•Heeseung and Sunghoon...the troublemaker?•

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The doctor sat down and packed his stuff.
"He caught a really bad cold,maybe even a virus so it's better he stays home.I give you some medicine so please give it to him and give him alot of attention."

We thanked him and I brought him till the door.

"He needs to stay calm,whatever happens,so you do too."he gave me a heartthrobing wink and I thanked him again while closing the door.

As soon as I entered the living room I could feel the mood.It was confusing me because no one talked.

"I should have known it,we studied in the library a few days ago and he had a huge headache."Sunghoon grabbed his head.

"I had school with him,he wasn't focused in class."Jay truthfully said while he leaned against the fridge.

"We practiced with him every night till 2am..."Heeseung said and looked at me who started tearing up.

Jake wanted to say something when Niki came out of the room."I knew it because when I slept with Hyung,he felt warm.."

"I knew it too,he didn't wanted me to tell it anyone."Jake hugged Niki and now everyone was tearing up.

I clapped."Let's keep going,we do what we need to do but at least one or two members need to stay here whenever the others are out the next few days,got it?"I asked and everyone started to agree.

I looked at the clock.

"Niki,we got an interview in 2 hours."I reminded him as he sat down next to me and side hugged me.

"Niki can we ta-"Sunghoon started to speak but Niki looked like he wasn't liking it.


We all stared at Niki for saying no.He usually isn't this defensive after a fight,maybe stubborn but he never says No to Sunghoon Hyung.

Niki left the dorm without a word so I followed him.


I sat between Sunghoon and Hesseung who watched the news on TV.I was focused on my phone.Right after Jake came out of the room he went to me.

"His fever isn't really going down and he is in pain but he fell asleep again."he informed everyone of us and we suggest to let Jake sleep with him this night.

After he went to Sunoo with a towel again I continued to stalk Engene's on TikTok.

"Look how ridiculous!"Heeseung laughed together with Sunghoon while they took pictures of it.Before I could react I listened them talking.

„Isnt that the weirdest thing in the world?"Heeseung asked me and pointed at the TV.

News {Little Space is weird?What a therapist says about it} was the title of the news.

„I heared they turn into a big baby and get clingy ew."Sunghoon muttered and Heeseung agreed.

I was trying to stay calm,I stayed calm but after they said something more,I lost it.

Little space with troublemakers? حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن