0022 • Hermione

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                3rd Person POV

Hermione was walking to her dorm, as she was about to turn a curve. She couldn't believe she admitted her feelings to herself. Though she was waiting for a response, she couldn't help but feel excited. Even if there was a possibility on her rejecting Hermione, she just had her hopes that she would feel the same way.

But she couldn't deny it, she did fond Ron. But was it by force so her best friend can have a chance with her? She knew she had something more for Y/N first, who wouldn't? Hermione found this out many years ago, and thought it was just normal for her to think of girls that way. But it was just Y/N she thought of that way.

As Hermione was about to turn the corner, Harry appeared unexpectedly, with a mad expression.

Hermione gasped, as she backed away. She was startled to see Harry appear in front of her, but she had a feeling she knew why.

"You." Harry said, walking towards her as Hermione was stepping back.

"You really think I'm foolish?" He said, when Hermione found herself backed into a wall. She nervously gulped, but stood her ground, showing no fear emotions in her face.

"Is this about Y/n? Jeez, Harry, it's not like I can control the emotions I feel-"

"So your act of affection of Ron was just to deceive me. You knew from the very moment I met her eyes that she was mine. You knew from the very start, yet you make a fool out of yourself." He interrupted, coldly as his eyebrows scrunched together.

Hermione scoffed in disbelief.

"God, Harry. You're insane. She's yours? Do you know how insane-"

"-I am? How crazy I'm getting? Haha.." Harry chuckled, looking down towards his hands. He could see his hands shaking as he held them up for Hermione to see.

"Hermione, Ive been crazy for so long. Are you stupid to not notice?

Hermione looked up to see Harry's wide green eyes, as a small smile etched up his lips. He looked like a madman. Someone who just killed a person in a horror movie. She knew that something was off about him from the moment he kept glancing at her. At first, she thought it was a mere crush but..

"Don't look at me like that."

..but it was something much deeper than that.

Hermione's eyes widened.


"Don't look at me like I'm crazy. I'm.. a damn prodigy, yet here I am feeling like I want to do something bad."

Hermione felt something heavy in her heart. Seeing her once best friend turn crazy over a girl was something she never expected to see, but it was so pitiful to watch. No words could even come out of her mouth as Harry's head was lowered which made his face unreadable.

She softly spoke,

"It doesn't have to be this way."

"You made it this way."

Harry looked up, and the two stared at each other for a long time, silence between them. None of them moving. The footsteps of a person came in their hearing, as they slowly turned to see who was walking down the stairs.


As Y/N saw them, she waved at them while she glamoured a smile. Her eyes slightly squinted as she smiled.

"Hey guys?" She called out, seeing they were together. Confusion took over Y/N's face, as she went towards them.

"What are you guys doing? Am I missing something?" She gestured towards the two of them, one of her eyebrows raised.

"Oh, nothing." Hermione muttered as she soften her posture, and walked to the opposite side of Harry.

Harry cleared his throat, as he smiled weakly at Y/N. He was about to speak, when Hermione spoke first:

"Let's go to our dorm, Y/N." She said softly, as her head pointed to the direction of the dormitory.

She nodded, as she sent a wave to Harry.

"See you tomorrow." Y/N called, as she went to walk with Hermione.

Hermione held onto Y/n's shoulder, trying to not gulp at the deadly stare Harry was giving her back. She knew she fucked up by interrupting him, but she was scared. She was scared for Y/n, and her.

"Dont look at me like im crazy."

She tensed at his words, biting her lip.

Damn it, Harry. Then how am I suppose to look at you?

"Im a damn prodigy."

Her grip on Y/n unknowingly tightened.

But would a prodigy act like that?


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