Chapter 1: Roll to the rescue

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We then cut to present day (approximately three years after my Revenge of the fallen rewrite) where we see Optimus in his truck mode complete with trailer attached driving through Mission City passing by the statue of team prime while a bunch of excited young kids recognize his alt mode watch and wave, Optimus narrating "in the five years since our arrival, our new home, Earth, has seen much change. Energon detectors guard its cities now while high-tech satellites monitor the solar system for any alien craft. however no there has been no Decepticon sightings since the battle of Egypt, so now we assist our allies at N.E.S.T. in solving human conflicts around the globe, to prevent mankind from bringing harm to itself while we search for signs of our true enemy's return", showing us a shot of a N.E.S.T. satellite orbiting the Earth while the agents at The Metroplex watch from the computer screens. we then cut to the five teens (well I shouldn't call them that since they're now young adults) as full-blown N.E.S.T. agents riding in their Autobot partners: Spike riding in Bumblebee, Carly riding on Arcee, Kicker riding in Ironhide, Chip riding in Wheeljack, and Elise riding in Blurr towards a small village in Iraq where we see terrorists holding the entire village hostage with illegally-acquired Cybertronian weaponry. the Autobots then arrive on the scene as Spike, Carly, Kicker, Chip, and Elise hop out the vehicles, Spike's team pointing their guns at the terrorists telling them to let the villagers go or else they're gonna have to contend with the big guys before winking at Bumblebee. Bumblebee, Arcee, Ironhide, Wheeljack, and Blurr all transform into their robot modes. Ironhide, Bumblebee, and Arcee point their weapons at the terrorists, Ironhide telling the puny humans "alright nobody move!" before the terrorists point their cybertronian guns at the Autobots, telling the giant robots not to think about doing anything or else they'll start executing hostages Bumblebee asks Arcee what they're going to do, and Arcee tells Wheeljack to do his thing. Wheeljack then freezes them in place with his time-freezing gun while Blurr uses his super-speed to relieve them of their weapons followed by Ironhide crushing the pile of illegally-acquired Cybertronian weapons before snorting at them causing them to cower in fear before calling to send in the tanks which are outfitted with Cybertronian tech. the three tanks open fire on the Autobots, all the while Spike, Carly, Kicker, Chip, and Elise beat up the terrorists on the ground with their bare hands. Arcee fires shots from her crossbow while Bumblebee fires shots from his plasma blaster which destroys two of the tanks while Blurr uses his super-speed to get the villagers to safety followed by Ironhide destroying the last remaining tank with his cannons. once the villagers are now freed a local boy runs to his father shouting "papa!" and hugs his dad, followed by Bumblebee kneeling down to watch this heartwarming reunion. the father thanks Bumblebee and the Autobots for helping save his people from the terrorist attacks, saying that the Autobots are true heroes. Spike contacts Lennox to inform him that the threat has been neutralized. Lennox congratulates Spike on a job well done before ordering his team to report back to base. the N.E.S.T. carrier jet arrives on the scene followed by the child and his father saying goodbye to the Autobots. Bumblebee, Arcee, Blurr, Ironhide, and Wheeljack transforming into their vehicle modes to board the N.E.S.T. carrier along with their human partners followed by the plane taking of and returning to the Metroplex.

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