31. Sorry

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His hot, shaking breath hit your lips, you close the gap between the two of you and you can feel the longing in his kisses, the sadness, pain and guilt. He cups your face with both of his hands, you're lost. You let your hands travel on his chest and his soft hair. Your kisses turn into a makeout session. Tears streaming down from your eyes, and his. You missed him. You missed him so bad. His kisses were what you needed, his warmth, his touches. You break the kiss, coming back to reality. Still, only inches apart, the two of you are trying to catch your breath. You knew he was sorry, but he hurt you, does he deserve a second chance? You see the pain in his eyes, and he's trying to say something, but his voice cracks, breaking your heart. You embrace him, sitting in his lap and you can hear his quiet cries. He kisses your neck, it sends shivers down your spine. He nestles his face in your neck and you drag your hands on his back, comforting him.

"I-I should be the one comforting you"

"I hurt you, and you still-" His voice breaks.

"I don't deserve you, but I want you"

"I'm so selfish, I'm sorry" he presses you harder onto him and you can feel his fast heartbeat.

"I've never felt like this before". You listen as he's pleading for your forgiveness.

"Why did I fuck this up" He whispers and you can feel him falling asleep, you lay him down in your bed, and get of him. You carefully drag you hand through his hair as he's falling asleep. You sigh, get up and unpack. You needed to get away from him. Satsuki enters your room, and you motion for her to wait outside, and you walk out with her. You head to the vending machines and choose a soda.

"He's been a mess," She says.

"It's his own fault"

"I'm on your side y/n, but please listen to what he has to say"

"Why should I? He cheated, end of story" You say feeling the venom in your voice.

"It wasn't -"

"I saw it Satsuki, I saw it happen, she might have kissed him first, but he didn't stop nor push her away," You say, leaving her speechless.

"He had a moment of weakness y/n, truly, he just found out-"


"He was at the roof, cause he just found out that his grandpa died, and they were quite close, so he was sad. She took advantage of it". She says and you try to process everything. Satsuki keeps telling you about the situation.

"So the reason he's been down sometimes, is because his grandpa was sick?" You ask, feeling guilty.

"Yes, and he don't really like to talk about feelings... "

"But it doesn't make the cheating okay"

"Of course not, but you can understand him better, why he had a moment of weakness," She says quietly, supporting him, her best childhood friend. You walked into your room again, and Satsuki left the two of you alone. You watched his sleeping face. It looked so sad, vulnerable and pleading. You sigh, and sit down next to him in your bed. Your fingers trace his face and a small smile forms on his lips. You can hear him mumble in his sleep.


"y/n, that's my icecream"

"You're so cute"

"my y/n"

You chuckle at him and shake your head. He really is an Aho. You can see him waking up, slowly opening his eyes, looking at you.

"You're here, it wasn't a dream" he whispers and pulls you down into his hug.

"Hey, Ahomine-"

"Please, just a little while" You relax in his arms. It feels so nice.

"I'm truly sorry, no matter what, I'm sorry, and there's no excuse for hurting you" He says with his low, husky voice.

"Why didn't you tell me? About him being sick? You ask and you can hear him hesitate.

"I don't like to talk about it." He mumbles.

"You Baka." You say and stay in his arms. You turn around and face him. His eyes have a little hope in them, he's smiling sheepishly. He glances at your lips and he leans in closer. You hesitate, and he stops. You kiss him quickly on his lips and separate your lips.

"I need some time" You say and he nods.


"So I can't do this right now" You say. There's silence. You're just looking at each other, taking in the sight.

"Do you hate me?" He asks, and you can hear the pain.

"no, but I'm disappointed and hurt" you say and he nods. His eyes keep glancing at your lips. And you want to kiss him so bad. One last time won't hurt? You lean in, kissing him, he longfully kisses you back, and you're getting lost in the moment of his sweet, soft lips. His hand travels down your waist and you gasp a little, letting his tongue inside your mouth. You tangle your arms around his neck and he swiftly gets on top of you, his hand traveling on your body, up and down your leg. Being with him, your mind couldn't travel elsewhere. He breaks away from your lips, and rain kisses from your jawline down to your collarbone. He finds your soft spot and kisses it more roughly. A small moan escapes your mouth and you can feel a smile through his kisses. You wanted him, and only him. He returns to your lips and kisses you passionately. He breaks the kiss and looks at you with hungry eyes. He knew you didn't want to do it now, he didn't deserve it. So he had to restrain himself. He laid down next to you and he hugs you, your back facing his chest. You can feel his heartbeat and heavy breaths. And his somewhat excited parts.

"Y/N, I think I-" 


So guys, I have an "old" Haikyuu fanfic, that I wrote for my friend a while back ago, I've changed her name to y/n and hair color etc. Check it out if you like Haikyuu (It's cringy thooooo) it's called "Should I?"

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