Chapter 5: Sentinel Prime

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We then cut back to The Metroplex where we see Wheeljack, Ratchet, Chip, and a bunch of N.E.S.T. mechanics working on repairing the Xanthium, the spaceship that brought the second wave of Autobots (Arcee, Blurr, Wheeljack, Mirage, Sideswipe, Sunstreaker, and the late Cliffjumper) to Earth. Wheelie then hands Chip a wrench, followed by Chip thanking his little robot buddy for his assistance. Optimus then puts his hand on Bumblebee's shoulder, telling him that he's in charge until he and Ratchet come back followed by Bumblebee telling Optimus that he'll do his best before Optimus and Ratchet both board the Xanthium and blast off into space. Director Faireborn then approaches Spike and tells him that she has a mission for him and Bumblebee. she then hands a photo to Spike and informs him that there's a former NASA scientist named Doctor Henry Arkeville who may have discovered a long-forgotten NASA cover-up that could change the tides of the war. Chip overhears their conversation and exclaims "Doctor Arkeville? you mean THE Doctor Arkeville, one of the biggest leading figures in Astronomy? he's one of my personal heroes!" followed by Spike telling Chip to calm down. an irritated Marissa Faireborn sighs and tells Chip that he can accompany Spike and Bumblebee on this mission followed by Chip telling her it would be an honor before Bumblebee and Wheeljack both transform into their vehicle modes with Spike and Chip both hopping inside their partners before driving off. after that, we cut to Carly's room where we see Elise brushing Carly's hair, Elise asking Carly what's up. Carly tells her nothing, but Elise can tell that Carly is blushing asking if it's about Spike. Carly rolls her eyes, telling Elise not to be silly. Elise then tells Carly that Spike has been acting strange recently, saying that he's been acting more nervous around her than she usually does. Carly reminds Elise that she and Spike have been dating for five years now, but Elise tells her that she thinks that Spike wants to take their relationship to the next level. we then cut to Bumblebee and Wheeljack driving through downtown Mission City driving past the statue of Team Prime while Spike and Chip talk to each other over the radio, Spike telling Carly about he wants to propose to Carly but he lacks the confidence to do so. Chip tells Spike that he can relate, saying that he shares similar romantic feelings for Elise. the two then arrive at the household of Doctor Henry Arkeville. Spike then knocks on the door only for the old man to greet Spike and Chip, recognizing Spike as the kid who helped the Autobots save the world on the news. Chip butts in and shakes hands with Arkeville, telling him that he's a huge fan. Spike explains to Arkeville that he and his friend are here on behalf of N.E.S.T. to ask him a few questions about NASA. Doctor Arkeville understands the severity of the situation and tells the two to come on in. Spike and Chip tell Bumblebee and Wheeljack to stay parked outside before entering Arkeville's house where Doctor Arkeville tells Spike and Chip "you know I used to work for NASA before they kicked me out because they thought I was crazy, but rest assured I am not crazy" before laying a bunch of classified NASA files on the table. Chip looks through the files to see an old photo of the Apollo astronauts standing in front of a crashed spaceship of Cybertronian design on the moon before showing them to Spike who is just as surprised by this revelation. Arkeville explains to the two that during the Apollo 11 mission, the Astronauts discovered something on the dark side of Earth's moon: a hidden fleet of Decepticon ships, buried underneath the moon's surface. over a thousand ships, each containing hundreds of slumbering robotic soldiers waiting to be awakened by their master. Spike and Chip are both shocked to hear this, followed by Arkeville telling him that Megatron can't know about this hidden fleet, or else he will use it to conquer the planet and it will be the end times, the extinction of the human race. Spike tells Arkeville that there's no need to worry, saying that Megatron is long-gone and that he died during the battle of Egypt. Arkeville tells Spike to not be so sure of that, saying that there is a possibility he may still be out there while Spike and Chip exchange glances. Spike then thanks Arkeville for his time while Chip picks up the files and tells the good doctor that the Autobots and N.E.S.T. would like to see these. Arkeville tells Spike to tell the Autobots hi for him, saying that his grandkids are big fans of them. Spike tells him "will do" before Arkeville peeks out the window to see a familiar Balkan MK-7 armored communications vehicle park into his driveway which makes him nervous. Arkeville tells the two that they'd best be on their way before pushing them out the door, however Laserbeak then crashes through the window and grabs the old scientist with his sharp talons before flying out the window. Spike and Chip both rush outside and chase after the Cybertronian condor on foot while shooting at laserbeak who dodges their fire before dropping Arkeville in front of Soundwave who transforms into robot mode to thank Doctor Arkeville for using his scientific expertise to help track his leader Megatron to Namibia while Spike and Chip both arrive on the scene just in time to hear their conversation, both shocked at the revelation that Doctor Arkeville was blackmailed into working with the Decepticons. Laserbeaks pins down Arkeville as Soundwave asks the ex-NASA scientist if he told the Autobots anything about the coming invasion, and Arkeville swears he didn't tell them anything. Soundwave however can tell that Arkeville is lying, demanding him to tell the truth. Arkeville then spills the beans and tells Soundwave that he told the kid and his Camaro about the hidden fleet hoping that it will help the Autobots stop the Decepticon invasion. Soundwave then calls Arkeville foolish before ordering Laserbeak to kill him, Chip shouting NO!!! while Laserbeak kills Arkeville. Soundwave then tells the two that they're next before sicking Laserbeak on Spike and Chip, however they are saved by Bumblebee and Wheeljack who open fire on Soundwave forcing him and laserbeak to retreat followed by Bumblebee and Wheeljack transforming into their vehicle modes to drive their humans to safety. we then cut to the Xanthium landing on the moon where Optimus and Ratchet both step out of the ship and are in awe of the sight of the massive spaceship the Ark sticking out of the moon's surface. Optimus looks at the Omega key before he and Ratchet both enter the ship, only for Optimus to find a keyhole on the ship's console. Optimus inserts the key into the keyhole which opens a door containing the frozen body of Sentinel Prime along with the pillars. Ratchet then grabs the pillars, wondering what they are for. Optimus tells Ratchet that Sentinel sacrificed himself to protect the pillars from the Decepticons, putting himself in stasis lock to keep their location a secret. Optimus then picks up Sentinel's body, telling his comatose mentor "you're coming home, old friend". we then cut to Bumblebee and Wheeljack along with Spike and Chip returning to the Metroplex with Bumblebee calling in a meeting with fellow Autobots Arcee, Ironhide, Wheeljack, Blurr, Mirage, Sideswipe, and Sunstreaker along with humans Spike, Carly, Kicker, Chip, Elise, Lennox, Epps, Donnelly, Burke, Graham and Director Marissa Faireborn about what Chip and Spike learned from Doctor Arkeville. Spike then opens the NASA files Arkeville gave him and places them on the table, explaining to the Autobots and Soldiers about the hidden fleet on the dark side of the moon, which scares poor Wheelie who hides in Chip's backpack. Kicker makes the witty remark "that's a lot of ships" while Ironhide says that this would be a good excuse to test out the new guns Wheeljack gave him, followed by Wheeljack telling the Autobots that this fleet may be part of the Decepticon's endgame, saying that with an army that big they could easily conquer an entire planet in just a matter of days. Lennox tells the commandos that Earth's defense forces are gonna need to keep their guard up if they are to survive an invasion this massive, followed by Graham saying "I don't like those odds" while Epps says "agreed" all the while Director Faireborn says this is worse than she thought. meanwhile Blurr zips around screaming "we're doomed we're doomed we're doomed" at fifty miles an hour only for Elise to calm Blurr down, telling her fast-talking blue Autobot partner that everything's gonna be alright saying that the Decepticons haven't found the fleet followed by Mirage saying "yet" which makes Blurr even more nervous followed by Elise fussing at Mirage for making it worse. Arcee then reminds the rest of the team that there's also that spy Optimus was talking about that they have to deal with, and Bumblebee tells his sparkmate that she has a point, saying that it could be any one of the Autobots in this room. the twins jokingly tell Bumblebee "I swear it's not us, we're totally innocent!" while Ironhide tells them "you better be, or else you both will be on the receiving end of my cannons" while Mirage tells everybody that this is ridiculous and they're wasting time here resulting in a massive argument between the humans and Autobots. Bumblebee tries to calm everyone down Arcee puts her hand on Bumblebee's shoulder and tells him that maybe he's taking this whole news too hard. Bumblebee tells Arcee that he's taking the extra precaution, saying that the sooner they root out this traitor the closer they'll be to stopping the Decepticons from discovering this hidden fleet and winning the war. however their conversation is interrupted when the Xanthium lands back on Earth followed by Optimus and Ratchet exiting the vessel with Optimus carrying Sentinel in his arms while Ratchet carries the pillars and tells N.E.S.T. personnel to prepare the medical bay while Bumblebee and the others (with the exception of Mirage) all salute Optimus which makes Bumblebee suspicious of Mirage. while N.E.S.T. personnel are busy loading the pillars into crates Optimus places Sentinel on the medical table before Ratchet and Wheeljack hook the comatose Sentinel up to the Allspark, Wheeljack commenting "I hope this works" followed by Ratchet telling Wheeljack that it worked last time when they used it to revive Optimus, so theoretically it should work on Sentinel too. Wheeljack then flips the switch causing the Allspark's energy to be transferred into Sentinel waking up the ancient prime who gets up off the table, whipping out his lance pointing his sword at the puny humans asking who they are and where they is, asking the organics if they're with the Decepticons. Optimus then tries to calm Sentinel down, telling his former mentor that he's on Earth and that the humans are allies of the Autobots. Sentinel is glad to see his former apprentice again, saying "Optimus... I knew you'd come back for me". the other Autobots all surround Sentinel, Optimus assuring Sentinel that he's safe while Ratchet tells him "there's nothing to fear" followed by Optimus telling Sentinel "we are here... you are home Sentinel" followed by Sentinel asking Optimus what happened to the war, asking if the Autobots won or not. Optimus tells Sentinel that the war was lost, telling him that Cybertron is now a barren wasteland. Sentinel is horrified to hear this news, knowing that the planet he loved and sworn to protect is gone. Optimus then shows Sentinel the Allspark, saying that he sacrificed their only hope of restoring Cybertron by making the controversial decision to launch the Allspark into space to keep it out of the hands of the Decepticons, condemning Cybertron to a slow death. Sentinel then looks on his pupil with scorn before asking the other Autobots where the pillars are, followed by Director Faireborn that these pillars are officially in N.E.S.T. custody to keep them safe and out of the wrong hands, asking what these "pillars" are exactly for. Sentinel explains to her that the pillars when put together can open a spacebridge that can transport entire armies across half the universe, knowing that the Decepticons would use this technology to conquer countless star systems and crush any free world under their heel he sacrificed himself to keep it out of Megatron's greasy fingers. Director Faireborn then asks Sentinel "how do we know if we can trust you with it?" followed by Sentinel explaining to Faireborn that he was the one who developed the technology, saying that it was designed to help transport Autobot refugees to peaceful worlds away from war-torn Cybertron. Director Faireborn then tells Sentinel that not too long ago N.E.S.T. discovered top-secret NASA files that the Decepticons are after. Sentinel is just as shocked to hear that the Decepticons are here on Earth, and Lennox interjects to tell Sentinel that the Human-Autobot alliance helped foil two attempted Decepticon invasions in the past five years and they haven't been seen since, until now. Director Faireborn tells Sentinel that the deceased former NASA scientist Doctor Henry Arkeville has discovered that the Decepticons have a hidden fleet buried under the dark side of Earth's moon before he was tragically killed by Soundwave, and that Sentinel's spacebridge technology is just what the 'cons need to transport the fleet to Earth and launch a full-scale invasion of their planet. Sentinel is disturbed upon learning that the Decepticons have a hidden fleet on Earth's moon, telling Director Faireborn and N.E.S.T. that they must not let the Decepticons know that the pillars are here, or else it will spell doom for their world and its inhabitants. Sentinel then walks away, however Faireborn tells Sentinel that a giant robot walking the streets would draw too much attention and that he's gonna need a disguise if he is to go out in public. Optimus puts his hand on Sentinel's shoulder and tells him that it would be for the best to just listen to her, saying that this is their planet thus they must abide by their rules. N.E.S.T. personnel then enter the room bringing with them a vehicle for Sentinel to scan, a Rosenbauer airport firetruck. Sentinel then scans the vehicle and transforms into his new earth mode, commenting how this mode isn't half bad while Optimus transforms into his semi truck mode before the two drive off. we then cut to the two primes in their vehicle modes driving through the plains of Africa before transforming into their robot modes to watch the sunset, Sentinel commenting how this planet is so peaceful and majestic, much like how Cybertron was during the age of primes before the dark days of the war. Optimus then tells Sentinel about the time he almost died and ended up in Limbo where he spoke with the spirit of Sentinel's predecessor Alpha Trion. Sentinel is shocked to hear this, exclaiming "you spoke with Trion? what did he say?" before Optimus tells Sentinel that he learned everything about the Prime lineage's dark history including the truth behind The Fallen's betrayal along with all the corruption in the primes that led to both his and Megatron's fall from grace. Sentinel puts his hand on Optimus's shoulder and delivers some sagely advice to his his apprentice, saying "never mourn the past young warrior, thanks to you our race survives". Optimus then opens up his chest revealing the matrix of leadership inside, Optimus saying "I am only half the great leader you once were, it is your right to become prime once more and lead us". Sentinel declines this offer, telling his pupil "much like Trion before me, my days as a leader are over. and in a world I not understand, I am no longer your teacher Optimus. you are mine" followed by Sentinel closing Optimus's chest back up before telling him "there's a reason why I chose you over Megatron to inherit the Matrix of Leadership, it is because Cybertron deserves a leader with compassion and puts the lives of others above his own. that leader is you". Optimus smiles at Sentinel's words of encouragement. Lennox contacts Optimus and Sentinel to inform them that Director Faireborn has requested them to return to base. Optimus then puts his hand on Sentinel's shoulder, telling his former mentor that he would love to introduce him to the rest of team prime before the two transform back into their vehicle modes and drive off.

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