•too curious•

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"Hyung please tell me where they are!Sunoo looked sick today and they don't answer the phone!"I begged the driver to give me some answers.

He thought about it."I brought them to a cat coffee shop."he finally answered and I thanked him.

I went inside our dorm again and I meet Niki who was eating his noodles peacefully while watching BTS new Run Episode.

"Niki,I will go outside for a while,you good?"I asked him,making sure he can stay here alone.

"Mhm,can you bring me some sweets?"he hesitated to ask and now looked at his own food,gulping loudly.

I laughed out loud and nodded."Heeseung Hyung is at the practice room so if something happens,you know where he is."I stated and he hummed.

"Hyung,Sunghoon is home anyways."

"He is?"I asked him and went into our share room.Right when I wanted to say something Heeseung came inside and greeted us.

Niki just groaned and left the dorm with his food and phone.Understandable because now the members are here and Sunghoon Hyung and Heeseung Hyung are mostly really loud.

"Sung,did you saw the meme I sended you?"Heeseung laughed and Sunghoon joined him and rolled on the floor.

I was kinda annoyed.They didnt even realised that Niki left the dorm because of them.Lately they don't really watch out to the other members,Sunoo and Niki suffer the most because they can barely rest after school.

"Oh Jungwon,lettme show you the meme!"Heeseung run up to me but I stopped him.

"Sunoo,Jay and Jake don't answer their phones,Niki left the dorm,Sunoo almost passed out today and you guy's can stay here laughing about a meme?Congratulations.I will be back later and stop annoying Niki."I said with my angry leader voice.

I closed the door behind me and went downstairs to the practice room.It took me awhile because it's a new building and alot of rooms.

I slowly opened the door when I saw Niki eating there on the floor while enjoying his food and the episode.

"Here the keys for the dorm and Hyung's recording room.They won't bother you."I winked at Niki who came up to me and hugged me as a thank you gesture.

On my way to the adress that the driver gave me I thought about it.Why would they be there?I knew they all like cats but isn't that too crowded?..

I took the bus while praying not to get asked for a picture etc.

Thankfully no one noticed my presence so I had a comfortable ride,a LONG ride.

After I left the bus I looked around a little bit and found a little coffee shop.The owner was just at the door,about to..close it?

„Excuse me,do you already close?"I asked him and bowed out of respect.

The man gave me a big fat smile."Aren't you also a member of enhypen?"he looked at me closely and I showed him my dimples.

„You can join the others,I think they went upstairs."He let me in and gave me the keys.

„Thank you,have a wonderful evening!"I went inside and looked for them.While I looked around I found many cats playing with each other.It was a great place to relax and not needing to worry about anything.

"Hyung?Are you there?"I shouted loudly but I got no response till I saw them sitting on the floor.

„Aish Hyu-...S-sunoo?"I started but then I saw Sunoo...playing with...things..

I looked at Jake and Jay.Both of them couldn't explain the situation.I didnt needed an answer after I heared Sunoo asking them „Hwrt m-me?"

I knew this will be a long long day with alot of explanations.

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