9. Shoot

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You and Momoi have been to so many stores, you bought sportswear, cute and sexy lingerie, makeup, skin products, and it was time to head back. When you had finally put all of your stuff on your bed, you decide to go out and practice your shooting, while Momoi takes a bath. You put on your vans and take your basketball. You walk past the library and see a pair of red eyes watching you. Akashi. You keep walking and go to the court outside which's the furthest away since almost nobody practices there. You're wearing your hoodie with a cat on, and it's a pretty cute outfit with your jeans shorts, and vans.

You dribble and shoot. Score. You practice shooting with both of your arms as the dominant one, and they are both good. But of course, your 'writing hand' is the best. You hear footsteps coming closer and you see a. tall guy with green hair and glasses coming to the court and stopping when he sees you. He sighs and walks to the other side of the court and starts shooting. You recognize him. It's Midorima, the guy who never misses a shot, and has a fantastic range.

"You're Midorima- kun right?" You ask. He nods and looks at you.

"Let's compete in shooting" You challenge. You can see a smirk appear on his lips and he walks towards you.

"I won't go easy in you just because you're a girl" You smirk in response.

"What a gentleman," You say with sarcasm.

You start near the basket and start shooting. In the beginning, it's easy, the both of you make quick shots and score every time. You been at it for quite some time now, and you're a bit behind the middle line.

"What's your sign?" he asks.

"My what sign?" You ask confused.


"Owe Its Y/Z"

"I see... We both have the same lucky charm today.." He points at your shirt, with a cat on it. Weird?

"Okay, what does that mean?"

"We won't miss our shots" He pushes his glasses up with his right hand. You continue to shoot, and just like he said. You haven't missed a single shot.

"Midorima are-" A black-haired guy says, but doesn't finish his sentence when he sees you.

"Y/N" He says and smirks.

"And you are?" You answer back not looking at him, focusing on your shooting.

"Takao, point guard at Shutoko," He says walking towards you. After 20 minutes you call it equal and you sit down on the ground.

"So y/n, how come you're studying here? You're not from around here right?" Takao asks.

"I got a scholarship, and I felt like going here, it's a well-esteemed university"

"It's nice to see someone challenging Midorima-kuns shooting-skills". He smirks.

"Well, I have to go back now, I promised Momoi-chan that we'd hang out today, nice meeting you Midorima-kun and Takao- kun" You bow and walk back towards your dorm. The schoolyard is beautiful. There's a lot of flowers and trees where you can sit and study. In the corner of your eye, you see a tall, tanned guy talking to a girl, or more like flirting. You recognize him so you try to ignore it. You keep walking towards your room and meet 'Medusa' had her gang again. Great...

"So how's little miss skank doing," She says with sharp words.

"Yeah, how are you doing?" You answer back with sass.

"I was talking about you, stupid. Anyway, why Is Aomine-san always in your room?" She crosses her eyes and looks you up and down.

"Well, Medusa, you really should ask him that, since he's the one intruding, and while you're at it, you can ask him to stop" you roll your eyes and start walking. The girls follow you.

"Are you still playing with Kise? Does he know about the kiss?" She smirks and you just keep walking.

"Oh little princess you truly know nothing" and with that, you leave. Finally, you're back in your room, and you throw yourself in your bed. Momoi-chan looks at you with puppyeyes.

"What is it?" you ask.

"Well, I invited two people to our hangout, hehe" She tries to look innocent.

"Satsuki. Who did you invite?" You stare at her.

"Well, you migh have felt alone if it would be just me and Tetsuya"


"Hehe well, I invited Kagami aswell" she smirks

"And why would you do that?" you say.

"I just told you" She winks.

"Now y/n, go and take a shower before they come, you're sweating" She laughs and you just shake your head. This will be some night...

You changed into a t-shirt dress and put on some mascara. Hope he doesn't think it's a date... The clock turned 7 and you hear a knocking on the door. A blunt Tetsuya stands behind it, and a relaxed Kagami in sweatpants. He scratches the back of his neck and you can see a small tint of red on his cheeks. Tetsuya sits down in Momois bed and you and Kagami in yours. Then she starts the movie. It's a scary movie, and you take your pillow and hide a little behind it.

"I didn't know you were such a scaredy-cat" Kagami whispers in your ear. His hot breath hit your neck, and you shiver.

"Ashii Bakagami" You pout and playfully hit his arm. The movie continues and you're almost hiding behind Kagami. Holding around his arm. Damn his arms are so muscular. You blush a little at your thoughts. Everyone's so attractive in this school.

The movie finally ends and Momoi starts another movie right away. A Romantic one. You and Kagami smile awkwardly towards each other. Awkwaaard. After about 20 minutes Momoi and Tetsuya have started snuggling and kissing. IM OUT OF HERE. You quietly get up from the bed, and Kagami joins you, the two of you sneak out of the room.

"That was awkward" you laugh.

"yeah" he laughs.

"Let's go and get drinks, and snacks from the vending machine" He nods and the two of you start walking. He tells you all about his time in America and his old friend Himuro, Serin and Tetsuya. I guess he speaks a lot when he's nervous huh. You're by the vending machines and a well know perfume comes closer.

"Sup, Aomine"

"Sup, Kagami" You Sight and turn around and face the full-smirking Aomine. You roll your eyes and start walking back to your room. But instead of going there, you go to the big window where you can sit on the windowsill. Kagami and Aomine follow you.

"Aomine don't you have anything better to do than stalk me and Kagami-san?" you ask with annoyance in your voice.

"Why? Are you guys going to makeout or something?" He smirks.

"No, why-"

"Then what's the problem" He winks

"Well you're the problem... I will rather be a third-wheel than hang out with you, bye!" You walk towards your room and try to listen if they are done with their little snuggling. But they are not. You sit down beside your door and sight. What a good hang out... You pick up your phone and see a text from Kise.

*You want to come over? Me and the guys are playing cards*

*I'll be there in a few*

*See ya soon*

You get up again and start to walk towards Kaijo's dorms.

"Yo, y/n" Kagami calls. Right, I forgot about him.

"Yo Kagami-san" You blush.

"Did you just abandon me?!" He says and pretends to be devistated. Then the two of you break out in laughter.

"Kise and his friends are playing cards and invited me. Do you want to join? Better than to witness the real-life love scene" you laugh.

"Sure, why not" He smiles and the two of you chat while walking. You don't notice a pair of jealous eyes watching you.


Who's watching yooouuuuu and does Kagami have a little crush on you?????

Who is your Knb crush? ;)

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