XXXIII: Dreaming Him!

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The icy wind blew through my hair, making goosebumps rise on my skin. I was standing in the middle of Pont de l'Alma; the bridge had no sign of life to be seen, just plain road, almost like a ghost town.

The misty cloud was speedily covering the street, but among the ghostly smokiness, I noticed a dark silhouette. I couldn't see the face clearly but I could say he's tall.

My feet moved involuntary towards it, I tried to stop but it was as if my body had a mind of its own. Then I halted as I saw the mysterious man walk towards me, the mist slowly vanishing as he came near, the tall figure was familiar, I remember him but where? The sharp features of his face became prominent making me gasp as I recognized who it was. Those alluring green eyes belong to only one man I know.

"Mr King!" I whispered. He had a beautiful smile making my heart skip few beats. Butterflies were creating havoc in my stomach, I don't know why I'm feeling this but it's a nice feeling almost overwhelming and exciting.

"Athena" my name rolled so smoothly from his tongue, I closed my eyes sighing deeply enjoying the sound of my name from his sexy voice.

"Open your eyes Athena" I smiled and obeyed his command, my eyes slightly widened to see him standing near to my face, reminding me of our first kiss. My cheeks turned beet red as I recalled the feel of his soft lips on mine, raising his right hand he cupped my face in his warm hands, I leaned into his touch, a contented sigh escaped my lips making his smile brightly, his eyes glimmering with care and affection, something which I've always wanted to see. "Where were you?" I asked him breathlessly,

"You missed me?" his smile turned into a boyish smirk, as he rose an eyebrow.

"Yeah" I don't know from where I got the guts to admit it.

I heard him chuckle as he pulled me towards his chest as he rested his head in the crook of my neck. I sighed in relief as I wrapped my arms around him, the smell of cherries entered my nose.

Wait that's not how he smells! I frowned opening my eyes, I didn't find him anywhere, my eyes frantically searched for him as I called his name several times. "Mr. King where are you?" I yelled

"You have to wake up Athena" I heard his voice behind, immediately I looked behind and found him standing there with a gentle smile. He looked angelic in his crisp white shirt and black dress pant. A wave of relief washed over me, knowing he didn't leave me, within a second I was sprinting towards him. I frowned seeing him go far, suddenly the bridge shook and the next thing I remember I'm tumbling down into the river below.

"AAAhhhh!!" I screamed opening my eyes, I scanned my surroundings relief and regret taking over my mind. I was relieved to find myself back in the comfort of my room and regret not being able to spend more time with him.

Wait, I was dreaming all this while?

I looked down and found my pillow in my arms. So I was hugging my pillow thinking it was Mr. king?

I was dreaming all this while? "Oh god," I groaned burying my head into the pillow. I'm so ashamed of myself, fantasizing over that handsome boss of mine. How will I ever face him?

"What the hell Athi!" Ruby Hollered, startling me making me fall down the bed landing on my butt. Owww! my face scrunched in pain as I tried to get up "What's wrong with you woman!" I chastised a pissed off Ruby, "Why were you fucking screaming and moaning your boss name!" my jaw dropped to the floor as I took in her words, I wasn't moaning his name right?

I averted my gaze, my cheeks reddened even more. I couldn't find anything to argue with "I wasn't" I mumbled, uncertainty clear in my voice. "And what a great way to start Christmas," I say rolling my eyes at her. She scoffed pointing a finger at me "And you had to wake me up screaming Mr. King where are you?" she mocked my tone and it was nowhere near it, let me tell you it sounded more like a dying cat.

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