XIII. Little Sister

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I stepped outside and noticed the devil standing beside a sleek deep blue car, his left hand shoved into his dress pant pocket while he held his phone on the other. Sheesh, why do all arrogant men have to be so drop-dead handsome! I moved closer to grab his attention. He raised his eyes meeting mine for a millisecond before looking back at the phone.


"Get in!" His cold and emotionless voice commanded me.

I sighed heavily and opened the back door before climbing in, followed by him. I noticed a blond guy sitting behind the wheel, dressed formally.

"Jean! Drive to Paulo Headquarters," Mr.King stated dismissively.

Jean nodded and drove towards the destination. I glanced at Mr.King who was frowning at the mobile. Doesn't he ever wear a normal expression?

"Miss Walker if you want to ask something then ask instead of staring" his icy tone snapped me

I blinked a few times I thought he wouldn't notice! "I wasn't staring at you!. Why are we going there? I didn't bring any files or my stuff" I attempted to switch the topic, my cheeks heating up in embarrassment of being caught.

Hey, come on! Anybody will stare at the Adonis sitting beside me!

Adonis huh?

oh, shut up!

"It's not required just stay by my side and DO NOT speak anything" I heard a slight mischievous tone.

I narrowed my eyes and turned towards him "Huh? If he asks who I am?"

He seemed to think for a moment before smirking, that smirk that says this going to be fun. "Tell them You're my sister"

I gaped at him, his sister? What the fu**! I would've died out of coldness if he was actually my brother. I felt creeped by the thought.

"What's the use?"

"That's for me to know. Now just act like a kind and sweet little sister," he smirked, his tone slightly joking.

I pouted and huffed looking away. Kind and sweet little sister! I mocked his words. My foot! Wait and watch how I'll be a sweet girl!

After 20 minutes we reached the place, it was a tall building but not as magnificent as King's. We stepped out and entered the building, I followed Mr. King like a lost puppy, wearing an innocent look.

"Welcome Mr.King" A tall brunet guy, with blue eyes, greeted him. He looked around in his late twenties. Mr.King nodded in response, the guy looked at me wearing a confused expression. "You must be_"

"My sister, she's deaf so don't bother talking to her." He spoke blankly, not even feeling an ounce of sympathy for his deaf sister!

I gave a tight-lipped smile while killing this man beside me over and over in my head. Now I have to act dumb, I don't even know sign language, this is so embarrassing!

I looked down hoping the floor would crack open to swallow me.

But no it didn't happen!

I glanced at him, he smirked and held my hand, not to forget painfully. I winced slightly because of the bruise. I couldn't even protest as I'm left tongue-tied. He might've noticed my discomfort as he released his grip but still held firmly. We reached the floor where another man who looked like the older version of the guy who guided us.

Fire And Flames (Under major Editing)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon