Chapter 6: The spy

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After that, we cut back to the nemesis where Shockwave and Megatron walk through the hallways of the Nemesis and catch up on old times, Shockwave telling Megatron how happy he is to have him back in charge. Megatron tells shockwave that he is glad to have his chief scientist again, asking the one-eyed Decepticon what brings him to this star system after he was tasked with guarding Cybertron while Megatron was away. Shockwave then informs Megatron that thanks to intel he gathered from a spy he hired to infiltrate the Autobots he has gathered information on a hidden fleet of Decepticon ships on the dark side of Earth's moon. Megatron asks Shockwave why they're wasting their time sitting here instead of activating the fleet and conquering the planet, and Shockwave tells Megatrion that in order to use the fleet to conquer Earth they need a spacebridge large enough to transport that many ships and troops, the only known way to open one that large would be to use the pillar technology which was thought to have been lost with the Autobot spaceship, the Ark. Megatron tells Shockwave he's heard of the Ark, saying that it was the ship that belonged to his old mentor Sentinel Prime, and was never seen again when he left Cybertron's atmosphere but his spy discovered the location of the Ark on Earth's moon along with the location of the omega key which they needed to access the ship's cargo hold, so he along with Starscream and the seekers tracked down the key to a Siberian N.E.S.T. outpost where they found it along with four incarcerated Decepticons which he recruited to bolster their ranks. however he lost the key to the Autobots, which can be chocked up to Starscream's incompetence. Megatron tells Shockwave that he's not surprised, saying that Starscream's been just as much of at thorn in his side as the Autobots. Shockwave tells Megatron not to be worried, revealing to his master that he found a way to keep Starscream and his little seeker buddies busy, telling him that he sent them to Earth to collect Energon to refuel the Nemesis in preparation for the coming invasion before we cut to Starscream, Skywarp, Thundercracker, and Slipstream stockpiling Energon cubes at an Energon refinery. after that, we cut back to the Metroplex where Optimus introduces Sentinel to the rest of the team: his chief medical officer Ratchet who helped bring Sentinel back to life, his loyal weapons specialist Ironhide who introduces Sentinel to his cannons while quoting more Clint Eastwood, their resident mechanic and inventor Wheeljack who whips out his wrenches and tells Sentinel he likes science, his second-in-command Arcee of which Sentinel objects to as the idea of a female Autobot in a high-ranking military position is foreign to him. Arcee scoffs at Sentinel's blatant sexism before Optimus tries to change the subject before things get out of hand, Optimus introducing Sentinel to the team speedster Blurr who shakes Sentinel's hand at fifty miles an hour. Sentinel tells Blurr that he's got a good handshake followed by Optimus introducing Sentinel to the twins Sideswipe and Sunstreaker and their stealth expert Mirage before finally introducing them to their loyal sergeant Bumblebee who salutes Sentinel, telling the former prime that it's an honor. Optimus then introduces Sentinel to the five brave humans that helped the Autobots save this planet from the Decepticons twice: Spike Witwicky, Carly Spencer, Kicker Jones, Chip Chase, and Elise Presser followed by Wheelie poking his head out of Chip's backpack. Sentinel compliments the five for their bravery to stand up to Megatron in spite of their small size. Kicker tells Sentinel that they couldn't have done it without their Autobots backing them up, followed by Kicker and Ironhide fist-bumping. Spike climbs up on Bumblebee's shoulder and tells Sentinel that he and his friends have a special connection with the Autobots which transcends worlds. Mirage then turns invisible, which makes Bumblebee suspicious. Spike asks Bumblebee what's wrong, and Bumblebee tells Arcee that Mirage has been acting strange lately and he's gotta get to the bottom of this. Spike then shouts "Bumblebee wait!" only for Carly to put her hand on Spike's shoulder to tell Spike to relax and that he'll be fine. we then cut to Mirage entering the room where N.E.S.T. is keeping all of their recovered artifacts including the Allspark and Omega key. Mirage comes across the pillars before contacting Shockwave to inform him that the Autobots have brought the pillars back to Earth from the wreckage of the Ark, along with reviving the Autobots former leader Sentinel Prime. Mirage then picks up two of the pillars and tells Shockwave that he'll return to the Nemesis with the pillars before the Autobots can see him. but unfortunate for Mirage, his cloaker wears off just as Bumblebee enters the room to catch him with the pillars in his hands. Bumblebee asks Mirage what's going on, and Mirage contacts shockwave that an Autobot has caught him red-handed before requesting backup. Mirage then stabs Bumblebee in the side with his rapier causing him to collapse. Bumblebee then exclaims "you were the spy all along!" before Mirage transforms into his vehicle mode and drives off with two of the pillars in his backseat. Bumblebee then broadcasts a message to the entire Metroplex that Mirage is the spy and he's escaping with two of the pillars. Director Faireborn orders all N.E.S.T. personnel to put the entire Metroplex on lockdown to prevent Mirage from escaping. Sentinel tells the other Autobots that they must safeguard the pillars, followed by Optimus telling the rest of team prime to stop Mirage by any means necessary. Bumblebee then limps onto the scene, bleeding energon from the wound where Mirage stabbed him informing the Autobots that Mirage didn't get all the pillars, just two of them. the rest are safe. Ratchet tends to Bumblebee's wounds while Wheeljack explains to his fellow Autobots that with Mirage's cloaking ability he could have gone anywhere, followed by Spike telling Carly that there's something he's been wanting to tell her for a while, only for Director Faireborn to interrupt their conversation telling them that it can wait reminding the two that there's a rogue Autobot at large meaning there's no time for romance. Lennox tells Faireborne that he and his commandos will help the Autobots search the facility for their little double agent. Donnelly then tells Lennox that it can't be too hard, saying that their gear is equipped with Energon detection technology so even when he's invisible they can track him. Burke then exclaims "finally some action!" while Arcee, Blurr, Wheeljack, and the twins agree to accompany them before transforming into their vehicle modes. Lennox hops on Arcee, Epps hops in Blurr, Donnelly hops in Wheeljack, Burke hops in Sideswipe, and Graham hops in Sunstreaker and the five drive off in search of Mirage while Ratchet, Ironhide, and Bumblebee stand guard to protect Spike and his friends. we then cut to the Autobots driving through the hallways of the Metroplex only for Donnelly to inform the others commandos that he has detected an invisible car right in front of them. Lennox then orders his men to open fire followed by the commandos firing their weapons at Mirage causing his cloaker to wear off and to transform into robot mode. the commandos all hop off the Autobots to aim their weapons at Mirage followed by Arcee, Blurr, Wheeljack, Sideswipe, and Sunstreaker transforming into their robot modes and also aiming their weapons at Mirage followed by Spike, Carly, Kicker, Chip, Ironhide, Ratchet, Optimus, and Bumblebee arriving on the scene with Bumblebee electrocuting Mirage in the back with his stingers causing him to fall over and drop the pillars. Sentinel arrives on the scene to pick up the two pillars while Arcee points her crossbow up at Mirage's face and asks him "how could you?" and Mirage tells her that he had his reasons before we cut to a flashback explaining his backstory: long before the war, Mirage was a wealthy socialite from Cybertron's upper-class. being a rich bot unaffected by the caste system, he enjoyed the finer things in life: vintage energon, swank evening events, and turbofox hunts on the grounds. however that all changed when the war broke out and he lost all his wealth. now broke, Mirage took up the job of an assassin-for-hire just to get by putting his cloaking ability to good use. Mirage goes on to explain that this is when he fell in with the wrong crowd, being hired by the Decepticon scientist Shockwave to infiltrate the Autobots and gain their trust, accompanied by a scene with Mirage being branded with the Autobot insignia by Decepticon drones followed by his optics switching from red to blue. we cut back to the present where Mirage explains that he hates this war and would be glad to see it end, which is what Shockwave promised him if he sided with the Decepticons: a promise to help restore peace to this war-torn universe. Ironhide readies his cannons, asking Optimus permission to obliterate this traitor. however Optimus tells Ironhide to stand down before asking Mirage what the Decepticons are planning. Mirage then informs Optimus that Megatron is back and he'll be arriving here soon with his whole crew and that they're coming for the pillars.

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