33. Guilt

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Tiredly, you open your eyes and let your sight travel the room you're in. You meet Kise's golden eyes and you can't help but blush. His eyes are beautiful after all.  

"Good morning," he says with his raspy, morning voice, sending shivers down your spine. 

"Go-good morning," You say and smile tiredly. Without realizing your eyes glance down at his lips, and he notices it. Carefully he pulls you closer and his lips are only inches away. He leans in, and you meet his kiss. You run your fingers through his soft golden hair, and he drags his hand up and down your back. You were lost in your needs. Smoothly, he places you beneath him, still not breaking your kisses. Playfully, you bite his bottom lip and a small groan leaves his mouth. He starts kissing you on your jaw, down to your neck and collarbone, leaving you a moaning mess. Damn

"YA RYOTA IF YOU'RE GOING TO HAVE SEX PLEASE DON'T BE SO LOUD". Both of you get completely flustered and he climbs of you. 

"Hehe, Ehm, I didn't know we would do that or that he would be home" He awkwardly scratch his neck and you chuckle. 

"No worries" You blush, and it becomes quiet. The quietness makes your head spin with thoughts and emotions. 

damn it y/n, why are you playing with him? Am I playing with him? I love Daiki... Will Daiki hate me for this? We aren't dating? But still.. He told me he loved me and I... I love him too... What should I do? Learn to love another or... 

"What are you thinking about?" Kise says and looks at you while leaning against a wall. You were so lost in your thoughts that you didn't even notice that he had stood up, brought coffee and come back again.

"Owe haha ehm just tired" You say and he chuckle and sit down next to you.

"You're thinking about Aomie-chi right?" He says and you nod.

"I feel like I'm cheating..."

"You guys aren't together, and just because he dropped the L-word, it doesn't meant that you have to feel the same, or that you're together. You are free to do what you want to with whoever you want to" He winks at you at the last part and you laugh at him in response.

"Silly boy" you say and take a sip of coffee.

"As long as I make you smile, I'll be as silly as I have to" He winks again gets up and leave the room. A blush lingers on your cheeks and you smile.

You join him in the kitchen and you see that he's cooking.

"Pancakes?!" You scream in excitement and he chuckle. You watch as he makes the pancakes and he pretends to be in a cooking show, making you laugh like crazy. He was finally done cooking when a shirtless Moriyama walks into the dorm.

"I told you to keep it down Kis-" Then he sees you and blush, and scratch the back of his head.

"Owe I din't know you guys had breakfast plans" He says awkwardly and Kise Laughs.

"Come and join us Moriyama-chi!" He says and he sits down next to you. Sweat is running over his back, chest, and his forehead.

"Can I at least take a shower first? I just came back from a run" He says and you and Kise starts to laugh.

"Yeah Smelly go and shower" you joke and you can see a blush on his cheeks. This made Kise laugh even harder, receiving a punch in his stomach from Moriyama. He walks into the bathroom, and you can hear the water starts to run. Kise puts some maple on your cheek, near your mouth and you pout.

"Why did you do that?!" You laugh. Then smoothly, Kise walks up beside you, and licks the Marple of your face, and you blush in surprise.

"Soo Now it's gone" He winks and you playfully punch his arm.

"You're such a tease today!" You laugh and he joins your laughing. Out from the bathroom, only wearing a towel around his waist comes Moriyama, he smells like lemon and mint. He walks into his room, but before closing the door, he glances at you and meet your eyes.

"Ya y/n, stop staring at Senpai" Kise says pretending to be sad, and you turn around and shoot daggers with your eyes towards Kise.

"I was not... Staring" you pout and the redness on your cheeks lingers.

"Now let's eat!"

The breakfast was nice, Kise kept up with his charades and Moriyama scolded him for talking with food in his mouth. It was a fun, breakfast. Moriyama kept glancing over at you, and you couldn't help but too blush. He's a fine looking guy after all. 


Who's your biggest Knb Crush? ;) 

So This update was pretty slow... HEHE but I've been working a lot... But here comes a chapter :P  And The drama will come, cuz I love reading drama, so ;) 

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