•A few face,maybe even a new..problem?•

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„Yah you stole my monopoly money!"Jake bit Jay's finger and he started to whine in pain.I just laughed together with Heeseung who leaned against me.

It's been a few days ago since everyone of my members knew my secret.I thought it will be okay,at least it seemed like it.

„Sunoo wanna go into little space?Tomorrow we have a hard schedule with our new Manager."Jungwon reminded me but I shook my head."I don't feel like it right now but thank you Wonie."

Jake shoot me a sceptical glare before he continued to squabble with Jay about the money.

Actually I would love to go into little space,get the attention of the others and cuddle with them but I couldn't bring myself to do that.Everyone accepted me,Heeseung Hyung and Sunghoon Hyung were the most caring ones when I'm in little space but ...

Like Jungwon said,we have a hard schedule and when I fall asleep in little space then...I get nightmares and wake the members near me up.Last time they didn't dared to go to sleep sgsin because they were concerned that I will get scared.When we had an Interview,they barely could focuse because of their lack of sleep.

I have nightmares about that every member will be against me or the kids who made fun of me and hit me outside.Sometimes I even dreamed of my fans wanting me to leave the group because I'm different...

„Sunoo let's go to bed."Jake yelled."You spaced out dude."

Now I saw everyone looking at me.Since everyone agreed that I'm a normal member they started giving me pitiful looks each time something was going wrong.I'm still Sunoo,not someone else.

„I was thinking about what I will wear since tomorrow it will be warmer."I lied of course but my memberd dont need to know about it,right?

I smiled and head into the bathroom.I got a quick shower,changed my clothes and brushed my teeth.After I left,Niki entered the bathroom and I sat down on the floor where Jungwons bed was.I handed him the towel and he started drying my hair slowly.We had a conversation about our new manager.Sunghoon saw him yesterday and he seemed old and scary.

„Let's go to bed y'all!Niki is done now hop hop!"Jay turned of the lights when we all stayed in our own bed.

I took a deep breath.I really wanted to slip now into my little space because I've been a little bit stressed but I couldn't be a burden towards the other members even more.I hugged my stuffed animal Sunghoon bought me and closed my eyes.

A few hours later
practice room


I hated the new Manager of ours.He was mean to Jake because Jake didn't understood his question since he's still learning korean.I was glad he didn't asked me any questions.

„So who's Kim Sunwoo?"he asked next and Sunoo stood up.He weirdly looked up and down when Sunoo stood infront of him."Your manager talked to me yesterday and I know you have little space,is that true?"

We could Sunoo gulp loudly.Our main manager supported Sunoo and he's probably the biggest simp for Baby Sunoo,next to Yeonjun and Jake.

„Yes sir.."he said with his soft tiny voice.

„Don't be scared...I will make sure you will feel comfortable alright?"he grabbed Sunoo's Shoulders and patted it.

Maybe he isn't that bad...right?

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