2. You can do it

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You choose sports as your extracurricular subject. There were many choices of sports, but you chose basketball since you thought that it was an interesting sport. You change into a big t-shirt and black shorts. You put in your black basketball shoes and bring your ball. Nervously you're walking towards the A field, which was for the girls/team, right next to plan B, where the boy's practice. With shaking hands, you open the door to the gym and everyone's attention turns to you. Satsuki runs up to you and embraces you in a big hug.
"I didn't know you played basketball!" She shrieks.
"I haven't played for very long. I just started" you laugh awkwardly.
"I'm one of the coaches for the guys' team", she winks.
"Well, then I guess we'll see each other quite more often. If I make the team..." You shyly say.

You walk over to the coach for the girl's team and feel everyone staring at you.
"So y/n what position do you usually play"

"Well I've tested all of them, and I'm flexible, so I'll take the position you think best for me" you smile sheepishly.
"Okay, let's start with warmups, then regulars and I'll see how you do. Just do what the others do". 

Everything went smoothly, you made all your shots, you kept up with all the physical exercises.

"It's time for our shot competition, The one who wins, doesn't have to do the 100 jumping jacks," The coach says. Everyone starts at the closest line that the coach has prepared. Then you move further and further back. After about ten minutes it's just you and one girl left. Her name is Anji. All eyes are on the two of you. The guys are looking, and you can feel a pair of eyes staring a little bit more. Why is Satsuki staring so intensely? You shrug it off and focus on the game. Anji misses her shot and it's your turn. If you make it, you win the competition and probably will be admitted to the team. You roll your shoulders and take a deep breath. You can do it. You take a deep breath and make your shot. It flies at a perfect angle and you score. The girls cheer and the coach nods in approvement.
"y/n, let's see how far you can go, continue ". You nod in response and back even further. You make shot after shot and everything scores. Finally, you're done and you wipe away the sweat from your forehead. You felt a little embarrassed but at the same time happy, that you made all of your shots. Especially when the guys were watching.
"Everyone do your Jumping jacks, I want you y/n and Sakura to go one on one. And Satsuki come here". Sakura walks to the court and Satsuki runs to the coach, and you see them talking but you can't hear what they are saying. I have to win, to show the coach I'm good, so I make the team. Your cheeks are red from embarrassment and you walk over to Sakura. She looks you up and down and rolls her eyes.
"Hi, nice to meet you," you say and smile.
"Yeah, you too," she says with a bored tone. You prepare yourself and wait for the coach.

"She's good," Satsuki says to the coach.
"Indeed, She even beat our top shooter, lets see how she's in one on one" the coach smirk.
"Satsuki, do your scan on her and give me the papers". The coach walks over to the two of you and gets ready. You take a deep breath and get into your game mode.  Your expression goes from embarrassed to focused. The coach smirk at the change.
"Ready and GO" he throws p the ball and it's game time.

Quickly you jump and steal the ball, with fast and witty movements you easily felt past Sakura and score. Her eyes widened, just like everyone else eyes. The star player Sakura was easily tricked by your wittiness. You have already analyzed all the players during the warmup, so you knew her weak spots. Now it was Sakura's turn to attack. You swiftly followed her movements and saw that she was going for a left turn. Trying to trick me huh. You make it look like a left but you're going for a right them quick shot. As you predicted she faked the left but since you knew you steal the ball away from her and dribble all over to the other side and shoot a three-pointer. A big smirk forms on your lips and you jog back to your side, passing a very angry Sakura. The coach laughs and looks entertained.
"y/n wins!, gather around now" All of the girls gather around and you feel happy about your performance today. Yes, I did great!
"So girls, we have a practice game this Saturday. I expect you all there. Everyone's free to leave except you y/n". The girls leave and you stay behind with the coach. The guy's practice just ended as well and they are eyeing you.
"I want you on our team, you are a true talent!" He says and you smile brightly.
"I'd love to play with you guys, thank you!"
"I'd also want you on our starting line on this Saturday"
"Really!" You're super excited
"Yes, so keep practicing and I'll see you tomorrow"
"Arigato I will"


just kind of quickly wrote this at work xD 

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