XVI: Call em!

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Back in Athena's mansion in New York

"How could she do this to us after all we've done for her?" Antony Walker, Athena's father grumbled in disbelief as he clutched the piece of paper in his right palm. It was her letter.

Athena's mother, sniffled, her chocolate brown eyes filled with tears for her daughter. It's been over a week since she left the house without telling where she intended to go. The letter stated that she's tired of living her life inside this golden cage, No matter how many riches she's been showered with it doesn't change the fact that she's been living in a cage.

When time came, she choose to escape and become a free bird chasing her dreams and not allowing her father to overrule her dreams and ambition.

"Did you find her?" Lilah asked worriedly, her teary eyes hoping to hear a positive response

Antony lowered his head, sighing through his nose. He couldn't disappoint his wife but he has to tell her the truth.

"No" he mumbled barely above a whisper however She heard him, her eyes resumed it's water works

She sobbed clutching her mouth, Antony walked over to her before pulling her into a hug. She buried her head onto his chest crying her eyes out, He ran his hand through her silky hair soothingly while whispering about how he'll surely find their daughter.

Where is she ? He thought frowning at Nothing particular.

"I promise I'll bring her back" he vowed to his wife, placing a soft kiss on her hair.

They were engrossed in their moment not noticing another pair of Brown eyes staring at them sadly. Alex stood by her father's study room watching her parents, her lower lip quivered slightly.
Why did you leave us Enna? We were a perfect family!



I looked up from the screen when I heard my new nick name given by Emma.

Emma strode into my office wearing her signature bright smile. How does she manage to look so perfect even after a hectic day of work?

I smiled tiredly, my hair was all over my face as I didn't get time to tuck it back into my bun. "Hey Emma!"

She sat across from me "How's it coming?" she asked smugly eyeing the pile of files on my desk which were trying to drown me into it's never ending problems.

i groaned "Were you planning to kill me by giving this task I thought my life would become a lot easier after meeting you but looks like i underestimated you" I mock glared to which she laughed

If i thought working with Mr.Devil was difficult? then this is strenuous. I've been under training for three days and trust me it was worse than hell. Emma kills me with tasks and gets away with her bright smile which will surely blind me. However, i enjoyed her company, we've grown a lot closer and i regret judging her by her looks on that day.

She's been working here for five years and now got transferred to New York but decided to train me before leaving permanently. which saddened me.

"This isn't too much, it's only twenty files. Piece of cake!" she shrugged nonchalantly, her smile still intact.

"For you!" I pouted, my eyes lit up remembering the cake that I've brought for snack "but if you want i'll give you an actual piece of cake" I suggested, my lips pulled up at the corner

Her baby blue eyes

"Really, where is it? which one did you bring today? is it strawberry?" "Whoa there, hold your horses and yes it's your favourite strawberry"

Fire And Flames (Under major Editing)Where stories live. Discover now