Chapter 7: Siege of The Metroplex

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Lennox contacts director Faireborn to inform her of what Mirage just told them, and Faireborn orders all N.E.S.T. personnel to evacuate the Metroplex as soon as possible while Bumblebee handcuffs Mirage telling him that he's not going anywhere. Sentinel watches as Bumblebee and Arcee escort the handcuffed Mirage to his prison cell before criticizing Optimus's leadership skills, Sentinel telling his former pupil "you're too trusting of others Optimus, that's what allowed a spy to infiltrate the Autobots under your watch, you need to be careful who you choose to be soldiers in your army" followed by Optimus telling Sentinel that he sees his team as friends rather than soldiers, saying that they look out for each other and share a real sense of comradery. this causes Sentinel to shake his head in dismay, telling Optimus that emotional attachment makes you weak, it allows the enemy to exploit your emotions. Sentinel goes as far as to say that as soldiers fighting in a war they must be willing to die for the cause, because without sacrifice there can be no victory. Sentinel's words of advice cause Optimus to be reminded of losing Jazz, Cliffjumper, and Jetfire and the sacrifices they made. we then cut to the seekers and Constructicons returning to the Nemesis with enough energon to refuel the Nemesis. once the ship is completely refueled, Shockwave reboots the Nemesis's control console followed by the Nemesis rising out of Titan's surface while Megatron sits on his throne and orders Shockwave to set a course for Earth. we then cut back to the Metroplex where we see Lennox and Director Faireborn watching as N.E.S.T. agents hop in armored buggies and Humvees to prepare for evacuation while loading the pillars along with the Allspark and Omega key into transport vehicles. Sentinel asks Director Faireborn if he can trust her to keep the pillars safe, and Director Faireborn assures him that the pillars will be safe in their new headquarters up in the pacific northwest. once the transport trucks are loaded into N.E.S.T. carrier planes to leave Diego Garcia before we cut to Bumblebee and Arcee throwing Mirage into his prison cell. we then cut to the Nemesis entering Earth's atmosphere before arriving at Diego Garcia. a N.E.S.T. agent informs Lennox that a MASSIVE flying object has been detected approaching the Metroplex. Lennox informs Epps, Donnelly, Burke, and Graham of the situation and tells his team that they need to safely escort Director Faireborn off the premises and to protect her at all costs. the four salute their leader and shout "yes sir" before him and the commandos exit the room before we cut to a montage of the Autobots and Spike's team gearing up to defend the Metroplex. meanwhile the commandos escort Director Faireborn into the chopper and take off, passing by the Nemesis with Epps exclaiming "that's a big ship", Lennox petrified in fear of seeing the massive alien spacecraft. as the Nemesis hovers above the Metroplex, Megatron stands atop the Decepticon flagship looking down on the Metroplex. Shockwave then kneels before Megatron, asking his master what his orders are. Megatron then orders Shockwave to concentrate all fire on the Autobots base of operations. the Nemesis then fires a barrage of missiles at the Metroplex, blowing a massive hole in the side of the building before we cut to Mirage in his prison cell noticing the barriers of his cell deactivate. Mirage breaks free of his restraints before turning invisible to sneak off. meanwhile the Autobots shield their humans partners from the blast, Bumblebee protects Spike, Arcee protects Carly, Ironhide protects Kicker, Wheeljack protects Chip and Wheelie, and Blurr protects Elise. Spike then hears the whirring of helicopter blades and looks up to see a Chinook helicopter fly through the hole the nemesis just made before landing inside the building. Ironhide notices the Decepticon insignia painted on the side of the helicopter followed by the Chinook transforming revealing it to be Megatron, Optimus looking into his nemesis's horrifically-scarred face. Soundwave, Shockwave, Astrotrain, Junkheap, Runabout, and Runamuck all enter the facility to stand by their leader's side. Soundwave then deploys Laserbeak to attack the humans followed by Laserbeak picking up Carly by the talons and carrying her into the air. Arcee then whips out her crossbow and opens fire on the cybertronian condor, however it manages to dodge her blasts. Spike then fires his grappling hook at Laserbeak grabbing him by the leg which results in Laserbeak dragging poor Spike into the air. Arcee then manages to land a hit on Laserbeak's wing causing Laserbeak to spin out of control before Bumblebee whips out his wrist-blade to decapitate laserbeak before catching both Spike and Carly in his arms. Bumblebee asks Spike and Carly if they're okay and the two just nod. Optimus and Sentinel ready their weapons, Optimus telling Bumblebee and the others to get their human partners to safety. Bumblebee, Ironhide, Ratchet, Arcee, Blurr, Wheejack, and the twins transform into their vehicle modes and drive off with Spike and his friends riding in their Autobot partners. Megatron is shocked to see Sentinel alive, saying that he thought he perished when the Ark crashed on the moon before demanding the old prime to tell him where the pillars are. Optimus interjects, telling Megatron that he is too late as the pillars aren't here anymore, safely out of Decepticon hands so that Megatron and his cronies can't use them to conquer this planet. Megatron laughs, telling Optimus that he is a fool, saying that he wants to conquer Earth in order to save Cybertron, explaining that he wants to use the human race as a slave labor force in order to rebuild their homeworld that Optimus doomed by launching the Allspark into space. Optimus readies his energon swords, telling Megatron that he won't let that happen all the while Sentinel ponders Megatron's words realizing that they both want what's best for their people. however his train of thought is interrupted when Shockwave remotely activates the Nemesis's transformation sequence shouting "arise, Trypticon!" followed by the Nemesis transforming into a gargantuan godzilla-like transformer which crashes through the roof of the Metroplex forcing Optimus and Sentinel to transform into their vehicle modes to swerve out of the way of the titan's massive feet. Burke sees Trypticon from out the window of the chopper, asking Lennox "Is it me, or did their spaceship just turn into a giant metal dinosaur?" followed by Lennox sighing before saying the funny line "why do the bad guys get all the cool sh*t?" while Faireborn rolls her eyes. meanwhile Optimus then transforms into robot mode and combines with his trailer to form a jetpack, Jetwing Optimus telling Sentinel to hold off the ground troops while he keeps Trypticon distracted. Jetwing Optimus launches himself into the air and flies around Trypticon's head dodging the kaiju-esque titan's massive hands as it tries to swat prime out of the air, however Starscream and the seekers arrive on the scene in Jet mode to open fire on prime. Jetwing Optimus dodges their projectiles and punches Starscream, Skywarp, Thundercracker, and Slipstream out of the sky one-by-one followed by the seekers transforming into robot mode mid-air to have an aerial fistfight with Jetwing Optimus before we cut to Sentinel fighting the Decepticons on the ground. Sentinel lays the smackdown on Soundwave, Shockwave, Astrotrain, Junkheap, and the battlechargers before confronting Megatron leading to a one-on-one fight between former master and student. Trypticon begins charging himself up for an attack followed by Megatron calling a retreat before transforming into his Chinook helicopter mode and flying off. The seekers, Soundwave, Shockwave, Astrotrain, Junkheap, and the Battlechargers transform into their vehicle modes and follow suit before Trypticon activates his mouth laser to destroy what remains of the Metroplex. Sentinel is almost caught in the explosion but is rescued by Jetwing Optimus who grabs his old mentor and flies him to safety. meanwhile the other Autobots in vehicle mode board the nearest N.E.S.T. carrier and take off, Spike watching in horror as the Metroplex is destroyed in a fiery explosion.

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