Chapter 13: It's our fight

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The Autobots then charge at the armies of Decepticon drones, slicing their way through the hordes of mindless soldiers while The fleet of Decepticon warships fire a barrage of missiles at Omega Supreme who fires back at them with a powerful concentrated laser blast from his arm taking out the remaining Decepticon warships in one fell swoop while the humans take out the fighters. more fighters show up to attack our heroes, however help is on the way when Optimus dons his jetpack and flies in to blow up the fighters one-by-one until Starscream fires a missile at Optimus's jetpack destroying the left thruster causing Optimus to spin out of control. Optimus ejects before the jetwing armor self-destructs knocking Starscream into the other seekers who catch their master. Optimus however is caught by the other Autobots who break his fall. Shockwave then confronts the Autobots telling them that they're too late, saying that the pillar that controls the others is located atop the tallest building in Mission City and is guarded by Megatron and Sentinel and that they're too late, saying that the Decepticons have won and the Autobots have lost before the Nemesis suddenly hovers over our heroes and transforms into Trypticon who lands in the middle of the city and gives out a menacing roar followed by Optimus telling Shockwave "unfortunately for you Decepticons, we Autobots don't give up without a fight... It's our fight now" followed by Omega Supreme readying his weapons systems. Omega tells Prime and his team to go, saying that he'll hold off Trypticon as best as he can. Optimus then tells the Autobots to transform and roll out followed by the Autobots all transforming into their vehicle modes and driving under Trypticon's feet as they head towards the tower, Trypticon firing a barrage of Missiles from his back at Team prime forcing them to swerve out of the way followed by Shockwave transforming into his cybertronian tank mode to pursue the Autobots before we cut to Omega Supreme and Trypticon having a brutal clash of titans in the middle of downtown Mission City with Omega punching Trypticon in the face causing him to stumble followed by Trypticon smacking Omega with his tail knocking Omega into a nearby building. Omega struggles to regain his consciousness before we cut back to the Autobots in their vehicle modes dodging blasts fired from Shockwave's tank turret all the while civilians run around screaming. but luckily help is on the way when a bunch or armored N.E.S.T. trucks arrive on the scene to help evacuate the civilians and none other than Agent Simmons and Director Faireborne step out of the vehicles wearing N.E.S.T. gear. Director Faireborne then whips out a bazooka and takes aim at a Decepticon fighter followed by Agent Simmons asking her if she knows how to aim that thing, and Faireborne tells Simmons that she came from a military family saying that she had combat training from her daddy followed by Marissa Faireborne firing the bazooka at the Decepticon fighter shooting it out of the sky. Simmons is impressed by her shot, commenting on how he shouldn't have underestimated her. we then cut back to Spike, Carly, and Kicker as their fighter is being attacked by the seekers, however Chip and Elise and Epps and Lennox's fighters quickly cover for them, Chip and Elise's fighter taking out Skywarp while Epps and Lennox's fighter takes out Thundercracker leaving only Starscream and Slipstream left and the two surviving seekers manage to blow out the engine of Spike, Carly, and Kicker's fighter causing them to spin out of control, however Spike, Carly, and Kicker activate their parachutes before they can crash and are luckily caught by Bumblebee and Arcee. however Starscream and Slipstream both land in front of the two Autobots, telling them that they have nowhere to run. Bumblebee then whips out his stingers while Arcee whips out her crossbow leading to a two-versus-two fight, Bumblebee fighting Starscream while Arcee fights Slipstream. Arcee then kills Slipstream by firing a blast from her crossbow through Slipstream's stomach followed by Starscream shouting "NOO!" and rushing to the aid of his dying lover. Slipstream dies in Starscream's arms followed by an enraged Starscream grabbing Arcee by the head, telling Bumblebee "you took my sparkmate from me, allow me to take yours!" however Kicker shoots at Starscream's head to distract him while Spike and Carly use their grappling hooks to grab Starscream by the arms and restrain him followed by Bumblebee electrocuting Starscream with his stinger before delivering the killing blow with his plasma blaster ending Starscream once and for all. Megatron witnesses the death of Starscream from atop the tower and says "good riddance" before we cut back to the Autobots getting chased by Shockwave down the highway, the Autobots driving under Trypticon's legs distracting the Decepticon titan followed by Omega regaining his consciousnees and getting back up to kick the puny Shockwave into the air forcing the Decepticon scientist to transform into robot mode before being caught by Astrotrain. Trypticon turns his attention to Omega Supreme, firing a concentrated laser beam from his mouth which Omega blocks with his arms before firing a barrage of missiles from his shoulders at Trypticon mortally wounding the Decepticon titan all the while a cloaked mirage watches from the shadows before transforming back into his Ferrari mode as his cloaker wears off and driving off before anyone can see him. meanwhile an angered Megatron orders Shockwave, Astrotrain, and the remaining drones to stop the Autobots from reaching the pillars all the while Sentinel watches the carnage below unfold from atop the tower as Decepticon drones swarm the Autobots. Sentinel then turns on Megatron, holding his sword up to the Decepticon leader's neck demanding him to call off the troops, telling Megatron that they've got what they came here for and that there is no reason why another world should suffer to help benefit theirs. Megatron then accuses Sentinel of going soft, telling him that he's starting to sound just like Optimus. Megatron in a fit of rage then grabs Sentinel by the back and lifts him into the air before tossing him off the edge of the tower causing Sentinel to fall and hit the ground. Optimus sees Sentinel fall and rushes to his mentor's aid, slicing his way through hordes of Decepticon drones until Shockwave and Astrotrain show up to double-team on Optimus brutally beating the Autobot leader down until he is on the ground and can barely move. Meanwhile Bumblebee, Arcee, Ratchet, Blurr, and Wheeljack are all ganged up on by Decepticon drones before Soundwave and Mirage both arrive on the scene and transform into their robot modes, Soundwave telling Bumblebee "well look at what we have here" while Bumblebee tells Spike, Carly, and Kicker to run. after the three humans run through the destroyed mission city they are saved by Epps and Lennox's fighter which blasts through Decepticon drones Lennox reaching his hand out to the three telling them to hop on. the three hop on while Spike watches at the Autobots are being held at gunpoint by Decepticon drones while Mirage gives Arcee a sorrowful look. a drone then hands Soundwave a gun followed by Mirage asking Soundwave what he's doing, saying that they've got what they wanted now that their enemies are at their mercy and are now their prisoners. Soundwave then cocks the gun and says "no prisoners... only trophies" before holding his gun at Bumblebee's head. Bumblebee then closes his eyes before Mirage whips out his rapier and tells Soundwave "Stop... I'll do it" before using his rapier to kill the Decepticon drones setting the other Autobots free. Bumblebee opens his eyes and is shocked to see that Mirage is back on their side now, and Soundwave points his gun at Mirage's head telling him that he'll pay for double-crossing Megatron. Mirage tells his former teammates "don't worry about me, run while you still can. and Bumblebee... take good care of Arcee for me". Bumblebee nods at Mirage before him and the rest of the team escape. Mirage closes his eyes as Soundwave pulls the trigger and kills Mirage by blowing his head off. Bumblebee turns his head to witness Mirage's death and gets angry, rushing towards Soundwave who lashes his tentacles at the yellow Autobot. Bumblebee slices Soundwave's tentacles off one-by-one forcing Soundwave to fire a sonic blast from his shoulder cannon knocking Bumblebee down. Soundwave then grabs Bumblebee by the arm and lifts him up, only for Bumblebee to whip out his plasma blaster to kill Soundwave by blasting him through the chest. Bumblebee then looks down to see Mirage's sparkless shell followed by Arcee comforting Bumblebee. we then cut to Optimus being held in a headlock by Astrotrain as Shockwave points his cannon arm at the Autobot leader's head, saying "this will be the end of you, Optimus" all the while Sentinel gets back up and notices Optimus in trouble. Sentinel then gets back up motivated to save his former pupil and the last true prime and rushes in to help decapitating both Shockwave and Astrotrain with his sword. Sentinel then helps Optimus back up, only for Ratchet, Wheeljack, and Blurr to arrive on the scene and point their weapons at Sentinel followed by Optimus telling them to stand down. Sentinel then tells Optimus and his team that he was wrong to betray them and kill their brothers, as he now realizes that Megatron is the misguided one and that he was blinded by his disappointment in Optimus and his desperation to rebuild Cybertron. Sentinel places his hand on Optimus's shoulder, telling his former pupil that he now recognizes him as his true successor and worthy of the Matrix of leadership. Optimus and Sentinel shake hands before they are surrounded by more Decepticon drones. Optimus then tells shouts "Autobots, move out!" followed by Optimus, Sentinel, Ratchet, Blurr, and Wheeljack charging at the army of Decepticon drones and slicing and blasting their way through hordes of soldiers. We then cut to Bumblebee and Arcee fighting off as many drones as they can until they are saved by the two human-commandeered decepticon fighters. the two vehicles land followed by Chip saying "you're welcome" followed by Spike telling Bumblebee and Arcee to hop on and that they're going after the control pillar. Bumblebee and Arcee both hop on top of the fighter before blasting off toward the tower so that they can close the spacebridge and end this war. Megatron notices the two stolen fighters heading towards the tower and proceeds to open fire on the humans with his fusion cannon to prevent them from reaching the pillar. Bumblebee notices the incoming blasts and warns Lennox followed by Lennox swerving the fighter out of the way just in time to dodge Megatron's blasts. while Megatron is distracted Chip flies his fighter towards the tower before telling Elise to go after the pillar and the two share a good-luck kiss before Elise hops out of the vehicle before sneaking around to grab the pillar. Elise then sees Megatron aim his fusion cannon at her followed by Wheelie beeping at her while Chip tells her to run. Elise then runs towards the fighter while dodging the blasts from Megatron's fusion cannon and leaps off the tower just in time allowing the two to escape followed by Omega Supreme firing another concentrated laser blast from his arm cannon at the injured Trypticon sending the Decepticon titan crashing into the tower forcing Megatron to leap off the crumbling tower and transform into his Chinook helcopter mode to escape. Trypticon then gets back up on his feet and tackles Omega Supreme, pinning Omega down under his massive foot and tearing off both his arms with his massive metal jaws to prevent him from attacking leaving poor Omega helpless. however Omega has one last trick up his sleeve and initiates his self-destruct mechanism blowing himself up and taking Trypticon down with him, sacrificing himself for the greater good all the while Chip then tosses the pillar to Bumblebee while Arcee provides cover fire with her crossbow. Bumblebee sees Optimus, Sentinel, and the others battling the armies below followed by Bumblebee tossing the pillar down to Optimus, however before Optimus can catch it Megatron transforms into robot mode and tackles Optimus before grabbing the control pillar for himself. Optimus then whips out his ion blaster while Sentinel readies his sword and shield before the two primes charge at Megatron who whips out his energon mace ready to fight back. this leads to an epic two-against-one fight with Optimus and Sentinel working together against Megatron. Optimus fires a barrage of blasts at Megatron with his ion blaster which Megatron deflects by spinning his energon mace before blowing Optimus's arm off with his fusion cannon causing Optimus to collapse from his blast wounds. Sentinel then rushes in and slices Megatron's energon mace off before thrusting his sword towards Megatron's chest ready to extiguish the Decepticon leader's spark, however Megatron catches the blade and grabs Sentinel's sword out of his hand to stab him in the side causing him to bleed energon profusely. Megatron grabs Sentinel by the neck and tells him that he will pay for doublecrossing him. Sentinel tells Optimus to take the shot followed by the injured one-armed Optimus to get back up and take aim at Megatron's hand with his ion blaster before taking the shot which destroys the control pillar causing the other pillars to de-activate closing the spacebridge which sucks all the Decepticon warships and drones back up into space followed by Sentinel crushing the control pillar under his foot destroying it for good. Megatron drops Sentinel and gets down on his knees to shout "NOOOOO!!!!" while the one-armed Optimus rushes to Sentinel's aid. Sentinel tells Optimus not to lament him, saying "my time has come, the survival of our race and the prime legacy falls to you, Optimus" before dying. Megatron then gets back up on his feet and laughs, saying that Sentinel paid the price for not recognizing who the one true ruler of their race is before uttering the words "who would you be without me, prime?" followed by Optimus saying "time to find out" with Optimus donning his mouthplate and whipping out his Energon Axe. Megatron fires blasts from his fusion cannon only for Optimus to charge at Megatron and deflect the blasts with his energon axe before slicing Megatron's left arm preventing him from using his fusion cannon followed by slicing off his legs. the now-defenseless Megatron tries to crawl away with his one arm only for Optimus to pin him under his foot and decapitate Megatron with his energon axe splattering energon over Optimus's mouthplate and ending the Decepticon leader's reign of terror once and for all. the other Autobots gather around to see Megatron's lifeless body lying on the ground while Optimus kneels down to grieve his fallen enemy, uttering the words "goodbye, brother" showing that Optimus still saw Megatron as a brother even after his turn to evil and eventual death. the two human-commandeered Decepticon fighters then land in front of the Autobots followed by Spike, Carly, Kicker, Elise, Epps, and Lennox hopping out of the vehicles to look at Megatron's body while Chip and Wheelie both watch from the comfort of the cockpit. Bumblebee hugs Spike, telling him "it's all over, he's gone" while Arcee hugs Carly and Blurr hugs Elise. Optimus then raises his axe in the air and shouts "Autobots, the Cybertronian war is finally over! we've won!" followed by both the Autobots and Humans cheering to celebrate their victory while Wheeljack whips out the Shock-blast cannon 2.0 to blow up the Megatron statue. Spike then walks up to Carly and asks her if she remembers that thing he wanted to tell her earlier back at HQ. Carly says "yeah, what about it?" followed by Spike getting on one knee and whipping out the ring box, finally proposing to Carly. Kicker, Elise, and Chip are all shocked to see this followed by Carly saying yes while Elise sits atop the crashed Decepticon fighter and tells Chip "aw, how romantic" followed by the two exchanging knowing glances. the N.E.S.T. vehicles then arrive on the scene re-uniting Spike with his mother who notices the ring on Carly's finger and congratulates her son in finding the confidence in himself to tie the knot with Carly while Kicker bro-hugs Spike. Director Faireborne along with all the citizens of Mission City look at the destroyed cityscape with Simmons saying that Shawn Berger's gonna have a field day with this one. Director Faireborne congratulates the Autobots and their human allies for destroying the Decepticon menace once and for all, but there's still work to be done in helping rebuild all of the damage they caused before Spike tells her "sorry but I can't stay" saying that he's gotta go get hitched followed by Bumblebee transforming into vehicle mode and Spike and Carly hop inside the yellow Camaro and drive off. Simmons smiles and Director Faireborn "ah young love, reminds me of us when we were their age" followed by Marissa Faireborn rolling her eyes.

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