Chapter Nine

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"We were invited by the McGregor's for dinner next week" his mom said excitedly as she looked at him over her coffee cup. He sat down in front of her in the Kitchen. One of the uniformed help placed a plate in front of him and he stopped paying attention to her after that. He adjusted the tie of his uniform and hoped breakfast wouldn't take too long.

"That's a good thing" he said blankly. "as long as you don't make me go"

It was enough that he had to be around her in school, he couldn't bear spending any extra time with her outside of school. He had gone along with her every move to get back at Marcella and he had enjoyed it at first but there was just something about Marcella that made him feel some type of way.

Could she be his Marcy?

He doubted that, his Marcy had so much joy to herself, she was the liveliest person he had ever met.

Makayla on the other hand was hateful of almost everyone. He wasn't going to tell his parents that but he sure as hell wasn't going with them to keep her company.

He had accepted to go to the birthday party with her out of sheer curiosity of how the Islanders celebrated their young ones. He wasn't expecting what he had seen there.

She had come to pick him up at their mansion in the estate in a red Ferrari. He hated sports car but he got in with a smile on his face.

"Thanks for inviting me" he had said
"Thank you for coming" she replied with a smile, watching his every move till he sat down beside her.

She had a black pearl necklace on and a black short dress, her hair was pulled back with a band and she looked like she came out of an episode of Sabrina.

He was yet to get a tour of the estate till now. He had thought their house would be one of the biggest houses in the estate till she drove past enormously bigger houses. Each one owned by one Islander or the other. 

They drove past the apartment building by the gate before driving out into the street. Makayla drove the car graciously on the smooth road. He had yet to experience a road bump since they had moved to the estate.

They drove for a while in silence, they really had nothing in common except their shared feelings about Marcella. He wouldn't say shared because the way MaKayla hated Marcella only made him more curious about her.

Since the first day he met her, he couldn't take her off his mind. They got to a gate with a crest on it.

"Are you lost ma'am" one of the security men in black suit had asked.

"It's Miss McGregor to you" she spat back. They were waved in immediately. They drove into the drive way and stopped the car in front of a castle like building.

His mom had told him they asked her the same question when they saw her driving by herself. They had assumed she was lesser than.

"Every Islander has a chauffeur or at least a driver or two " his mom had said "plus they do it because no one really knows about this places outside of the Islanders circle. You basically can't just walk into the estate"

 Even the staffs couldn't come in if they don't use the staff bus.

He couldn't help but stop and think this had to be the biggest. He knew they were wealth that surpassed wealth but he couldn't help the wave of shock. He took a quick glance of his environment calmly. 

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