12. Hurt

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-Strong language, trigger, hurt-

"Can you just stop it Kise! You and I are not a couple, so I can hang out with whoever I want to!" You yell at him.

"Do I mean nothing to you? Or do you enjoy hurting people"

"Are you serious?! You're the one making up accusations!"

"But I saw the two of you y/n! I saw you!"

"Well then you saw that nothing happened." You're getting more and more frustrated

"Come on y/n, don't act like you're not asking for it. You love the attention"

"What did you say" You feel yourself breaking. How could he say that.

"You're always flirting with others, does that make you feel good!?" he looks at you with angry eyes.

"Well you don't know how I feel, so please leave me alone now. I don't think you and I work out together anymore. Not even as friends. Sayonara Kise." With that, you leave. You walk out of his room and past Kasamatsu. Tears roll down your cheeks and you meet his eyes. He had heard it all. You quickly look away and wipe your tears away. Then you run back towards your dorm. You run through the Library since it's the quickest way, You turn the corner and see a well-known bluenette, making out with a girl. Aomine, not now...Not this now..why did I have to take the shortcut... You walk past them as fast as you can, and you see that Aomine looks at you a bit surprised, and his expression turns into worry when he sees your red eyes. When you've gotten out of their sight you run. As soon as you closed the door to your room your tears come streaming down your face. There's no stopping them. It hurts, hurts so much. The one you thought was your friend, and the guy you have a crush on, making out with someone else. It's time to let them go. They only bring drama. I need to let them go. The tears won't stop falling, and a worried Momoi peeps through the door. She comes in and sits beside you. She embraces you, and you keep losing yourself in the sadness. You wanted to forget about them. You needed a break. Your mind kept coming back to when you first met Kise and your first kiss with Aomine. Aomine's warm fingers stroking your skin, his soft lips kissing your neck. His eyes. His goddamnit beautiful eyes. The pain in your chest keeps hurting, more and more. Your hands are shaking. Everything is too much. Then it all goes away. Your warm, gentle eyes turn cold.

You and Momoi decide to hang out with Serin. The guys in Serin are nice. You've hung out a bit with Tetsuya and Kagami. But not so much with the others. Teppei is a great player, but a bit odd. Riko Aida, their coach is tough. She's a power lady, and you like her. You were a bit nervous, you tried your best to cover up your puffy eyes, but it still showed. Hopefully, they won't ask. Even though you weren't sad anymore, it still showed that you've cried. Now you just felt empty, cold, and wanted to fill that emptiness with someone, just someone.

You knock on Tetsuya's door, and it opens almost eminently. You see that Tetsuya notices your eyes but just nods. You come in and the guys turn around and smile when they see the two of you.

"Ya it's y/n" The guy who looks like a cat says. Kagami comes over and smiles.

"How've you been?"

"I'm good, just drowning in schoolwork as usual" you lie. Kagami doesn't question your response. But you can see that he inspects your face. He smiles warmly and introduces you.

"Guys this is y/n," he says and you bow.

"Kon'nichiwa," You say and bow again to your senpais. You can hear chuckles and you look up at them with a small taint of red on your cheeks.

"I'm Hyuga"

"Koganei" the boy who looked like a boy bow

"Teppei-senpai" he laughs, he has a nice voice.

"Izuki" smiles, and looks at you with his eagle eyes. They were quite a lot of people, Mitobe, Furihata, Tsuchida, Fukuda, Kawahara, and coach Riko.

"Nice to meet you all" You bow again and knock your head in Teppeis's chest. Oh no.

"Owwe gomen'nasai Teppei-senpai" You blush and sheepishly look at him, he just chuckles and pat you on the head. You blush even more.

"Ya Teppei let the poor girl be!" Riko says. Nice, a lot of guys who can make me forget about them.

The night continues, and you start playing beer pong.

"SO we're going to have a beer pong tournament! Team up two and two. Hell no that I'm with Momoi. You quickly look around. And take Kagamis's arm. He blushes a little and smiles towards you. The first game is Hyuga and Izuki, against Teppei and Fukada. It's a tough game but Hyugas team wins in the end. Next up are You and Kagami, against Tetsuya and Momoi.

"Easy win" Kagami whispers to you and smirk. And like he says it was an easy win. They didn't even make one cup before you and Kagami had scored all of yours. While watching the others play, you and Kagami drink one beer after another. Then it's your turn again, it's against Hyuga and Izuki. In the end, Hyuga makes the last score and they win. You finish the last cup and Momoi starts the music and starts to dance. Being in your drunken state you join her. To dance the pain away. You start to feel a little bit sick after a while and decide to go and buy a soda. Kagami insists on joining but you rather walk alone, to clear your mind a little.

You went to the vending machines,  and of course, the lounge is full of people, also drinking. And to top It off, both Kise and Aomine are there. As well as Medusa... You keep walking to the vending machine which is on the other side of the lounge, so you have to walk past all of them, ignoring the looks and attention you get from the group. You can hear the sound of high heels coming closer. Great. You take your drink and start walking back, but the Medusa squad blocks you. She got a big smug smile on her face.

"Well, well, well, who's this ugly girl we've got here ?" She smiles evilly. You open your can of soda and take a sip yawing and, go a little to the side to walk past. You're now the center of attention, everyone's looking at you and the squad.

"Lost your ability to speak" She smirks, thinking you're scared.

"Owe, I thought you were talking to yourself" You stare at her with bored eyes and take a sip from your drink. You can hear quiet laughter in the background.

"You think you're funny, huh? Well the truth is that nobody likes you, you're just easy to get"

"Oh no, you sure got me there," you say with sarcasm.

"Don't act like you're somebody, that you're better than us, just because you play basketball"

"Well sorry to tell you, but I am better than you at basketball"

"You're just a big show-off, and you're not even that good"  You can almost feel the tension in the air. But you keep your bored expression

"Oh no, you hurt my feelings, buuhuu" you say and yawn. You can see her getting angrier and angrier.

"I'm feeling nice today, so I'm not going to slap you" she tries to sound threatening.

"And I'm feeling tired, so I'm not going to Slam-dunk your face" you tilt your head to the side and smile an innocent smile before going back to your stone expression. You're getting annoyed for real and turn around to walk the other way, past all the people. Behind you, you hear Medusa getting closer.

"Kise's mine now, " She says, with victory in her voice. You just roll your eyes.

"Well, go ahead and take the leftovers princess, I most certainly do not care," You say with a stone expression, and keep walking.


"And just so you know, the only reason there are leftovers is if they're not good, or too much, enjoy" You give her a fake smile and walk past Kise and his team, as well as Aomine and Imayoshi with a bored expression. You can see a big smug smile on Imayoshi's face. You see Akashi at the other side of the room, with a grin on his face. He's leaning towards the wall that leads back to Serin's dorms. Guess we're going to have a little talk.


DOn't look down on Reader-chan!

More and more drama~~~~~~~
Slaaam dunk

After finish my laboratory rapport I manage to make a chapter 😈

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