XVII: Almost!

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A/N: this chapter is unedited, I wrote it in a rush but I'm posting it cause I don't want to keep you lovely readers waiting! 😘😀😊😎, Don't forget to vote or else I won't update soon! 😎)


I'm glad that I called my mother, it felt as if a boulder has been removed from my shoulders. It felt good to know that there's someone from my family who knew where I was.

I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard the intercom go off, now what does this devil want?

I picked it up lazily, holding it against my ear preparing to hear his booming voice "Miss Walker come to my cabin." my eyebrows shot up listening to his calm voice.

My lips parted to ask whether it's really him or not but he hung up saving me from embarrassing myself. I got up from my seat, taking my iPad before walking over to his office.

I knocked on his door twice hearing a low 'come in' I opened the door and stepped in cautiously before closing the door behind.

I went near his desk making sure to stay as far as possible in case I have to run. who knows when he'll attack?

He was standing near the window, his hands shoved into his navy blue suit pant pockets, his upper body cladded in crisp white shirt which seemed to fit him like second skin giving me an idea of his muscular physique beneath it, his veiny arms on show as the sleeves were rolled up.

How would he look without a shirt?

What am I thinking? He's your boss! The devil!

A sexy devil!

"You've called me Mr.King, Is there anything I should do?" I asked, hoping he didn't notice me eye raping him.

He turned around, my mouth went dry looking at his handsome features. The top few buttons were undone, showing his olive skin and chiseled chest which I wish to run my hands on.

Get yourself together!

I painfully peeled my eyes away from it meeting his forest eyes which weren't surprisingly cold. His brown hair messed up, few lazy strand falling over his forehead giving him a brooding look.

"I've got a task for you!"

I didn't realise he was standing right in front of me. When did he come here? I angled my head up as I'm very short and he's over a foot taller than me.

I'm like a midget in front of him!

Curse my stupid genes!

The smell of his cologne tickled my nose, he smelt like autumn breeze. Warm and fresh! It took a lot for me to not warp my arms around him and take a whiff of his manly scent which is driving me crazy!

I bit lip when that thought crossed my mind, remember you hate him, don't ya?

I think I'm having second thoughts!

"What is it?" I whispered, staring into the deep forest.

why am I whispering?

And what might be the task?

His warm and minty breath fanned my forehead. I regret being short, even with five inch heels I reached only till his chin. Why is he standing so near? My mind is having a frenzy at this proximity.

"Re-type these folders and mail them to me by tonight." he says blankly with his signature poker face. I blinked few times, that's it?

why am I disappointed?

Fire And Flames (Under major Editing)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang