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Not that again.Not again,I don't want to think about it again.

The among of hate comments I got on these days back then.It was true,I didn't liked his bubbly personality,I thought he needs to work on himself more,I thought he needs to stop resting so much but...after...after BTS read out Sunoo's concerns..and revealed his healthy problems..I changed my mind.

I never hated him,this is a lie.I just didn't knew how to treat him,I changed..right?

The members kept questioning my action when I locked them out but I didn't had the guts and nerves to talk right now.

The truth about my behaviour was..I envyed him,just for being himself,for killing the stage with his presence,for having everyone wrapped around his fingers,for winning all the global votes..for getting choosed directly from the producers and for being stronger then me and anybody else.

I run to were the manager went,so did my members.

„No,it's not true.He's not the one I hate!"I yelled when the manager turned around.
„I hate that he's so much better then me!In all ways!In every perspective!I hated for knowing that he's perfect!"I completely lost it.


Heeseung stumbled fowards just to end up on his knees.He let out painful sobs and buried his face into his arm.

The manager just scoffed and left the hallway.Gladly no one else was around.

Jay and Sunghoon run to Heeseung who just shook hid head the whole time.

When I was about to turn to Niki..it was silent.

„Hee-Heeseung H-hy-hyung."Jay said in panic and showed us the unconsciousness body in his arms.



„Yea,no it's fine Mate.I stay here."I smiled at Jay who brought the medicine."I didn't knew he was sick.Looks like we need to take more care."Jay whispered and left the bedroom while the troublemaker entered.

„Is Hyung okay?"Sunoo asked and sat down on the floor,placing his head into the blanket that was wrapped around our oldest member.

I elbowed him to make him lock into my eyes."He's just tired.He used alot of energy in the practice room."

Suddely Sunoo's eyes got filled with tears and he held Hee's hand.

I remember that Sunoo wanted to slip into little space in the practice room but he couldn't.

If I would ask him to slip,he would say no so..

I rubbed his cheek and sat behind him,pulling him into my chest."Did I tell you how proud I am of you Baby?"I said.

Sunoo got flustered and shook his head.
„How about you do me a favour Baby?You know what I mean.Hee would love to see our little cupcake as soon as he wakes up."

Well..easier then I thought it would be..

„Damn I'm good doing this stuff,sucks to be the others huh?


Little Sunoo tackled me down."y-youw said a b-baed w-owd."he hit my chest.

„I'm sorrryyyyyyy.Hyung issss sooorryyyy,let me make it up by you with a kiss."

Little Sunoo looked at me disgusted,stood up and was about to leave the room."I bwring H-hwungie water."

He left the door open to get his water.I just got rejected by a baby...ouch...

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