3. Beg me

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With a big smile on your face, you pick up your things from the bench. Satsuki runs over to you and looks at you with wide eyes.
"Your numbers are amazing!"
"My what" you look at her confused. Three guys are walking up to the two of you.
"She analyzed your performance, she's our analyzer," The black-haired boy with glasses says.
"Ohh, good," you say, still feeling confused.
"I love that you beat Sakura, her position on the team has gotten into her head" Satsuki whispered. Mohahah I am the best.
"Owe really, it was fun" you smile and start to walk away with Satsuki.
"Girl, what's your name," The boy says.
"You'll know soon enough" You wink and gain a chuckle from Satsuki.

Finally, you were back in your room and you took a long nice shower. You let the warm water soak your hair, and rinse your body from the sweat. You use your favorite shower oil making you scent like a dream. You scrub your body, and your skin is soft like like cotton. You dry your hair and put on a simple black skirt and white top. Matched it with jewelry and put on a little mascara. When you were finally done you walk out of the bathroom and see the blue-haired boy lying in your bed, sleeping. What does he think he's doing! You look over at Satsuki Whos trying to look away.
"Why is that person in my bed," You ask staring at her.
"I tried to make him move but he just doesn't" You turn to face the boy.
"Oi, do you want me to do this the hard way or easy way" No answer? You will definitely regret this Daikikun. You walk back into the bathroom and fill a glass with cold water. Then you come back and Satsuki's eyes widen.
"He will kill you!" She whispers. You just laugh and walk over.
"1,2,3" you pour the water on him, and he jumps out of bed and stares at you with furious eyes. He then talked of his shirt, revealing his abs and muscular chest. You feel your cheeks heated up, but you try to not show it. You just stare at him with bored eyes. Omg, he's hot.. Thoses muscles.
"If you wanted me to undress, you could just have said so" He smirks and you keep your bored expression.
"Yeah IF I wanted that, I would have asked," you say and walk past him.
"Satsuki Chan I'm going to meet a friend, don't wait up," you say and close the door. Rapidly, you hurry away and when you've finally gotten away you bump into someone.
"We have to stop meeting like this" and you hear him chuckle. Kise.
"Hehe, hi Kise" You laugh
"I'm heading out for a drink, you want to join me"
"Yeah, sure," you blush and the two of you walk out of the school.

You reach a cute little cafe and he opens the door for you. Gentlemen. You order a frappe and he orders a Cappuccino. Then you sit down by the window.
"So how does it feel to be the girl everyone's talking about"
"Wait what?" you ask confused.
"Yeah, the hot new girl who's awesome at basketball" You blush and scratch the back of your head.
"Haha, that's what they're saying?" You laugh awkwardly.
" I also play basketball, would be nice to do a few shots together," He says and smiles brightly. He's hot, and he's talking to me!!!
"I'm guessing that's what the boys are saying, the girl's version is probably not as nice" you laugh.
"Well you're hanging with the handsome model, Kise, what do you expect"
"YOU'RE A MODEL" That's why he's so hot and confident about it.
"Yeah, wait why are you so shocked. Am I that ugly" he ask and make the cutest puppy face you've ever seen?
"Hahaha no I didn't mean like that, you Baka" you laugh at his silliness. Gaining everyone's attention in the cafe.
"So I'm hot," he asks and wink.
"You're not bad-looking" You wink back.
"You're not so bad either" the both of you laugh and take a sip of your drink.

You see Satsuki outside the window, standing with the team. Aomines dark blue eyes meet yours. You quickly look away. Kise follows your eyes and sees the spectators outside.
"Are you embarrassed?" He asks and he smirks. You blush and his smirk gets even bigger.
"Aiishh, stop it Kise-Kun" You pout and he chuckle.
"You're really something. Super confident but at the same time you blush and get embarrassed, I LOVE it" he laughs and you take a sit of your drink and look down. Feeling like the whole you are turning red. Like it couldn't be more embarrassing Satsuki comes in.
" YOU DIDNT TELL ME YOU WERE GOING ON A DATE WITH KISE SAN!" She screams and runs up to you. After her, the whole basketball team stands. Could you make it worse... 
"Hi Satsuki, as I told you before I'm just out with a friend" Damn it, I just used it as an excuse to leave the room when Daiki was there.
" But you said Don't wait up, and we"
"OMG look at the time! We must leave now bye" You interrupt Satsuki, and grab Kise's hand trying to leave as fast as possible. Kise gets what you mean and plays along. The whole team looks at you with smirks on their faces. That Satsuki! Now they all think I'm going to sleep with him! well maybe but. NO stop thinking. You rush out. And your cheeks are burning. Kise wraps his hand around yours harder, and his smile is full of mischief. Then he leads you away. You can hear Satsuki fangirl in the background. This is going to be a pain. After a few minutes later you arrived at a small park.
"You owe me one" he smirks.
"Hey, fine" You pout and he laughs at you.
"Don't be like that to your Senpai"
"Will you just stop" You laugh and playfully hit his shoulder and run away. You run pretty quickly and try to hide behind a tree. But seconds later he finds you and tickles you.
"HAHAHA NO HAHAHA STOP IT KISE-SAN" He smiles mockingly.
"Beg me" He smirks
"HAHAHA, Please, please"
"Who are you talking too" he laughs.

"PLEASE KISE-SAN" You exhaustively say, making it sound like a moan. Kise stops tickling you and smiles proudly.
"The way you said it, it was so worth it." You kick him where the sun doesn't shine. And he falls to the ground.
"It was still worth it" He laughs but you can see that he's in pain. You can see a basketball court, and you walk over there, you hear Kise follows you and him grunting.

"You really are something," He says and welp at the end from being in pain.
"I just love hearing you welp" You smile mischievously.

The two of you walk back to the University, chatting about everything.
"So there's a party on Saturday, you and Satsuki should come."
"Sounds fun" You smile and walk toward your dorm. I hope she's not home. You enter your room and meet an exciting Satsuki and sleeping Aomine.

"Soooo how was it" she winks.
"Was what" you look at her with a bored expression. 
"Well since your hair is all messy, you know what I mean" She smirks and Aomine opens his eyes and looks at you.
"Omg, can you stop imagining things? Nothing like in your fantasies happened" You walk over to the mirror and fix your hair.
"And why is this Baka in my bed! My sheets smell like him, instead of my soap!" You pout and point accusingly at Aomine.
"Then it smells better" He smirks and you roll your eyes.
"No, it does not," You say and sit down in Satsuki's bed.
"Satsuki, make him leave" You demand.
"Dai-San please leave, you're making y/n very uncomfortable" Aomine just rolls his eyes and gets up. Standing very close to you. He smells so good. He bows down and whispers in your ear.
"You can wake up beside me any day, not just my perfume" His hot breath gently touch your skin. His husky voice sends shivers down your spine and your cheeks heat up.
"Can you ju-just leave" you try to sound as convincing as you can. He notices your blush, and a smirk full of mischief spread over his lips. This boy will be the end of me. He licks his lower lip and leaves. As soon as he closed the door you give Satsuki death glares.

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