26. Kyoto

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You entered the big building, marble floor, gigantic staircases, and gossiping students. You recognized a few students. The ones you played against. Damn, I forgot about that. They only glance at you before walking away. You walk to the receptionist and she helps you to the Principals office. Inside both the principal and another man are waiting.

"Hi y/n, I'm Principal Kajio, Nice to meet you"

"Hi, nice to meet you" You bow.

"This is coach Raiko, he's rather interested in you after your game against each other" He bows and you smile gently.

"So what made you want to checkout Kyoto University? You're already attending to University of miracles?" Principal Kajio asks.

"Well, I've always wanted to visit Kyoto and I really enjoy the city. I've looked into your teaching and courses as well, and it has gotten me quite interested."

"I see, some courses that UM doesn't have?" He furry his eyebrows.

"Yes, and I feel like this environment is more evolving for me, so I can thrive, even more, I really want to except in my subjects. That's why I chose Japan" You say confidently, and they smile.

"That sounds excellent! Raiko, show her around, so she can see what we have to offer" Raiko nods and the two of you walk out. The campus is beautiful. You see students walking by, gossiping, eying you, and checking you out. You didn't mind. Hate or love me. He leads you through the library, science rooms, music rooms, art classes. It had everything. And it felt free. They weren't there. You smiled as you walked next to the coach.

"So are you interested in playing in the team here? I would love to have you on the team" He says and you smile shyly.

"Yes, It would be nice to play," You say and he chuckles. He continues the guide, and after an hour or so, you head back to the principal's office.

"So how did you like our University?" He asks proudly.

"It was very nice, I really liked the library, " You say and smile brightly.

"So what we would like to know is if you want to transfer" He states and give you some documents.

"Your principal must fill these ones out, we've written our part, and all that's missing is their signature and yours. Feel free to call or contact us anytime If you have questions. We look forward to meeting you again" You shake hands and you leave. You put the papers in your bag and walk out into the yard. You pass a gang with good-looking guys, they check you out and one of them stops.

"Hi, I'm Itadori" He says and smiles a charming smile. You return the smile.

"I'm y/n," You say.

"So are you new here, I haven't seen you around, " He says walking closer. He's tall, muscular, with platinum hair, and blue eyes. Not blue like his.

"Ehm, No I'm thinking of transferring here," You say shyly. He bites his bottom lip.

"Nice, I was just about to go and grab a coffee? Do you want to join? I can tell you everything you want to know about Kyoto and... me" He smiles confidently. You chuckle.

"Haha, sure Itadori-kun," You say and he leads you away from campus, to a small cafe, he orders two coffees and then he walks with you through campus.

"Can I add your number, If you have more questions and... So you know you have a friend here" He smiles again. Charming. You give him your phone and he adds his contact info and sends a text to himself.

"So let the tour begin!" You smile and start to feel a little bit better. Here they don't know me, I can start again. A new start.

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