IX. Him Again

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"He freaking did that??!!" Ruby yelled in disbelief, pacing around the room.

I know I shouldn't have said anything to her. I tried to hide my bruises from her, but it never goes unnoticed by her hawk eyes. Now for the past half an hour I had to explain everything from spilling latte to him, almost choking me.

"Ya, he did, but he also gave me medicine." I don't know why am I taking his side instead I should think of filing a case for harassment.

"Aww, really?" She made a dreamy expression. Omg! Did she just completely forget what he did? I think she's having mood swings. Ruby and her mood swings are a horrible combination.

I remember once Kyle, one of our best friends, told her she looked like a pancake and it didn't end well. Kyle had bruises all over his face and chest, Derek and I had to pull Ruby away by force before she murdered poor Kyle.

After that day, none of us made fun of her when she's pms-ing

"Yes, he did that, as he's supposed to because he's the one who hurt me." I clenched my fist while gritting my teeth thinking about that rude monster.

"Hmmm" she nodded, sitting back on the sofa.

"Anyways, tell me about your work" I changed the subject to distract my mind from the drama that happened back in the office.

She heaved a heavy sigh before slumping her shoulders "Work is exhausting, There are a lot of things to do and our fashion show is within a month."

"Ohh, by the way my boss behaves I could say the same for my future." I purse my lips in disdain knowing it's going to be tough for me to work under him.

She chuckled "Let's hope for the best"


We continued watching Netflix, munching on some popcorn. We spent the rest of the evening lazily, talking, watching TV and to celebrate me getting a job, she ordered take out.

I yawned, closing my eyes and resting my head backwards. I glanced at the clock, its already ten. I sighed and stood on my feet. Ruby was already asleep on the sofa. I smiled and cleared the table, before throwing the rubbish into the bin.

I turned off the TV and brought a blanket to cover Ruby. She's going to get muscle cramps by sleeping on the sofa but I'm too lazy to carry her back to her room.

I went back to my room and did my night routine before getting into bed. I switched off the night lap and rested my head on the soft pillow.

Tomorrow is the first day of my job and I'm going to see him everyday. Wish I could escape this but that would mean I'm running away from him. I don't want to give him that satisfaction, this is going to be a tough game and I'm going to be crowned the winner.

I felt my eyes dropping and slowly I was engulfed by darkness.


I reached my office fifteen minutes early, now I don't know what to do. I twirled on my seat as a way to kill time. He could've at least sent an email of instructions.

I looked at my watch, one more minute to 7:30. I gathered a notepad and a pen before heading to his office. I knocked on the door not expecting a reply but I heard a low 'come in'.

I opened the door and walked in, closing the door slowly behind me. I went towards his desk. He was wearing a navy blue suit with black shirt and matching tie. His hair was combed to perfection, not even a single strand out of place but what made his look a downfall was the look on his face.

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