Chapter twenty one

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"Oh thank you" Tutu said as her fur coat was taken from her by a uniform maid by the door. She admired the house as if she hadn't come from one that was considered big enough. The foyer she and her husband stood in looked like a lobby in an art museum.

"Honey the George's are here!" Kemi yelled. "Thank you for coming and welcome to our home"
   Tutu smiled at her lovingly she couldn't help but admire her physical appearance. Her skin flawless like that of a child when she, Tutu had just recently started to feed her skin with money, Kemi had been born into the wealth that came with perfect skin.

  Tutu has heard rumors about her alcohol problems and her husbands infidelity but Kemi didn't look like her life was anything less than perfect.

      Her husband, Andrew McGregor walked into the foyer, his hands stretched out as he greeted them "the George's are here, welcome". He was of average height and he looked older that she had expected him to.

    He got to them and her husband Daniel reached out to shake his hand but he came in for a hug which made him look at her with a surprised look that only meant "wow, okay, this might be going well after all"
     They broke the hug and he stepped back and looked at her. His eyes swept over Tutu's body like an airport scanning machine which made Tutu uncomfortable. Tutu adjusted herself and looked at Kemi with a shy smile then at her husband after making direct eye contact with Andrew.

   "Tutu, we've heard about your beauty" Andrew said as he placed a longing kiss on the back of her hand. Tutu was yet to make friends in the Islanders society even though they had been to more formal dinners since they joined the society than she had been to in her whole life combined. The Islanders liked to show off and they made use of every chance they got.
"Thank you" She said as she snatched her hand away. The four of them stood in awkward silence for a moment.
   "Good evening, ma" she heard a sweet girly voice say from behind the McGregor's as they parted to review a young girl about Ethan's age. She looked just like Kemi "Good evening,sir"

"Good evening,Darling" Tutu and Daniel said back to the girl who was almost kneeling. She was impressed. The kids hardly ever showed up during dinner and when they did, they hardly showed manners, respect or expression in their voice whenever they greeted.

"My name is Makayla. Mr and Mrs George welcome to our home" she said with her sweet voice in her elegant blue dress and her hair tired back. From the corner of her eyes Tutu could see Kemi put her hand to her cheeks, she must be so proud of the daughter she has raised.

       They all proceeded to the grand dining area, which had more seats than they could ever need. If their number at the table was multiplied by four they would still have enough space to fit ten people.
     They were served their first meal and Tutu and Daniel waited for Andrew to start eating before they proceeded just like she had been taught growing up despite the Islanders lack of formalities at the dinner table she couldn't make herself break certain rules she held dear.

   "Shall we pray?" Makayla said softly.

"Oh really, that will be great" Tutu said excitedly, the Islanders they had been with over dinner did not bring up the subject of prayer and neither did they. She was glad that the McGregor's were different. She couldn't help but admire their lovable child.

   "Mom, Dad....let's pray" she said as she looked at her parents who looked at her. They smiled back at her before holding hands awkwardly. Maybe their marriage truly was on the rocks, Tutu thought.

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