Chapter 3: Attack on Siberia

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We then cut to a N.E.S.T. outpost located in Siberia where a Russian N.E.S.T. agent spot four jets flying overhead before spotting Decepticon insignias on their wings. the N.E.S.T. agent radios Dimitri, the head of N.E.S.T.'s Russian division, that Decepticons have been spotted flying above the base. Dimitri then realizes that the Decepticons are after the Omega key and orders his men to fall back, saying that they cannot let the Decepticons get their hands on the key before ordering N.E.S.T. personnel to send in Warpath. we then see a reddish-colored tank with an Autobot insignia painted on the side exit the outpost's vehicle hangar and fire blasts from its turret at the seekers who take evasive action. the four seekers then transform into robot mode and surround Warpath, followed by Warpath transforming into robot mode telling the seekers that he can take them all on while cracking his knuckles. Warpath then proceeds to pummel the seekers with his bare fists while also tossing them into each other while spouting onomatopoeias like "BAM!", "POW!", and "KA-BLAM! followed by firing blasts from his chest cannon, however the seekers each manage to dodge the fire. Warpath calls out to Starscream, telling him to quit acting like a coward and give him a challenge or go crying home to Megatron. Starscream then gets angry and fires a barrage of Missiles at Warpath badly injuring the Autobot tank causing him to collapse. Starscream then pins Warpath to the ground under his foot, telling him "listen here, Autobot. Megatron is dead, killed in action during the battle of Egypt. now I am leader of the Decepticons, and I am going to make sure you don't forget it!" followed by Starscream killing Warpath by blowing his head off with his missile launcher. the seekers then march towards the Siberian N.E.S.T. outpost before blasting a hole in the side of the base with his missile launcher. the seekers then storm the outpost in search of the Omega key before coming across four Decepticons in cryo-prison: Astrotrain, Junkheap, and the battlechargers Runabout and Runamuck. the seekers then blast the computer console freeing the four Decepticons from cryo-stasis, the four opening fire on several Russian N.E.S.T. agents upon awakening while the seekers blow apart the door to a vault that contains the key inside. Starscream then grabs the key and radios Shockwave to inform him that they've got the key, along with a couple new recruits. the seekers then destroy the facility before flying off while the new Decepticons transform into their vehicle modes (Astrotrain is a bullet train, Junkheap is a garbage truck, and the two battlechargers are rally fighter cars) and follow suit, leaving nothing behind but a pile of rubble and the charred corpses of Dimitri and several other Russian N.E.S.T. agents. we then see Optimus and Ratchet in vehicle mode arriving at the wreckage followed by Lennox, Epps, Donnelly, Burke, and Graham wearing their winter gear stepping out of Optimus and Ratchet, horrified to see that they were too late. Lennox gets down on his knees, slamming his fist into the snow. Ratchet then transforms into robot mode and comes across the corpse of Warpath, telling Optimus that he needs to see his. Optimus detaches from his trailer and transforms into robot mode, horrified to see Warpath lying on the ground dead. Optimus starts grieving over Warpath before looking up to see Starscream and the seekers flying overhead, telling Ratchet and Lennox's team that it is worse than he thought: the Decepticons have returned. Lennox then radios Director Faireborn, informing her that the Decepticons are back and they destroyed the Siberia outpost. Faireborn tells Lennox that this is worse than she thought, telling him that the Decepticons must be stopped. Graham wonders what the Decepticons would want with the Siberian outpost, and Lennox tells him that the Siberia outpost was guarding something top-secret, so top-secret that Director Faireborn is the only one who knows what it is... until now. Ratchet then starts wondering how the Decepticons were able to find out, and Optimus tells his old friend that they'll worry about that later, pointing to the seekers coming straight towards them. the seekers fire a barrage of missiles at Optimus who runs towards his trailer while dodging the fire. Optimus then activates his trailer's transformation into a mobile weapons platform before grabbing a beam rifle from the rack to fire a powerful laser beam at the seekers overhead, forcing the four Decepticon jets to disengage. the four seekers then transform into robot mode and charge at Optimus who drops the beam rifle and grabs two more weapons from the rack, this time a chainsaw and shoulder-mounted rocket launcher. Optimus then injures Skywarp, Thundercracker, and Slipstream with his shoulder-mounted rocket launcher before slicing off Starscream's arm with the chainsaw causing him to drop the Omega key. Optimus is shocked, recognizing the key. however when Optimus is distracted when Astrotrain, Junkheap, and the Battlechargers show up and transform into their robot modes to aim their weapons at Optimus only for Ratchet and Lennox's team to open fire on the new Decepticons to protect the Autobot leader. however Prime is suddenly shot in the back by a purple Cybertronian tank causing him to drop his weapons. Lennox's team leap out of the way as the alien tank rolls through the tundra before Shockwave transform into robot mode to pick up the Omega key before chastising Starscream for almost losing it. Lennox's team open fire on Shockwave, however the one-eyed Decepticon scientist fires a blast from his cannon arm that knocks them off their feet. Optimus then grabs two more weapons from the weapons rack, this time a broadsword and an arm-mounted plasma launcher opening fire on Astrotrain, Junkheap, Runamuck, and Runabout forcing them to transform back into their vehicle modes and retreat before Optimus confronts Shockwave. the two robots stare each other down, Shockwave saying "long time no see, Optimus" while Optimus says "Shockwave... what are you and the Decepticons planning to do with that key?", however Shockwave refuses to answer and fires blasts from his cannon arm. Optimus charges at Shockwave, deflecting the blasts with a swing of the broadsword before firing plasma blasts from his arm-mounted plasma launcher knocking the Decepticon scientist off his feet causing him to drop the key. Optimus then picks up the key while Shockwave vows revenge before he transforms back into his cyber-tank mode and drives off while the seekers transform back into their jet modes and fly off. Lennox asks Optimus who the "one-eyed purple people eater" is, and Optimus tells him that was Shockwave, who was Megatron's chief scientist back on Cybertron. if he's on Earth, then this can't be good.

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