Chapter 4: Megatron alone

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After that, we cut to the Nemesis where we see Starscream and the seekers are getting patched up by Decepticon medical drones, with Starscream's arm getting re-attached to his body before we cut to Shockwave showing Astrotrain, Junkheap, and the Battlechargers around the Nemesis while informing them that they've been stuck in cryo-stasis for the past three years, Astrotrain asking Shockwave what took him so long to free him and the others. Shockwave tells him that things haven't been easy for the Decepticons, as after the supposed death of their leader Megatron that idiot Starscream has been calling the shots now and doing a pretty poor job at it. Shockwave and his crew then enter the Medical chamber where Starscream scolds Shockwave for letting the Omega key fall into the hands of the Autobots, however Shockwave assure his boss that it's all part of the plan as the Autobots are transporting the key to the Metroplex as we speak where his spy will be waiting for it. Starscream growls, telling Shockwave that he better be right, unless the spy has gone soft from his time spent with the Autobots. Starscream then asks Shockwave where Soundwave is, and Shockwave tells Starscream that he sent the Decepticon communications officer on a mission to Earth to recover something that was thought to have been lost three years ago. we then cut to a Chinook helicopter flying over Namibia, Africa where several savanna wildlife such as Lions, Elephants, Zebras, and Wildebeest watch the mysterious flying object hover over the grassy plains before we zoom in to see that the chopper has a Decepticon insignia painted on the side. the chopper then transforms into robot mode revealing it to be none other than Megatron who growls at the local wildlife scaring them all off. Megatron walks over to his makeshift campsite made from the pieces of the destroyed star harvester and sits down to talk to The Fallen's severed head on a pike, saying "master... even in death you always seem to look at me with disappointment. I should have heeded your words, I was no match for the prime. Now that idiot Starscream is probably ruling over the Decepticons in my absence, while I'm stuck on this miserable planet left to rot". Megatron starts sulking before looking at his horrifically-scarred reflection in the water, contemplating everything he's done that's led to him being stranded on Earth all alone, low on energon while also slowly losing his mind. Megatron is frustrated with his weakened state, the left side of his face disfigured from the Star Harvester explosion as a reminder of his defeat at the hands of the Autobots along with being forced to scan a disgusting earth vehicle form in order to hide from the Autobots and their human allies, saying that he'd rather be dead. Megatron spots Laserbeak flying over his head before landing on Soundwave's arm, Megatron happy to see his faithful communications officer again. Soundwave then kneels before Megatron and tells his master that it's time to come home. we then cut to Optimus and Ratchet returning to Diego Garcia before Optimus transforms into robot mode to demand Director Faireborn what is going on, showing her the Omega key demanding to know how this got into human custody. Director Faireborn tells Optimus that there is only so much that N.E.S.T. is permitted to tell him and his robot buddies. Ironhide tells Director Faireborn that she best not make him angry, and Director Faireborn sighs before telling the truth: that this key was discovered along with a crashed Autobot ship on Earth's moon by astronauts during the space race between the U.S. and the Soviets in the 1960s. Lennox, The Commandos, and Spike's team are all shocked to hear this, followed by Optimus telling Faireborn that this key belonged to the Autobot transport ship known as The Ark and its captain. Faireborn asks who the captain is, and Optimus explains to her that the captain was none other than the great Sentinel Prime, who was the last one to bear the matrix of leadership and lead the Autobots before him. He goes on to say that during the early days of the war when Megatron and his Decepticons began their uprising, Sentinel took off into space aboard the Ark which was carrying technology that could have changed the tides of the war, pillars that when activated can open a spacebridge that could transport an entire army across the galaxy. If the Decepticons were to get their hands on the pillars, they could use it to conquer and enslave any free worlds they desired. Sentinel knew the pillars could not fall into Megatron's grasp, which is why he exiled himself into space leaving Optimus behind to defend Cybertron and lead the Autobots in his place, never to be seen again... until now. Ratchet then tells Director Faireborn that this doesn't explain how the Decepticons found out about the key's existence, and Optimus tells the rest of the team that this is worse than he thought, saying that he believes there is a spy in the Autobot ranks who has been gathering intel for the Decepticons right under their noses, all the while Mirage looks at Optimus with a scowl. After that, we cut back to the Nemesis where we see Starscream sitting proudly atop his throne with Shockwave, Astrotrain, Junkheap, the Battlechargers, and the Seekers standing guard. However Megatron suddenly enters the throne room alongside Soundwave and Laserbeak. Starscream is shocked to see Megatron alive, asking how it's even possible. Megatron just says "first you left me to die frozen in the ice, then you left me to rot in the desert where I nearly lost my sanity. This is bad comedy" before blasting at Starscream with his fusion cannon. Starscream refuses to get off the throne and orders the other Decepticons to attack Megatron, however Shockwave, Astrotrain, Junkheap, Runamuck, and Runabout all turn on Starscream and side with Megatron, Shockwave telling Starscream that logic dictates Megatron is the one true leader of the Decepticons followed by Skywarp, Thundercracker, and Slipstream choosing to side with Starscream aiming their weapons at Megatron leading to a stand-off between the two parties. Megatron then fires the first shot from his fusion cannon which causes the cowardly Starscream to leap off the throne to dodge Megatron's blast, followed by Megatron whipping out his Energon mace to swing it at Starscream sending the Decepticon seeker crashing into the wall of the Nemesis. the other seekers rush to the aid of their master as Megatron sits on The Fallen's old throne, telling his fellow Decepticons that he is now the one true emperor of destruction followed by Soundwave, Shockwave, Astrotrain, Junkheap, and the Battlechargers kneeling before Megatron followed by the Decepticon leader exclaiming "ah, it's good to be back".

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