Chapter Forty Five- Final chapter

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Thank you guys for coming on this long yet short journey with me.

Thank you very much. I hope you get closure with your favourite characters....I will start the last book in the Islanders series by the weekend .. it will follow Tobi Talabi....don't forget to follow to get notifications!!!!


Timi woke up to the sound of his phone buzzing in his room in the bunker.

   He looked over at his wife on the other side of the king sized bed and the baby sleeping in their middle. Before turning to pick his phone by the bed side, he pressed on the power button and saw missed calls from Ola,Tobi and his parents.

   He covered himself with a robe and strolled out. He walked over to the rooms his children were sleeping in before strolling into the study area he had prepared. He sat on the chair there as he watched the CCTV cameras all over his estate.
    Everything was fine for now and the dogs and guards were on steady patrol.

    He looked at his phone again. He dialled Tobi's number. He ran his hand through his hair as he waited for him to pick up.


"I saw your calls. What's wrong"

"Come over to Grandfather's now"

"What is it about"

' come over now!" He said firmly and hung up.

    Timi got dressed as quick as he could and  left a note by his bed side before leaving. Changing the password to the elevator which he had notified Dara about. He had asked all the staffs in his house to stay away from work since he and Dara returned with the baby. So no one needed to come in or out of the house except him.
   He strolled out of his house in all black- A black suit, a black leather wrist watch, black shoes, black tie. The driver pulled a black Audi to his front and he got in.

      Grandfather's felt quite. As he stepped out of his car, he spotted his mother on the front porch.

    She looked uneasy to him but to someone else who wasn't part of their family, she was yet another Islander wife giving orders on how she wanted her house to be.

      He jogged up to her.

" Timi, let's go inside"

But they walked past the foyer and he followed where she led. They were no maids in the house as they passed.

   They stopped in front of Grandfather's room. That was when his mother broke into tears.
"Go in"

    He contemplated going in... Would his own mother lure him into his death?

He needed to call his wife and kids if that's the case

"Just go in" she said between sobbs before walking away.

    He looked from his left to his right,he  was alone on the corridor.

  He took out his phone and sent a quick message to his wife.

" I love you... take care of the kids"

    He closed his eyes and drew in a long breathe before opening the door.

"Good... you are here" Tobi said. He stood by the end of Grandfather's bed next to Ola and her father.

   Timi looked at his father who stood by the feet of Grandfather's bed. He looked at Grandfather's feet peering out from under the duvet.

    He walked into the room slowly, his heart in his mouth as he thought about the fate that might have befallen him in his abscense.

     He walked over to the other side of the bed looking at Grandfather's still body as Ola's father pressed one end of a tetoscope to his chest.
Laila sat on the bed beside the Old man crying silently. She wore black and her eyes were swollen from all the crying.

"The old man is gone" Tobi said as he into a chair in the living area in Grandfather's room.

"How, when..... what!!!" Timi exclaimed

"Who came into his room after the incident last night"

"Nobody...we followed protocols" his father replied "immediately the incident happened all doors were shot. Every help we had were signed out following protocols. The house was searched while everyone of us left went to see Laila. The lasers were on and they were guards on patrol..."

Timi listened partly as his father explained what he already knew.

"Guess it was just his time" Ola said. Timi looked around the room wondering why no one else  was crying. Was it because of the lessons the old man had taught them or was it that they weren't sad he was gone.

"Who knows?"

"Just us in this room and your Mom"

" How long are we planning on hiding this for" Timi asked aloud as he looked from the corpse if his Grandfather to the faces in the room.
     "For as long as we can"
An helicopter approached the house loudly.

      "Clear the halls and make sure all the CCTVs are off" Timi's father ordered him.

     As he approached the door his phone chimed and he brought it out. A message from Dara.

    He opened it to read.

"We love you too..... check the news"

     He turned and headed towards Grandfather's bed side to get the Tv remote. He turned it on.

The newscaster on The National Network held on to her earpiece as she held a finger out

"news has just reached us that the patriarch of the Adegeshin Family as sadly passed away.... With little information we are unable to give details but ....."

Timi switched off the TV.

        "How did they know?" Ola said

" Someone is fucking with us" Tobi yelled "and their timing is nothing but perfect, after yesterday's mess..."

     "Tobi. Timi." Timi's father said as he stared out the window. "Activate the Fallen Plan"

      There was a knock on the door and everyone turned.

"That must be the medics..." Ola's father said as he walked towards the door.

He opened it and two medics entered the room.

   Timi thought about the Fallen Plan. In less than two hours there would be calls from all over the world to know what the facts are. Calls from people who want to know if their shares are safe, if their investments will bring returns and calls from people who just want to know if the old man is really dead.

     Depending on how the world reacts to the news is his death they might release a video Grandfather already made incase he suddenly died, a video that addresses the falseness of the truth.

      Afterwards, his stunt double will take his place in public if the need arises till they are able to stabilise things with their investors. Grandfather was easy to imitate he hardly said anything in public he would grunt and say a few words only to come back to his study to address the issue on paper to whom it may concern. They was a person in place who knew how he dotted his I's and curved the tip of his f, the way he wrote.

        Every other person outside of the people in this room would have zero access to Grandfather's study and room.

  He went low key from his family once in a while, nobody would think it odd. If anything they would be relieved he wasn't calling on them.

Timi thought about the rest of his plans as he watched them wheel grandfather away.

      If the person messing with them was out there ... They would find them.

The end .

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