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We open up on a shot of Cybertron with another narration from Optimus: "we were once a peaceful race of intelligent mechanical beings. but then came the war, between the Autobots who fought for freedom and the Decepticons who fought for Tyranny..." we then cut to a flashback scene from the previous rewrite where Sentinel boards the Autobot starship known as The Ark. Optimus asks Sentinel where he's going, and Sentinel tells Optimus that Megatron is coming and he intends to destroy the sacred temple, he must not get his hands on the spacebridge technology which is why he plans on taking that technology into space in order to keep it out of the wrong hands. Optimus understands, and Sentinel tells Optimus that he needs him to stay here and protect the temple of the primes before Blasting off in the Ark and leaving Cybertron. Megatron arrives at the temple and looks up to see the Ark blast off and leave Cybertron's atmosphere and orders a squad of five of Decepticon seekers to go after the ship, telling them that the ship contains technology that could be of use to the Decepticon cause. the five seekers all transform into their cybertronian jet modes and take off into space, firing at the Ark which dodges their fire. Sentinel orders the ship's computer to activate automated turrets and the Ark's turrets fire a barrage of missiles that take out three of the Decepticon seekers one by one, leaving only two left. the two surviving seeker jets shoot at the Ark taking out the right and left thrusters causing the ship to go out of control. the Ark's automated turrets take out the remaining two seekers before Sentinel tries to get the ship back up and running, but it is too late as the damage is too critical. Optimus looks up to see the Ark get shot down, shouting "SENTINEL! NOOOO!!!!!" before we cut to the Ark where Sentinel orders the ship's computer Teletraan 1 to activate emergency stasis mode. Sentinel then gets inside a stasis pod and goes into stasis lock followed by The Ark crash-landing on the moon. roll title card.

Transformers: Dark of the moon rewriteWhere stories live. Discover now