Chapter 2: Return to The Metroplex

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We then cut to Spike and friends along with their Autobot partners returning to The Metroplex in Diego Garcia where they are greeted by Lennox, Epps, Donnelly, Burke, and Graham where Epps congratulates the team on a successful mission. Spike shakes hands with Epps before he is then greeted by Lennox happy to see how far he's come as a soldier and N.E.S.T. agent, telling Spike that he's becoming the man that his father was. Carly then asks Lennox how his daughter is doing, and Lennox tells Carly that she's doing great, saying that she just turned five, showing everyone a picture of his little girl. Carly then tells him "aw she's so cute!" before the Autobots transform into robot mode. Spike then enters his personal quarters to open his drawer to grab a box containing a wedding ring inside, Spike looking at the piece of jewelry wishing he had the confidence to finally propose to Carly. Bumblebee enters the room and asks Spike if he's down for going for a few rounds in the training course, and Spike puts down the ring box and tells Bumblebee "I thought you'd never ask". We then cut to Spike's team training with their Autobot partners, showcasing how much stronger the bond between man and machine has become. (NOTE: the special N.E.S.T. uniforms worn by Spike's team are black with color-coded accents to match their Autobot partners. Yellow for Spike, Red for Kicker, Pink for Carly, Green for Chip, and Blue for Elise). The five Autobots pretend to attack their human partners as part of a drill for what to do during a Decepticon attack followed by Spike, Carly, Kicker, Chip, and Elise firing their arm-mounted grappling hooks (which were invented by Wheeljack) to restrain their Autobot partners before pointing their guns at them. Bumblebee compliments Spike on his training telling him that he's come along pretty well while Arcee tells Carly that she wasn't too bad herself. Blurr tells Elise that she could have been faster while Ironhide tells Kicker that he's pretty quick on the draw, just like Clint Eastwood. Wheeljack keeps track of the five humans reaction time and tells them that they've gotten better since the battle of Egypt, saying that if the Autobots weren't there to protect them the cons would have easily squished them followed by Ironhide saying that now they seem to be perfectly capable of defending themselves like true Autobots. Chip then tells Wheeljack that no one has seen a Decepticon since Egypt, poor Wheelie frightened over hearing the mention of the name "Decepticon" before hiding behind Chip's leg. Bumblebee tells the other Autobots that there must be a reason why they left Earth, saying that they must have been spending the last three years in hiding, plotting their next move and that they must always be ready. Wheeljack then hands Ironhide a pair of new guns he built for him, and Ironhide gets super excited being the weapons enthusiast he is and tells the Autobot inventor that they're perfect, saying that he wish he had some Decepticons to kill. we then see Sideswipe and Sunstreaker lobbing with a ball of scrapmetal, a popular game back on Cybertron. Sunstreaker tosses the ball to Sideswipe, however he misses and the ball ends up hitting the back of Ironhide's head which makes him angry and points his new guns at the twins, telling them "but you'll do just fine" before Sunstreaker and Sideswipe duck for cover. Lennox and Director Faireborn both watch the commotion while Director Faireborn shakes her head in dismay, saying "I swear those two are gonna put me in an early retirement". Lennox tells Faireborn that the Autobots are like a bunch of kids in 30-foot-tall robot bodies, saying that they like to play rough once and a while. meanwhile Elise walks into Chip's personal quarters to see Chip and Wheelie sitting on the couch watching re-runs of the original Star Trek on TV. Elise asks Chip if he's seen this episode and he tells her "yeah I've seen this one, it's the one where Spock goes nuts" followed by Elise patting wheelie on his little head telling the little robot hello. after that, we cut to Spike sitting in his personal quarters to watch some TV only for him to turn on the news just in time to catch a live debate between Agent Simmons (who is now publishing a novel based on the Autobots and their adventures) who is for the human-autobot alliance and TV personality Shawn Berger who is extremely xenophobic and vehemently against the human-Autobot alliance. Bumblebee walks into Spike watching TV just in time to see Shawn Berger talk about how the Transformers are a threat to the human race, saying that the Earth almost got destroyed three years ago by an ancient super-weapon in the Egyptian desert that they built. Simmons corrects Shawn, telling him that weapon was built by the Decepticons and that the Autobots were the ones who stopped it reminding him that they saved the world twice, only for Shawn to interject going as far as to say that the people of Earth would feel a lot safer if the Autobots left the planet and took their little intergalactic civil war somewhere else. Simmons then argues that humanity has benefitted from its alliance with the Autobots, saying that team prime recently saved a village in the middle east from a terrorist attack. Shawn again interrupts, saying that those terrorists were using illegally-acquired alien technology, which they would have never gotten their hands on if they hadn't let the extraterrestrials into Earth's borders. Shawn then goes on a rant over how the Autobots were the ones who brought their war to Earth causing untold amounts of casualties, however the debate is cut off by Bumblebee blowing up the TV with his plasma blaster, saying that he's tired of hearing that man ruin the good name of the transformers. Spike then gets off the couch, asking Bumblebee if he's up for a drive, and Bumblebee tells Spike that he thought he'd never ask. Spike and Bumblebee both walk through the hallways, walks past Mirage who looks at bee with a passing scowl while Spike moves out of the way of Mirage's giant foot. Spike asks Bumblebee what his deal is, and Bumblebee tells Spike that there's always been something "off" about Mirage, he never wants to talk about his past making him very mysterious and untrustworthy. Bumblebee then transforms into his Camaro mode for Spike to hop into before driving off. we then cut to the Nemesis where we see Starscream sitting on his throne asking Shockwave about the progress of his spy, telling the one-eyed Decepticon scientist that it's been three whole years and he hasn't responded. Shockwave kneels before Starscream and tells him that the spy has been preoccupied for the past three years infiltrating the Autobots and gaining their trusts. Starscream then gets impatient, yelling at Shockwave to tell his spy to hurry up. and then right on cue Shockwave is contacted by his spy who informs Shockwave that he has discovered the location of the Omega key, explaining that it is located in a N.E.S.T. facility in Siberia. Starscream asks Shockwave what the Omega key is, and Shockwave shows Starscream a holographic image of the key, explaining to Starscream that the Omega key is the key required to activate the Autobot ship known as The Ark. Shockwave then shows a holographic image of The Ark, explaining that The Ark was an Autobot transport ship carrying pillars that when activated together can open a spacebridge large enough to send their hidden fleet to Earth. Starscream then gets off his throne, telling Shockwave "then what are we waiting for? lets get that key!" before Starscream and the Seekers transform into their jet modes and fly out of the Nemesis. we then cut to Optimus just outside the Metroplex visiting headstones with the Autobot insignia engraved on each one erected in memory of his fallen comrades: Jazz, Cliffjumper, and Jetfire. Lennox then walks up to Optimus and places his hand on his leg, telling him that he understands the feeling, saying that he lost many people he considered brothers in the line of battle, mentioning Fig in passing. Optimus tells Lennox that they may be from different worlds, but this war has affected us all. Lennox then tells Optimus that General Witwicky wanted to him tell him after that Ratchet is waiting for him aboard the N.E.S.T. carrier jet to go to Siberia where the Energon detectors have detected Decepticon activity, the first in three years since the battle of Egypt. Optimus clenches his fist upon hearing the name "Decepticon" and transforms into truck mode, attaching to his trailer before boarding the jet and taking off. after that, we cut to Spike and Bumblebee driving laps around the racetrack located outside the Metroplex, Spike yelling in excitement having a massive adrenaline rush. after they stop, Spike tells Bumblebee that he can't believe it's been five years since that fateful day he got his first car for his 16th birthday that turned out to be a robot from space. little did he know that he would end up helping save the world twice. Bumblebee tells Spike that they both have come a long way since then, saying that five years ago he was just a meek Autobot scout who lost his voice but two years later he was leading team prime in Optimus's absence. Spike then takes the ring box out of his pocket to look at the ring inside, Bumblebee asking Spike what's up with the ring. Spike explains to Bumblebee that he wants to finally propose to Carly, saying that he's sure she's the one he wants to be with and that Bumblebee won't understand since he's a robot from space and all. however their conversation is interrupted when Carly arrives on the scene riding on Arcee's vehicle mode, Carly asking Spike what's up which scares Spike who scrambles to put the ring box back in his pocket and tell her nothing, saying that him and Bumblebee were just driving a few laps around the Metroplex. after that, we then cut to Mirage turning invisible to sneak into the N.E.S.T. computer room before plugging a thumb drive into the computer to download encrypted N.E.S.T. files about the location of the Ark along with the location of the Omega key. Mirage then notices Bumblebee and Arcee returning with their human partners from outside the door and exits the room just in time before his cloaker wears off. Mirage transforms into his Ferrari convertible mode to drive off before anyone notices him. Spike then returns to his personal quarters to have a skype call with his mother Sarah Witwicky, who is happy to see her son again asking how her little N.E.S.T. agent is doing. Spike tells his mother not to call him that, saying that he's 21 now. Spike then shows his mom the ring box, telling her that he plans on proposing to Carly. this excites Sarah, telling her son that she's so proud of him saying that's so romantic. Spike tells her that there's on itty bitty problem: he doesn't have the confidence to tell her his true feelings. Sarah tells her son that there's nothing to be afraid of, telling Spike that his father was the exact same way when he first proposed to her. Spike laughs at the thought of his gruff military general of a father being a big softie. Spike gets all emotional and tells his mother "there's never a day I go without thinking about dad... I miss him" followed by Sarah telling her son "I miss him too". Sarah asks Spike how Bumblebee's doing, and Spike tells her that he's doing fine, saying that each of their rooms are big enough to accommodate human and Autobot alike, followed by Bumblebee entering the room telling Mrs. Witwicky hi.

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