard to bear such pain and yet..." Just how far you will go, Obito? This wasn't you to begin with. You're blinded and covered with pain and hatred. But this isn't the right thing for you to release all the pain you've received.

"You may know everything, but not my emotions. Stop talking as if you know me!" He scolded but I just deadpanned him. Of course, I know everything about him including on what he's feeling right now. He just don't know that.

I watched them for fucks sake!

I shrugged my shoulder to him, didn't bother myself to answer his nonsense response anymore.

"So? What are you going to do with Sasuke now? You know that he's under my seal." I averted our topic. Nothing good will happen if Obito and I fight here. It'll just cause them trouble.

He didn't answer so I sweat dropped. This guy!!!! IS!!! GETTING!!! ON!!! MY NERVES!!!!

I inhaled a huge amount of oxygen to calm myself down.

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