XXIII: Fuzzy Feelings!

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The car stopped in front of a majestic looking hotel. I bet the bills are going to tear my pocket but thank goodness Mr.King is going to pay. hehe! Perks of working for a rich guy. I climbed out the car and followed him inside. He went to the reception area while I stood in the lobby admiring the prestige white marble flooring, huge crystal chandeliers, brown and maroon furniture, the creme colour walls which had gold accents. The total place screams money money money!

"Enough Gawking and follow me" The insolent man's rude voice snapped me back to reality.

I shot him a glare which he ignored with an eye roll and strode towards the lift. Grumbling a string of profanities I followed him. I stepped into the lift, Noticing him typing away on his phone. How much does he love to work? Is there anything else he likes to do apart from working?

Yeah! Making fun of me!

"This your room card" he handed me a gold coloured card. Which has room no.443 written on it. I accepted it while thanking him.The doors opened and we walked out before Mr.King halted and turned back to face me. "You can rest for a while then we'll have to go for a meeting at four. "

"Meeting?" I frowned

He narrowed his eyes, giving me a 'Are you an Idiot' Kinda look "Miss. Walker, we're here for business matters and not for taking a damn vacation"

Words rushed to the tip of my tongue to snap back at him but I chose to simply nod like an idiot and went to search my room. I'm really tired and I don't want to waste my diminishing energy on him.


"Hmm, so this is my room"

I scanned the card and the door opened. I immediately rushed inside, my eyes widening as I took in the sight of the room I'll be staying for god knows how many days. The whole room was cream and ivory in colour and it's got an en suit bathroom. A door which I guess leads to the closet is beside it. Then there's a french window which led to the balcony and finally a queen sized bed covered in gold and creme sheets with tons of Pillows.

Oh bed! I missed you!

Not even bothering to change I leaped onto the bed, the fluffy monster immediately engulfed me. I sighed in relief "There's noting better than yummy food and sleep"

Within seconds I went into deep slumber.


I woke up to my stomach screaming for food. "Oh my stomach, I'll feed you soon" I cooed to myself. haha! I know I'm insane.

I glanced at the clock, it read 14:56. SHIT!!!!!!! I can't believe I slept for five hours! I climbed down the bed hurriedly and took my suitcase before racing to the en suit. I only have one hour to get ready for the meeting. Oh God, He's gonna give me an earful.

I stripped myself from the clothes and got into the shower. After ten minutes of showering and then drying, I brushed my teeth and searched my suitcase for an appropriate dress to wear. I noticed all were my new clothes.

I chose a light blue dress and white blazer and paired it with creme heels. After changing I went outside and noticed him waiting near the lift. I took my sweet time to admire his handsomeness. He was dressed in a deep blue suit and brown leather shoes. Ahh that suit clung to his body leaving no room for imagination. Damn! How hot could this man get.

I cleared my throat when I reached him. He glanced at me, his eyes raked my figure boredly before meeting my eyes with slight amusement.

"I'm surprised to see you on time." he stated with a smug smirk. Oh how I wish I could slap his gorgeous face!

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