32. What

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"Y/n I think I-I love you," He says and you freeze in shock.

"Every minute without you I miss you, these past days have been hell, not knowing if you would come back or ever talk to me again. The way my heart skips when I see you, see your name or just thinking about you. This pain in my chest, knowing that I hurt you. I've never felt like this before. It's wonderful and scary at the same time". You can hear him breathing shakingly. You don't know what to say.

"Ehm, wow, " You say awkwardly, but your heart is racing.

"You don't have to love me back, I just needed to tell you," He says and it becomes silent again. I love you too... You don't know what to do. He hurt you, but you love him. It bothers you. Why did you have to fall for someone that hurt you? You didn't say anything. And start to feel tired.

"Sweet dream y/n" He says and you fall asleep, while a tear roll down your cheek.

You wake up, in the arms of the boy you love, but don't want to love. Carefully, you untangle yourself from his arms, You changed into a cute pair of shorts, and your favorite t-shirt, matching it with a handbag. You apply makeup and fix your hair, then you hear a knock on the door. You open and a smiling Kise is standing there. He looks hot. He's wearing beige pants matching with a white t-shirt and beige jacket. 

"Hi sugar" Kise says and embraces you from behind.

"Hi pudding" you laugh and he chuckles. The two of you walk to your favorite cafe while talking. But Kise can see that you're distracted. You had to get out, get away so you could think. And meeting up with Kise seems like the perfect thing. He can distract you from thinking about Aomine. The one you realized that you love him, but that love is scary. 

"So y/n, tell me what's wrong," He says and looks at you with caring eyes.

"What? Nothing I'm fine" You say and smile awkwardly.

"Seriously?" He furry his eyebrows and you sigh.

"Well, ehmn, Aomine kind of told me he loves me" His eyes widen and the silence is very, very awkward.

"Owe, ehm so what did you answer?" He says and you shift uncomfortably on the chair.

"I kind of didn't," You say and your face turns red.

"But you like him?"

"Yeah Kise... I think... I think I love him too..." You look at him with a sad smile.

"But I don't want to, " You say and you can feel the lump in your throat. Kise moves closer to you and embraces you. The waitress comes over and gives you, your order.

"What a cute couple!" She says before walking away, making the both of you flustered.

"Well our babies would be adorable," He says and you hit him on his arm.

"What?! They would just look at us! We're gorgeous!" He says and you laugh at his silliness. You keep talking and joking for about an hour and you gaze at him.

"Thank you, Kise" You say and he blushes.

"For what?" He says

"Making me smile, " You say and a hue of redness spread over your cheeks.

"I'd do anything to make you happy Baka, that's what friends do," He says and wink towards you. The two of you walk around in the city and you enjoy every second. The atmosphere is easy and comfortable.

"So, should we have a movie night?" He says out of the blue and your face turns into a huge smile.

"YES" You say and skip around in excitement.

"Then let's buy snacks!!!" The two of you skips into a convenience store and buy tones of snacks, candy, and Ice cream. Then the two of you head back to his dorm, since his roomie is away, he got the place for himself. You put everything up on the table and get covers. He changes into shorts and sits down on the sofa.

"So we're starting with a scary one, just so you know" he smirks and you frown.

"I'll protect you" He winks and you blush lightly. It's been 20 minutes into the movie and you're crawling up in his arms, hiding your face in his chest. He smells so good. He's gently stroking your back, making you feel safe. You sit there throughout the whole movie and he chuckles when the movie is over. You look up at him with your puppy eyes. He's beautiful. You look into his eyes, and you glance down at his lips. He glances down at yours as well and the space between the two of you gets smaller.

"Can I kiss you?" He whispers and you close the gap between the two of you. He gently places his hand on your back. The warmth spreads throughout your body. The kiss is warm, passionate and feels safe. He breaks the kiss, lips still only inches apart. His breath is hot, tempting and his lips want yours. He leans in and kisses you, you drag your fingers through his soft hair, you let his tongue enter your mouth and you get lost in the warmth he's giving you, he's making you forget all the worries. He's your escape. He breaks your makeup session and looks into your eyes. A tint of redness flushes on both of your faces and he chuckles. He picks up the remote and starts another movie, you get comfortable in his arms and let him warm up your numbness. Peacefully, you fall asleep in his arms and he plays with your hair. 


Finally, I have a break from work and exams <3 

Preparing for a little more DraAaAaAama ;) 

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