Chapter 12: Omega Supreme

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We then cut to a montage of Decepticons attacking Mission City with Megatron standing atop the tallest tower in Mission City guarding the control pillar while watching as the nemesis hovers over over the city dropping several Decepticon drones onto the city below ordering his troops to seal off the city and to let the humans know who their true master is before delivering a broadcasted message to the people of Earth that the Autobots are gone and are no longer here to protect them and that Earth belongs to him now and that they must all serve the Decepticons and help rebuild Cybertron or die. we then cut to a news broadcast from none other than Shawn Berger ranting about how Earth is doomed and that the Autobots are to blame for it, saying that they brought this war to Earth and that millions of people will die because of their actions. Carly watches this from the TV screen and is in horror of seeing footage of Decepticon drones rounding up humans and putting them into slave labor camps before being comforted by Simmons. we then cut to a shot of Mission City in ruins while a bunch of enslaved humans (including Spike's mother) are being forced to tear down the statue of team prime before erecting a statue of Megatron in its place. meanwhile Sentinel stands atop the tower beside Megatron and watches as the humans run through the streets screaming in terror from the swarms of ships that hover above them. Megatron asks Sentinel what's wrong, and Sentinel tells Megatron that making innocent lifeforms suffer wasn't part of the deal he had in mind. Megatron tells Sentinel that the humans are a primitive and savage race, always killing each other with their wars and that if they didn't come here they would have destroyed their planet themselves, but Optimus always thought there was good in them which makes him sick followed by Sentinel realizing that the two species may not be so different after all. after that, we cut to the Autobots in their pods crash-landing on the surface of the moon. once the Autobots exit their pods they come across the wreckage of the Ark. Bumblebee is in awe of this, saying that it's bigger than he thought it would be. Optimus looks at the Omega key and realizes that this ship is the only hope they have left to defeat the Decepticons once and for all. after that, we cut back to the Underbase where Lennox gives an inspiration speech to his fellow N.E.S.T. agents telling them that the Autobots may be gone and the Decepticons have them outnumbered, but they will not go down without a fight saying that they must do it for General Witwicky who gave his life helping the Autobots save the world the last time around before asking "who's with me!?" and one by one Epps, Burke, Donnelly, Graham, Spike, Carly, Kicker, Chip, and Elise all get up and stand by Lennox's side. we then cut to a suiting up montage with the five locking and loading before hopping aboard V-22 Ospreys and heading out for Mission City. we then cut back to the moon where the Autobots explore the interior of the Ark, Ratchet telling Optimus that he doesn't understand what he sees in this old ship saying that they don't know if it even still functions. Optimus says that Sentinel told him that this ship is Omega Supreme, last of the Omega Sentinels and that this key is required to unlock its transformation. Optimus then enters the cockpit of the Ark and inserts the Omega key into the control console. nothing happens at first, however the entire interior suddenly lights up with the Omega symbol popping up on the console screen. the Autobots are in awe of seeing the ship re-activate, and Optimus's hope is now re-invigorated giving him the motivation to go save the day. Optimus then grabs the controls and says "let's roll" followed by the Ark rising out of the moon's surface. we then cut back to Earth where Shockwave sees the Ospreys hover over mission city before blasting them with his arm cannon forcing Spike, Carly, Kicker, Chip, Elise, Lennox's team, and the other N.E.S.T. agents to jump out of the plane and parachute down onto mission city safely. once they hit the ground they are attacked by Shockwave who fires a blast from his arm cannon that vaporizes Donnelly, Burke, Graham, and a bunch of other random N.E.S.T. agents reducing them to rubble forcing Spike, Carly, Kicker, Chip, and Elise to run and dodge the fire. Lennox then calls in a squadron of F-35s and A-10s to their location before running up to come across a Decepticon slave camp. Lennox and Epps kill the two drones guarding the facility while Spike's team rush in to rescue the slaves including Spike's mother who hugs her son happy to see him alive. Kicker tells the two that this is no time for a family reunion saying that they've got to go. our heroes then escape the camp with the freed human slaves and regroup with Lennox and Epps followed by Lennox saying that help is on the way followed by a squadron of F-35s and A-10s arriving at downtown mission city. however the seekers in their jet modes arrive on the scene and transform into their robot modes to cut up the jets one-by-one followed by some of the falling debris landing on Chip trapping him and paralyzing him from the waist down. the seekers then land in front of our heroes, Starscream uttering the words "going somewhere?" all the while poor immobilized Chip closes his eyes preparing for the worst while several warships hover overhead. however help is on the way when the Ark arrives on the scene and blasts its way through waves of Decepticon warships destroying them one-by-one. Shockwave is surprised to see the Ark flying, saying "it can't be, that's just not logical!" while Soundwave, Astrotrain, and the seekers are just as in disbelief. Sentinel watches his old ship streak across the sky from atop the tower and says "the Ark... I can't believe it" while Megatron demands to know how this is even possible before ordering the Nemesis to fire all cannons at that ship. the nemesis fires a barrage of Missiles at the Ark however the ship dodges all incoming fire before firing a missile of its own at the Nemesis which blocks the blast with its shields. the Ark then begins to transform into Omega supreme who lands in front of our heroes crushing several Decepticon drones under his massive feet before none other than Optimus prime shows up to stand on Omega's shoulder along with Bumblebee, Ratchet, Wheeljack, Arcee, and Blurr. Lennox is in disbelief of the Autobots being alive followed by Bumblebee hopping off of Omega to have a heartfelt reunion with Spike and his mom. the other Autobots hop off Omega one-by-one followed by Wheeljack helping Chip out from under the rubble. Chip starts panicking and shouts "I can't feel my legs! I can't feel my legs!" before Elise arrives on the scene to kiss Chip on the lips, telling him that it's gonna be alright. Elise then drags Chip into the cockpit of a down Decepticon fighter, asking him if he can fly this thing. Chip tells her sure if he can re-wire it to fit a human pilot. Wheelie then pops out from Chip's backpack and starts tinkering with the wires causing the ship to Jumpstart much to the surprise of both Chip and Elise followed by Chip getting the idea of having the humans pilot the ships while the Autobots keep the Decepticons busy on the ground. Spike, Carly, and Kicker hop in a second downed Decepticon fighter while Epps and Lennox hop into a third one close by before the humans activate the jets and blast off while the Autobots get in a battle stance as they are surrounded by Decepticons.

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